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Member Since: 25 Sep 2011 03:30am

Last Seen: 27 Sep 2011 12:13pm

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Alexis|Girl|15|Australia|Blond|Green|Married to George Weasley

Enjoy My Stories!

  1. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2011 8:42am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 12.
    Fred was even more depressed than he was before, and I knew it was all my fault. I had caused him and George to fight and I felt horrible. I sat in the common room with Fred staring out the window. "So do you want to?" said Fred "Oh, uh sorry what?" "Okay, first for the hundredth time it is not your fault, and I asked if you wanted to come to my house this Summer." "Oh... umm I don't think it's a good idea..." I said frowning up at him. "Oh yeah right." He said sitting down next to me. "I'll send you heaps of owls." I said seeing the even more depressed look on his face. He smiled a little bit and then said "Well, I better go and finish packing, I haven't even started." and he got up and left me sitting there near the fire. George walked into the common room and walked towards me. I stood up, ready to defend myself but all he said was "Hello." "Oh, hi." I said looking at the ground. "So, are you coming back to our house for the Summer?" I stared at him, and walked away leaving him staring where I had just stood. Really? After all he did to me all he could say was "Hi, are you coming to our house this Summer?" If he was trying to be nice, he wasn't doing a very good job, and I was pretty sure he was about to say something like "Hope your not." I was sick of it.

  2. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2011 5:06am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 11.
    I sat in bed that night with puffy eyes, thinking, If George could do it that easily than I could to. I went to take the necklace off, but I couldn't bare it. I put my head on my pillow and was asleep in minutes. I sat in the common room alone that morning, it was still dark outside. I was halfway done with Snape's essay on love potions when I heard footsteps coming down from the boys dormitories, I looked over at the stairs and saw George step down, I caught his eye and looked back at my essay quickly. "What are you doing here?" He said. "Sitting in the Gryffindor common room, which is the house I am in." I said still looking at my book. "Well you shouldn't be." he said. I could feel my eyes starting to burn again, I stood up and put my books back in my bag and started to walk up the stairs back to my dormitories. "Careful not to kill anyone up there." I turned around. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" "huh?" George said looking confused. "OH YOU KNOW." "What do I know Lestrange?" I could feel tears pouring down my face, my fists wouldn't stop shaking and people were coming out of their dormitories to look what was going on now, I could see Fred at the back of them all standing on the stairs. "WHAT YOU KNOW, IS THAT YOU, ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON. IT IS NOT MY FAULT. I NEVER PICKED MY MUM, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT?" "Yes. I am such a horrible person aren't I?" Said George smiling. "OH SHUT IT." Said Fred pushing his way through the crowd. "Ahh, your boyfriend is here to protect you I see, not that you would need much help, considering who your mother is." "Your more like her mother than she is George" Said Fred standing next to me. George just laughed. "Oh just leave her alone." Said Ron standing next to Fred. "Oh, I see, that's fine. It's cool if I just have a little sister." "You wont for long" said Ginny from some were in the middle of the crowd. George looked at me, Fred and Ron, and than left the common room. "Thanks" I said looking at Fred and George smiling.

  3. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2011 7:34am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 10.
    *2 years later*
    The next two years were much better than the last, I had Fred now, but I could tell he wasn't as happy as he usaually was and I couldn't help missing George. "Whats wrong Fred?" I asked him sitting next to him in the common room. "Oh" He said looking up "Oh, um nothing, no, nothing." But I could tell something was defientlny wrong, and I was pretty sure I knew what it was. "Im sorry Fred.." "What for?" "For what I did to you and George I.. I-" "For the last time Allie, it is not your fault." "Yes it is.." Fred just laughed "Come on lets go to breakfast." We walked down the the great hall together. We sat down next to eachother, and Fred stopped moving, he just stared at the other end of the table with a puzzpled expression on his face, I looked to where he was staring, and sitting there was George, but he wasn't alone.. he was kissing Angelina Johnson. I could feel my eyes starting to burn. I stood up "I have to go, I... I forgot my potions book." I said in a shaky voice. "Okay..." Said Fred still looking over at George.

  4. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2011 2:20am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 9
    I woke up on Sunday morning and started to walk down to the common room, I was halfway down the stairs when I heard someone shouting and I stopped to listen - "IT'S NOT HER FAULT. THIS IS WHY SHE DIDN'T TELL YOU. BECAUSE SHE NEW YOU WOULD ACT LIKE THIS!" and I realized I had just made Fred and George hate each other. "SHE WAS MEANT TO BE OUR FRIEND-" "YOU ARE MEANT TO BE HER FRIEND. SHE DIDN'T PICK HER MOTHER AND SHE IS NOTHING LIKE HER!" I walked into the common room. As soon as they saw me the stopped and stared at me. "Please please stop." I asked, my eyes burning. "If your anything like your mother then I am sure you will enjoy this." Said Goerge and he turned and walked out of the common room. Fred stood there staring at where his brother had just stood. "Fred?" I said walking towards him. "What?" He said still looking where George had just stood "You didn't have to do that. I would rather you both hate me than hate each other.." "I don't hate him." said Fred finally looking at me and smiling.

  5. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2011 2:14am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 8.
    It has been a week since George started ignoring me. Everyday I walk down the halls alone. I miss it, before when he didn't hate me and he actually cared about me. Now Fred can't talk to me because George gets mad at him. I spend my days with Ron Hermione and Harry, which isn't that bad, but I miss George and Fred. They were my first ever real friends, the first people to actually care about me. I walked into the common room and saw Fred sitting alone, I looked around for George but he wasn't there, I walked over to Fred "Hi" I said sitting down in front of him "Oh, Hello." He said looking away and barley moving his lips "So what, your ignoring me now?" I said standing up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down to the ground "No, I am just scared that George is in here somewhere." I stood up "SO WHAT!?" I said so loudly people turned and stared at me "SO WHAT FRED. I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS." And I ran up to bed.

  6. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2011 2:13am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 7.
    I stared at it for at least 5 minutes. I didn't know what to think. I put the necklace on, and went to sleep. A week later I was finally aloud out of the Hospital Wing. It was Saturday and I found Fred and George in the near the lake. "Hi guys." "Hi Allie" said Fred smiling. "Oh, hi." said George looking over the lake. I sat down next to them, when Malfoy called "Hey WEBKINS." "What Malfoy?" I asked not looking at him. "How's aunty Bellatrix?" I could feel Fred and George staring at me, I looked at Malfoy, "How would I know?" I asked him "Oh, right you don't live with your mum anymore do you? Thought Voldemort was much more important than a stupid child." "What does he mean Allie?" said George looking at me "Uhh, I don't know." "Oh, you haven't told the weasels who your real mum is?" smirked Malfoy "SHUT UP." I said throwing a rock at him, he walked back to Crabbe and Goyle. "Allie?" said George looking up at me "What?" "Is he telling the truth?" "Umm.. Okay yes he is, but-" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" George yelled, and he walked off. Fred just sat there staring at the lake "Your not mad at me are you Fred?" "No, not really." he said not looking at me. "Yes you are." I could feel my eyes burning "Im nothing like her, Im not, Im not even in Slytherin am I?" "I said I wasn't mad at you Allie. Just tell me, why wouldn't you tell us?" He asked finally looking up at me. "Because I thought both of you would hate me." "Well it doesn't look like I do does it?" Fred said smiling "No, but what about George?" "Oh, Umm, Im sure he'll come around sometime. " "i really didn't mean to make him angry, I was just scared." "I know Allie."

  7. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 10:35am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    Chapter 6.
    I heard voices, "She looks terrible" "She hasn't been out of bed for 2 weeks, why would she look good?" I opened my eyes, standing next to me were Fred,George,Harry,Ron,Angelina,Katie, and Wood.
    "Hello" said Fred smiling "Hello" I said looking up at him. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, you were flying towards the snitch, and someone in Slytherin threw a bat at your head to try and stop you getting there first, and you fell off your broom, and you were 2 feet from the ground and George caught you, you would have been dead if it wasn't for him." said Fred. "Yeah, your head was bleeding, Madame Pomfrey said you had a cracked skull and a broken nose, but I think she said your fine now." said Angelina. "George?" I looked over at George, he was standing near the door just staring. He smiled at me and said "Umm... I gotta go bye." He rushed out of the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey came in and forced everyone out of the room. "How long do I have to stay?" I asked her "Oh, about a week. You still look terrible." She walked out of the room. I looked over at the table next to me there was a pile of gifts, I opened them all; There was a box of every flavor beans from Harry and Ron, a box of chocolate frogs from Angelina Katie and Wood, and a bag of fireworks and lollies from Fred. There was one purple box, with a blue ribbon wrapped around it, I opened it and there was a necklace, in the shape of a heart. I opened it, and inside was a picture of George and I, and engraved on the other side "I Love You."

  8. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 9:37am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 5.
    Finally, I was back at Hogwarts. And finally I would be able to play Quidditch. Fred George and I were walking down the the Quidditch pitch together. We walked out onto the pitch with our brooms. Gryffindor's, Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuff's cheering, Slytherin's booing. Finally the whistle blew and we were up in the air. I looked for a tiny gold ball with wings, and 3 minutes in I saw it right above the Slytherin goal posts. A Slytherin must have seen me speed up, because a second later someone had hit me in the head with a bat, I fell off my broom, I was 2 feet away from hitting the ground, and an orange blur caught me, there were cheers, and then it all went black.

  9. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 9:17am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic} {i know harry ron and hermione dont go until fred and georges third year}
    chapter 5.
    "Allie, wake up mum's freaking out. She says we are going to be late". Ginny said tapping me on the shoulder. I hopped out of bed,threw the rest of my things in my trunk and got dressed. I dragged my trunk and Lily's cage downstairs and bumped into Ron, who fell down the stairs. "Oh... um sorry Ron." I said and he got up and walked past me laughing. I put my trunk at the door and walked into the kitchen were Mrs.Weasley was making toast. "Good Morning Allie." She said "Do you have everything you need?" "Yeah." Fred walked into the kitchen "Mornin'" He said. "FREDRICK! GO GET DRESSED NOW." He back through the door grunting. 30 minutes later, when Percy,Ron,Fred,George and I were all ready, we said goody-bye to Ginny and Mrs.Weasley and hopped in the car with Mr.Weasley. 9 minutes later and they were at platform 9. A small boy with glasses, and very untidy hair walked up slowly and asked how to get to the train. "HARRY POTTER!" Yelled Ron so loud 3 people turned to stare. "Shut up Ron!" said George. A few minutes later we were all on
    the Hogwarts Express putting out trunks in the luggage racks.
    "I like your owl Harry" I said. "Oh, um thanks. I like yours to
    Allie." I smiled and Ron started asking Harry a lot of strange
    questions and George grabbed my hand an pulled me away
    from Harry and Ron. We found and empty compartment and
    joked around until finally we got to Hogwarts.

  10. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 8:39am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    Chapter 4.
    The year passed to quickly, and all of the sudden we were back on the Hogwarts Express ready for the Summer holidays. It was the best year of my life, even if I had gotten a lot of detentions. "So do you want to come to our house in the Summer?" asked Fred. "ALLIE, ARE YOU STILL HERE?" shouted Fred. "Oh, wait?" I asked Fred rolled his eyes, "Do you want to come to our house this Summer?" "Oh, yeah sure. I will send you an owl." "Cool. Im sure Ginny will like you." said George. "I just hope Snape isn't teaching next year." said George. "He really needs to wash his hair.. I offered him some shampoo, but he just got mad." sighed Fred. I laughed the whole way back. The train started to slow down and we all got up to get our trunks. The train stopped and everyone climbed outside. I spotted my mum and said goody-bye to Fred and George and walked over to mum who hugged me. "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble Annie." "Yeah, but I-" "Hi mum." "Hello Isacc" mum said hugging him too. I walked to the car with mum and Isacc, I couldn't wait until next year.

  11. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 6:08am UTC
    If Fred and George Weasley said..
    Fred: A dog barks
    George: Yes.
    it would still be funny. because they said it.

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  12. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 5:39am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 3.
    The compartment door slid open again and this time a boy with glasses and curly orange hair walked in. "Hello Perce." Said Fred and George together "Hello Fredrick, George. And who is your friend?" "I'm Annie." "Lovely to meet you." Said Percy and he shook my hand. "Well good day to you all." and with that he swept out of the compartment. "Our brother." Said George with a disgusted look on his face. "I can see Hogwarts." said Fred looking out the window. "We better put our robes on" We all got changed into their robes and went to get their trunks from the luggage racks. The train slowed down and finally stopped. We all clambered out of the train into the frosty night air. "FIRS' YEARS! FIRS' YEARS OVER HERE!" Called a booming voice. I turned to look where the voice had come from and I saw a giant man, with a long unkempt beard calling for all first years. Fred George and I made our way over and hoped into boats "That's Hagrid" whispered Fred".We sailed to the other side of the chilly lake and hopped out. We walked up the huge stone steps and went through the great oak doors. The lights almost blinded me. Fred George and I followed the rest of the first years into the great hall. It was even better than I had imagined the roof looked exactly like it did outside, dark and stormy, and millions of candles floated in the air. A woman with a tight bun who people called Professor McGonagall called them to the front of the room and to line up in front of the four large tables packed with students. A stool stood in front of them with an ancient hat sitting on it. "ANNIE WEBKINS" Proffesor McGonagall finally called out. I walked up slowly and sat down. The hat slide over my eyes and everything went black. "hmm" said the hat.. "GRYFFINDOR" it cried. I walked over to the Gryffindor table were most of the applause was coming from, espically from Fred and George. I sat between them both and watched the rest of the sorting. Finally after I had finished my food and Dumbledore had finished, I walked up the stairs and into the common room where there was a fire crackling, and already a lot of people sitting and talking. I was to tired to do anything, so I said goodnight to Fred and George and went up to bed,

  13. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 5:30am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 2.
    I pushed my trunk into the luggage rack and walked down the hall looking for an empty compartment. Finally I found one and I pushed the door opened. I put Lilly's cage in a spare seat and sat down next to the window, looking out. It was a dark cloudy day and I was sure it was going to rain. There was a thud, and Lilly's treats had fallen all over the floor. I jumped down to the floor to clean them up. I crawled under the seat to pick up the last few when the compartment door slide opened, 2 boys, who looked exactly alike stepped in. They both had the same red flaming hair and they were laughing about something. When they saw the girl standing there, covered in dust and owl food they stopped and stared. I smiled "Hi, My name is Annie." "Hi." said one of the twins "My name's Fred" The other twin just stood there "and that's George" said Fred hitting his twin in the back of the head. "Hello my name is George. What is your name?" Fred gave him another hit in the back of the head and went to sit down. I sat back down in my seat near the window, but George just stood their, not moving, just staring. "So," said Fred "Do you like Quidditch?" "Yeah, but I have never been to a game, my parents are muggles." "Oh, mine are both wizards." "Cool" "What's your owls name?" said George finally moving and sitting down next to his brother. "Oh that's Lilly. Do you have any pets?" "Nah, well once we had a fish but it died." said Fred "How...?" "Well, Fred and I were 5, and we didn't know that they lived in water, and we thought mum was trying to drown it, so we tipped out all the water. We thought we were saving it.." said George. "Yes, poor nubs." said Fred with a solemn expression. I turned away to hide my laughter.

  14. StoriesJust4You StoriesJust4You
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 4:51am UTC
    {harry potter fan fic}
    chapter 1.
    My first year at school was about to begin.
    Not just any school, but Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
    I was in the middle of packing the rest of my things for Hogwarts when I heard my mum screaming from the hall. I ran down the stairs.. "I TOLD YOU ALREADY ISACC! JUST BECAUSE YOUR 17 NOW DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN USE MAGIC FOR EVERYTHING! YOU COULD HAVE TAKEN SOMEONE'S EYE OUT YOU IDIOT!" "Sorry mum.." said Isacc. I had to stuff my fist into my mouth to stop myself from laughing, Isaac had bewitched his trunk to fly down the stairs, and there was now a giant hole in the wall 4 inches above mum's head. I walked back up the stairs and closed my door, and fell on the floor laughing so hard my sides started to hurt. "ANNIE ARE YOU FINISHED YET? I NEED YOU TO HELP WITH DINNER." I quickly threw the rest of my things into my trunk and went down to help mum, my sides still hurting.
    September 1st was finally here. I grabbed my trunk and dragged it down the stairs where mum dad and Isacc were waiting at the door. "Okay Annie, make sure you stay out of trouble." "Yes mum" "and make sure not to loose anything because we can't afford anything else for you, and" "I get it mum." "Well okay then, bye then sweetie" Mum hugged "Isacc and I and handed us some cake for the train ride. "Well you better go than Bob." "Yes Sharon yes." I walked out to the car and watched dad pack the 2 trunks in the boot. Lily gave a hoot from inside her cage. "Oh I forgot! Dad can you get the owl food?" 10 minutes later, after Isacc went back inside to find his wand, and dad had to find the car keys again {they ended up being in his hands}, they were finally leaving
    15 minutes later and they were there. "Umm... were is it?" "Here" said Isacc pointing at a solid brick wall between platforms 9 and 1o. "Umm?" "Just watch me" Isacc said rolling his eyes. And he disappeared in the brick wall. "Dad?" "Just walk straight through Annie." "Umm..... okay then" I stepped back, grabbed my trolly and ran straight through the wall. I came to platform 9 1/3. Dad followed me. "Okay you two, have fun and don't get into any trouble." He gave Isacc a stern look, hugged us both and walked back through the wall. "Well, get on then." said Isacc pointing to the purple train now steaming and doors slamming shut. I dragged my trunk and Lily's cage onto the train and stood in the hall swaying as the train took off.


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