Witty Profiles

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  1. Melody_pixie Melody_pixie
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2024 11:42pm UTC

  2. mariah_love1369 mariah_love1369
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2017 3:50pm UTC
    In 12 days I will be 20 years old.
    In 2011 I was 12.
    The year i first joined witty profiles.
    wittyprofiles was the first social media i really ever have experienced, my mom breifly let me have a facebook but it proceeded to get taken away because of whatever bad thing i was doing that was not approriate for a 12 year old girl on the internet. I was shown witty by my bestfriend and that would become my hobby. I would spend all my free time writing poetry or qoutes or look for song lyrics that i thought would get likes. I would spend so much of my free time learning how to make the quotes that people wanted to see and read, thousands of people used to grace this site with their words, creativity and bulls**. All of us going through simialr situations. wetaher it be figruing out what love is and heartbreak or learning about social norms we just can't wrap our heads around, sometimes we bonded over our mental illneses some of us not even realizing the feelings we were describing matched those of a mental illness. There were no censors on us back then, you could unleash hell in your quote and post it for the world to see. Witty seemed endless. Now here I am in college, sitting at my work study job browsing the hallow sections of witty and I can't help but feel a mixture of things. Happiness because some of these quotes I created are scattered with such pain I never believed I would survive, Sadness because I wish witty was still as explosive and beautiful as it used to be, emptiness because I wonder where everyone who grew up on here with me is at today and most of all fear. Fear of time escaping me so quickly, when my eyes first became fixated on wittyprofiles I thought 20 was light years away and now its approaching my doorstep. I'm still scared of what the future holds for me but not as much as when I was 12, things are not perfect but things are better than they once were. The old witty is legendary and could never be replicated but I do hope, one day , some how a group of pre teen kids find this place and blow it up with color and creativity just like we once did.
    Thank you witty for helping be get through my teen years

  3. ACertainTypeOfTrash ACertainTypeOfTrash
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2024 2:00pm UTC
    "Here and Gone August"
    Leaf green’s the shaky scrape of a tree’s arm
    raking against the window.
    Brushing back and forth
    with each and every blowing breeze, gust or gale.
    These the humid doldrums of here and gone August.
    A tree's hands can be so thin,
    his arms are sticks.
    They look anorexic.

  4. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2024 10:24am UTC
    Do you Google search your internet friends?

  5. akatsukiiprincess* akatsukiiprincess*
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2023 3:33pm UTC
    It's at this point that I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say a tattoo lasts forever.
    When I look at my body and see only what used to be but is no longer there.
    When I am constantly reminded of some of my hardest moments.
    At the time I thought they would be reminders of what I overcame- but today they feel like reminders of pain.
    They feel like I'm telling the world of a moment I feel stuck in, they feel like a scream for help that was ignored. They feel like a part of my life that I can't stop carrying.
    I feel trapped by who I was in that moment.

  6. Sky_ Sky_
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2023 2:40pm UTC
    Sometimes the good things fall apart,
    So the better things can fall together

  7. Sky_ Sky_
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2023 5:36am UTC
    Vote me MSW

  8. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2023 2:29pm UTC
    i'll make it out on top.
    i'm in control of my circumstances.
    i decide how i react and i decide how the day goes.

  9. bunni bunni
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2023 10:05pm UTC
    We were all kids once. I remember everything about this site. This was my home back then. My comfort. My nostalgia. So many parts of me are scattered around this site. I remember exactly how attached I was. How this was my introduction to creative outlets, socialization, coding — all the skills and emotions this place has invoked. I am reminded of the past. This is my machine back to feel the memories in real time. I always come back here. All roads lead back here.
    We were kids once. We were kids together.
    Now I'm 20.

  10. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2023 9:22am UTC
    we'll be so unique.
    no lyrics or novels could resemble us.
    only poems we write would do us justice.

  11. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2023 11:05pm UTC
    According to new research, the number of people who identify as transgender is growing.
    Transgender as percent of population (2013): 0.6%
    Transgender as percent of population (2023): 0.6%
    ... Clearly, the 0 and 6 are getting bigger.

  12. jennyracinggirl jennyracinggirl
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2023 3:53am UTC
    Embracing the beauty within, I've come to to the understand that self-love is the most powerful kind of love. I cheerish every part of who I am, celebrating my strengths and embracing my flaws. With each step I take, I walk the path of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and genuine happiness.

  13. heprice26 heprice26
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2023 4:45pm UTC
    wow i cant believe people still post on this website. i remember like 15 years ago you could click refresh and see a hundred new posts. now its like a ghost town. its crazy we all just grow up and move on. i wish i could go back to being a kid 😭

  14. ☞Eman☜* ☞Eman☜*
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2023 8:15am UTC
    Everything will be published soon in the name of science and then everyone will believe it. And therefore there is no religion, but only a turbid science that people will follow. we live in a strange world.

  15. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2023 2:26pm UTC
    it's nice to have a friend

  16. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2023 6:29am UTC
    i couldn't make it poetic or ornate
    i was simply at a loss.
    when the words failed me, the image of
    stańczyk came to mind.
    but alas he was invited to the party.
    so it wasn't enough, wasn't the same.
    I'm experiencing a different kind of pain.

  17. 15robertsn 15robertsn
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2023 12:20pm UTC

  18. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2023 9:22am UTC
    where did all the night's stars go?
    In your eyes!

  19. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2023 8:34am UTC
    i'm sitting on a bench in coney island, wondering
    did my
    baby go?'

  20. Sky_ Sky_
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2023 7:48am UTC
    Ignorance is the engine of war
    - Nikola Tesla


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