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  1. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2013 5:03pm UTC
    So the other day...
    We were standing on the bus waiting to get off
    My friend grabbed my head and yelled
    "There is something on your head!"
    It turned out to be a piece of fuzz from my hat
    But it made all the little kids stare
    We all kind of awkwardly waved
    And before we got off I yelled
    "Do hugs not drugs kids!"
    The bus driver glared at me as I got off
    No regrets

  2. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2013 8:35pm UTC
    And they don't notice
    The pain in her eyes
    All that they can see
    Is her beautiful
    And they just want
    All that she needs
    Someone to be there
    But she just prays to be
    From this Hell that she lives in
    But she can't get away
    Looking through the tears
    For a better

  3. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 5:00pm UTC
    Being one of the first people to favorite a quote that
    becomes a Top Quote
    "They grow up so fast :')"

  4. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2012 1:11pm UTC
    I'm still hoping this is a
    But I know
    You're going to be with Jesus
    On his birthday
    And not me

  5. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2012 12:42pm UTC
    My mom on Facebook
    Me: Mom
    Me: Mother
    Me: I'm stalking you
    Mom: You can't stalk the stalker
    I love her ♥

  6. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2012 8:28pm UTC
    One Month Ago:
    My life was crumbling
    I found comfort in a blade
    Nothing seemed to be getting better
    I cried myself to sleep
    I was not okay
    But Today:
    Nothing got better
    I will probably cry myself to sleep
    My life keeps crumbling
    I'm still not okay
    But from last month to today
    I haven't picked up a blade
    And month 2 starts tomorrow

    And you can do the same

  7. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2012 5:22pm UTC
    When I needed a Sun
    You brought Lightning

  8. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 4:39pm UTC
    I've put up with this for so long
    But I can't do this anymore
    I love you so much
    But I need to let go

  9. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 4:04pm UTC
    God Bless the 6 adults
    And 20 children
    Who were shot in Newtown
    And their families
    Heaven got some new angels

  10. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2012 8:41am UTC
    I don't know what happened with us
    But I'm pretty sure you don't tell someone you
    Love them
    Then go out with someone you
    Barely know

  11. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 11:23pm UTC
    If you tried to walk in my shoes you either
    Get shot down through words by everyone around you
    Step on the shoelace of what went wrong
    And hit your face on all my mistakes
    Lose yourself in all that I've lost
    Fall into a lake of regrets and drown
    Or get pulled under by my past
    And that's just
    The first step

  12. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 11:14pm UTC
    Him: You are so difficult
    Me: but you love me anyway
    Him: Yeah I do but you love me too so the feeling is mutual
    I love him and this is why

  13. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2012 12:18pm UTC
    "Why don't you step into my shoes?"
    They say, thinking they have it bad
    "Anything to get out of the Hell I've been in my whole life."
    I simply reply, wishing I could

  14. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2012 12:15pm UTC
    Everyone's problems just seem so simple compared to mine

  15. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2012 5:17pm UTC
    Yesterday my music teacher pulled up the window and yelled
    "Hey dog! Shut up!"
    And closed the shades and window really fast because apparently
    The dogs owner heard him

  16. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    Today He told me I could get my bracelet back with
    A Kiss...
    He still has the bracelet.
    I have a boyfriend and even though he will never be
    I won't do anything that could hurt him
    He may not mean the most
    But he still means a lot

  17. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2012 5:54pm UTC
    It's amazing how much
    Physical Pain
    Can take away the
    Emotional Pain

  18. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2012 8:29pm UTC
    Ok so I just killed this spider with
    And it's just kind of twitching on the side of the w-
    ... and my dad just opened the door and killed it
    the poor guy

  19. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2012 7:50pm UTC
    There are far too many people
    in the world
    To feel alone
    All you have to do is take one minute out of your day
    To make someone feel
    Like they have a purpose

    So wittians here is my challenge
    Talk to someone who you can tell has no one
    And I know you might not think you have one either.
    No you don't have to be
    Best friends
    But you could save a life
    Or find a friend
    Post what you did on this quote
    So everyone can know
    That there is help
    And maybe other people will do something too
    I'm counting on you witty

  20. StayStrongLiveLong StayStrongLiveLong
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 6:10pm UTC
    Today their were people from the Army at my school.
    I know I'm a girl, but it's been my dream since i was little, so I went up and the soldier was nice and he gave me a few things and I told him this is what I want to do.
    Other people told me I couldn't do it
    But in his eyes I knew
    He believed in me


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