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Member Since: 24 May 2009 03:49pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 77285

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  1. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 1:49pm UTC
    &We All Think
    that we have it bad. when we complain
    about how slow our computers are,
    but kids in africa dont have computers.
    we complain about how we broke our cell phones
    kids in africa dont have cell phone,
    we through away food that we dont like,
    but i bet you kids in africa pray for food.
    we complain how are parents grounded us
    but i bet you most of africa's kids dont even
    know where there parents are.
    we complain about how school is so hard
    when kids in africa would love to have
    an education. we complain about our house
    being to small , when kids in africa dont even
    have houses. we have good futures. they dont
    even know where there going to be living
    tomorrow. we complain we are to fat,
    when we actually weigh normal amount.
    but you can see the ribs on kids in africa.
    we complain that we cant go to the mall
    and get 40$ jeans at hollister,
    when 40$ seems like 1,000 to kids.
    and i can keep going on, and on, and on.
    so stop complaining that we have it bad.
    and next time you think you have it bad
    re-read this quote again.
    ***idk if it is on here, but seriosuly.
    this makes a big difference the way we think.**

  2. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2009 1:29pm UTC
    &He Has..
    shared my crayons with me since pre-k
    pulled my hair since 1 grade.
    gave my valentines since 2 grade.
    tried to hold my hand since 3 grade.
    hugged me since 4 grade.
    wrote me notes since 5 grade.
    kissed me since 6 grade.
    and i would always run away when he did these.
    now that i love him, more than a best friend,
    he does all that stuff to another girl.
    and i wish i could go back,
    and pause time.
    to where he actually
    Liked Me
    idk it just came to me.
    <3 mine i thinkk? <3

  3. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 8:12pm UTC
    •••Sxuxmxmxexr '0x9•••
    Were only young once.
    boyfriends dont last.
    friends come and go.
    so live your life to the,
    **i dont think its mine**
    but fades are, sorry if copied.

  4. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2009 11:41am UTC
    are seperate ways. a tear ran ran down
    my face. he kept walking past me. then
    a few seconds later he stops, and hugs me,
    and asked me what was wrong.
    i told him i really liked this guy,
    but i dont know if he likes me. then a tear
    ran down his face, i asked him what was wrong,
    he said i like this girl but i dont know if
    she likes me. i asked him who he liked.
    he waited a few seconds and said well
    she's very pretty in my eyes, and
    i cant picture her with any other guy besides me.
    he asked me who i liked. i said well he's very
    handsome in my eyes, and i coudlnt picture
    him with any other girl besides me.
    he pulled away, and it started to rain.
    he said "i love you" (i would never
    think that i was the girl). i said "i love you 2"
    then i heard an alarm clock. i woke up,
    and realized it was just a dream.
    minee. i thinkk.
    fades mine too<3
    credit pleasee.
    its ment to be in the middle
    but wity is being gay

  5. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2009 10:13am UTC
    Why Is It That
    a girl and a boy.
    cant just be best friends
    without people thinking that
    you like him, or he likes you?
    **this is totally true.
    ugh i hate when people
    do thissss.. its soo anyoing**

  6. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2009 7:05pm UTC
    Come on baby we ain't
    gonna live 4ever
    Let me show you all the things
    ------->that we could do

  7. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2009 12:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2009 10:08am UTC
    And Has There Ever Been
    that one boy who your dating.
    everythings going fine.
    but you dont know if you feel
    in love with him, or your friendship.
    and you dont want to break his heart,
    because he always reminds you
    that your the best thing that has ever
    happend to him, and he can trust you.
    and the times when you want to end it.
    he will ask if you still love him?
    ughh venting. any advice?
    completly mine, i thinkk.
    unless other people
    have the same problem?

  9. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 1:39pm UTC
    &&When we were laying down.
    He asked me what my 4biggest fears were.
    it took me a little to think about it, then i said.
    1. are heights.
    2.are bridges
    4.losing you.
    so the next day he took me to an amusment park.
    he wanted me to go on a roller coaster.
    i didnt want to because i was scared of heights.
    he told me it will be fine because im with you.
    so i did it. and now im not scared of heights.
    2 years later we went for a walk,
    and to get to the park he wanted to go to,
    you had to cross a very big bridge.
    i was scared to do it. but he said it will be fine
    because im with you. so i did it. and now im
    not scared of bridges.
    another 2 years he took me to a doll shop.
    i was starting to realize what he was doing,
    helping me get over my fears.
    i didnt want to go in but he said it will be fine
    because im with you.
    now im not scared of dolls.
    another 2 years passed. and we are still together
    i remember what he had asked me a couple of years ago.
    "what are my 4 biggest fears"
    i was scared to find out what would do next
    since my last fear was losing him.
    he took me out to dinner, and after
    that we walked on the beach hand and hand.
    he said remember how your fourth biggest fear is losing me.
    i said ya, he said well dont worry about that anymore.
    i asked him why. he went down on one knee and pulled
    out a ring.he said if you marry me, i promise you
    will never lose me.
    **completly all minee.(:
    no jocking please. took me

  10. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 1:20pm UTC
    Girl: I really Like Him
    Freind: OMG you do?
    Girl: Yeahh.
    Friend: Whyy?
    Girl: Are you serious?? have you seen his smile??!!
    Friend: You should tell him, he likes you too!
    Girl: He does? How do you know
    HIM: Because i know your friends password
    ** i had this on my other account
    LoveYouSoMuch. and had like 340 likes.
    not mine i dont think. idkk?.sorry if i took
    it. but credit4edit.this really didnt happen
    but its relly cute<3**

  11. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 1:05pm UTC
    Heyy, if anyone needs help with the black backrounds, i can give you the code, and how to do it. and i also have 1.purple backround, 2.green backround, 3.gray backround,4. teal backround, 5.yellow backround, 6.blue backround, 7.light blue backround, 8.light pink backround, 9.orange backround, and of course 10. black backround. no credit that much. just leave a comment on this quote or my profile, and ill try to get back to you fast.. thanks guyss<3 : )
    Exxxaxmxpxlxexs : )
    Thanks Again Witty (:

  12. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 1:05pm UTC
    Heyy, if anyone needs help with the black backrounds, i can give you the code, and how to do it. and i also have 1.purple backround, 2.green backround, 3.gray backround,4. teal backround, 5.yellow backround, 6.blue backround, 7.light blue backround, 8.light pink backround, 9.orange backround, and of course 10. black backround. no credit that much. just leave a comment on this quote or my profile, and ill try to get back to you fast.. thanks guyss<3 : )
    Exxxaxmxpxlxexs : )
    Thanks Again Witty (:

  13. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 11:45am UTC
    Welcome To Middle School
    Where secrets don’t get kept, hearts get broken,
    Friends turn into ex-friends, where something you
    say is anwsered by “your mom, that’s what she said,
    Or that’s what he said”, shorts get shorter, shirts get
    Lower, dress-code is broken, cliques, name-calling,
    Swearing, caring what people say, more homework.
    And for the people who are in high school, and say
    "oh, wait till high school its harder, its so anoying
    when you say middle school is harder” serisouly,
    let us think what we want to think, and its our
    problem to find out that high school is harder.
    **sorry for any of the high schoolers
    on here. im not trying to be mean,
    im just sayings its relly anyyoing for us to,
    when yo guys say o its not hard, and u dont
    know what love is, just let us find out what
    high school is like.**

  14. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 11:34am UTC
    sweat pants,hair tied
    chilling with no
    make-up on, thats
    when your the prettiest,
    i hope that you dont
    --------->take it wrong
    **best i ever had.
    drake. not mine.

  15. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2009 11:22am UTC
    Dont Dance
    Shake it, shake it like you bouts to get paid,
    Boom-swagger-boom, like you gots a peg leg.
    I'm game, you're game; you're the main attraction,
    And the way you fit your jeans it makes me ready for action.
    Break it down to a fraction,
    I'm doing decimal subtraction to find a reaction.
    This is for the C-O, 3-0-3, my people
    We've got the music that you can't stand still to,
    And even if you don't dance,
    I've gotta get you out and take this chance,
    credit for edit.
    ha, love the

  16. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2009 12:32pm UTC
    &for all you girls,
    who will end up staying up till
    1 1 : 1 1
    haven't you been realizing
    that your wishes haven't been
    coming true? maybe its because
    11:11, is just another number like
    1:11, or 4:44. or, just like finding a
    four leaf clover, or a wish bone.
    your wishes wont come true.
    **ik other people have it.
    but title is mine, and fade.
    but serisouly. this quote is true.

  17. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2009 11:12am UTC
    &&I Know Im Not
    The Only One
    runs up the stairs at night because i think
    there is a rapist or a killer chasing me.
    checks under my bed because i think
    there is a monster under it.
    turns the mirror around because i
    think bloody mary will come out.
    kicks the shower curtain because i think
    someone is behind it.
    turns the magazines over in my bathroom
    because i dont want the person on the
    cover watch me go pee.
    always look behind me because i think
    someone has a knife and is about to kill me.
    I Know Im Not
    The Only One.
    ik other people had this
    but credit for edit,
    and titles are mine<3

  18. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2009 11:07am UTC
    Hate leaves ugly scars,
    love leaves beautiful ones.
    **not mine, but
    love itt<33
    rate it or hate it

  19. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2009 8:45am UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. SoftballBabe2 SoftballBabe2
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2009 9:44am UTC
    &+ He was the perfect guy
    whenever he looked at me
    he would have a big smile.
    his eyes sparkled. &&+
    he would always wink at me.
    until i found out he was doing
    all that stuff to my guy friend.
    now im stuck liking a gay guy.
    title took a whilee<3
    give credit


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