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  1. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 2:38pm UTC
    <just had a slushy. my tongue is blue.
    mine is red>
    <lets make purple c:

  2. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2012 2:38pm UTC
    i know you guys might think I'm crazy... or maybe not... i don't know how you think... but anyway..
    Prayers do come true... My friend has been struggling with life and I prayed for her and she's doing better... and my boyfriend is hurt and I prayed for him... I don't know if he's better yet... but I believe God will make things better... I have my trust in him...

  3. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2012 2:22pm UTC
    I just want someone who will kiss my scars,
    tell me im beautiful,
    cause they don't wanna lose their best friend...

  4. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 10:16pm UTC
    intoxicated with madness
    im in love with my sadness.

  5. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 9:54pm UTC
    She's like a storm with loud thunder, but quiet rain.

  6. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 9:29pm UTC
    she's got a smile on her lips
    and some cuts on her hips.

  7. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 2:58am UTC
    i had a dream last night that my parents found my journal and ripped it up and hid the pages. steven came and let me cry on his shoulder and found some for me. it was a bad dream. i want to get outa here. im done with my dad. and my mom is gettimg to that point to. i just want to run to steven and never look back.

  8. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 2:50am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 2:47am UTC
    cant they understand? i just want to be happy!!

  10. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 2:27am UTC
    snuff came on the radio... i started to cry, except it wasnt really crying because there werent any tears. it was more like my body shaking as i had my head on my knees. it felt good. letting go a little. i didnt really even realise i was holding something in. but it felt good. i wanted to cut then too. but i didnt because i didnt want my mom to freak out again and yell at me since its summer and i cant really wear a long sleeve shirt unless i want to get heat stroke. i just wanted some kind of pain. thats all.

  11. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 2:08am UTC
    i dont know what im planning to say... i just kinda need someone to talk to and i dont have anyone right now... i think he left for cali already... like, what happened to goodbye? i cant live without him for the whole summer if i didnt even get a goodbye kiss. i miss him like hell, even if he didnt leave yet... i'll only know for sure on wednesday... but i just miss him... in 2 days i'll be on one side of the states and he'll be on the other. is it just me or does that seem like too many miles between me and my besy friend, who i love? ugh. i just cant stand not seeing him... this is soo hard. :(

  12. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 1:25pm UTC
    i had a dream.... about colton :(

  13. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2012 3:56pm UTC
    im scared for my sister... shes depressed and she cries alot and says she hates life and people... im scared for her...

  14. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 3:31pm UTC
    wow. I was on Facebook looking at guys with the same name as my boyfriend... there's this guy... well there was this guy who lived in misouri and the last post on his wall was his fiance saying that he overdosed and didn't wake up the next morning... wow.

  15. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 3:17pm UTC
    I'm scared of my dad. Is that bad? He's never done anything to me... but I've been scared ever since they forced me to show them my arms... that was the only night that he has ever touched me in a not so nice way. My mom told me i didn't have to... then he grabbed my arm and i went limp... fell to the ground and started sobbing. It doesn't seem like he loves me. It hasn't for years. I think that's why i search for love so much. because i don't have love from my dad. ugh...

  16. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 8:41pm UTC
    if you want to know what i was thinking about that night, saturday the 24th when he jept asking me to tell him... well in my favorite book, its called heart on a chain, theres a part where the girl is on the swing, swinging with the guy she loves.... here ill just write what happens straight from the book...
    i push myself, watching the familiar pattern of grass, fence, neighbors backyard, treetops, then finally sky, deep blue and bright white with fluffy round clouds like mounds of whipped cream placed there; then the whole pattern in reverse, ad then forward again, henry passing in my peripheral vision as he swings beside me. im laughing, and then suddenly im crying, gradually at first with tears running slowly down my cheeks as the laughter tapers off. memories inunduate my mind and soul beginning with the first day i had set eyes on this swing, traveling through the unraveling of my childhood and a loss of a normal life by my parents' hads; through the forced servitude ad starvation and torture; though the beatings at te hands of the woman who should had loved me more than anyone else, and whose death was my fault.
    my tears have become great sobs and henry has stopped swinging, calling my name as he tries to slow my swing, to catch me between my flying arcs. he steps behin me , timing it as i swing forward and wraps his arms tightly around my waist, stopping my progress, jerking us both forward with the momentum. he leans backward and i let myself be pulled off the swing.
    i drop to the ground in a rounded mass, an he goes with me, curling his body around me from behind, knees against my sides, arms bound tightly about me as he holds me shuddering, heaving form, rocking me as we huddle there together in the dirt and i keen and wail, pourimg out my greif in a way i havet allowed myself since i woke up in the hospital.
    yeah, thats what came to my head. he kept asking me what was wrong and i dont think i couldve explained that to him. so yeah if you were wondering... and the only person i would think to wonder would be alison... there you go...

  17. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 12:38pm UTC
    I don't know how I'm going to last this whole summer without him... even the little bit I have left with him, I'm not allowed to be next to him or kiss him or anything... Just when it starts to get right, Why does it have to get messed up again... the last two nights were so perfect... and now... ugh

  18. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    You are my anchor of hope--Hebrews 6:19
    The love you give me never fails--1 Corinthians 13:8
    I will fear no evil, whom shall i fear?--Psalms 23:4
    I will sleep in peace, make me dwell in safety--Psalms 4:4
    Record my tears on your scroll--Psalms 56:8
    Bring the storm to a whisper--Psalms 107:9
    Gaurd my heart--Proverbs 4:23
    Help me live in harmony--Romans 12:16
    I seek you with all my heart and soul--Deuteronomy 4:29
    See the beauty that man can't-- 1 Samuel 16:7
    Provide me a way out-- 1 Corinthians 10:13

  19. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    The warm summer breeze plays with my hair
    As I fly away into thin air
    I transformed into a bird
    Withouth speaking a word
    I'm getting up and escaping this town
    Flying miles and miles about the ground.

  20. Snuff Snuff
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 10:12pm UTC
    Are you always sad? someone asked.
    (always is such a long, long time)
    I couldn't say. But.
    If sadness was a sea, I'd drown in it.
    (Salty and warm, sadness is.)
    (Cold, too. Sometimes.)
    And I happen to love the sea.
    -(found on imgfave.com)


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