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Member Since: 25 Nov 2011 07:56pm

Last Seen: 8 May 2012 09:32am

user id: 243003

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Lexis Marie/ 14/ United States ♥
Hello everyone! You're gorgeous, just so you know. Why don't you smile, please.
I'm Lexis Marie, and if you want my other witty account you may ask if you'd like.
This is my story account, and I'd love it if you checked out either my story or my
other quotes. I'm a very friendly person, and would love to get to know you. If
you want to leave a comment, don't be shy. I would love someone to talk to.
Want information on my story? Ask. Read it? Fave it. Like it? Comment. Want
more? Comment on my profile. You're gorgeous, and I'll try to get back to your
comment as quick as I can. I love you all! Have a great day, Beautiful.♥







  1. SmilingWithABrokenHeart SmilingWithABrokenHeart
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2012 10:33am UTC
    Suicidal Love Note
    Part Six.
    Dear Diary,
    I went into school today..
    With three new scars.
    One for him leaving me,
    one for not being able to help my mom,
    and another for my dad hitting me.
    Am I not good enough, diary?
    Do people always look at me,
    and think trash?
    Am I really that dusturbing?
    I got pushed down in the hallway today,
    Kyle locked eyes with me, and walked off.
    He didn't even try to help.
    why my?
    Why am I the awkward outcast?
    The one who everyone hates,
    and just can't be nice to for more than
    two seconds?
    Diary, please tell me.
    Why can't I just be normal?

  2. SmilingWithABrokenHeart SmilingWithABrokenHeart
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 10:48pm UTC
    Suicidal Love Note
    Part Five.
    Dear Diary,
    I'm so scared.
    Dad flipped out at mom last night.
    She can barely move,
    but dad said that if I help her
    I'll be next.
    I need Kyle, Diary..
    He was always there for me
    when I didn't know what to do.
    What am I suposed to think now?
    "I wish everything was perfect in my family like that,"
    The show we had been watching went into a commercial.
    We were watching a show on a perfect family.
    Pretty, perfect, stunning, amazing, beyond incredible, talented, exc.
    I sighed and layed my head on his chest,
    "I don't get why my dad had to turn into the alcoholic he is.."
    I gasped quickly forgetting that Kyle hadn't know that he was one.
    "Wait.. Is that why i haven't been able to go to your house before..?"
    Kyle had said to me with worry all over his face.
    "I'm so sorry, I didn't know.."
    His voice trailed off, but I just shrugged it off.
    He looked at me.
    "So, that bruise you got the other day was from tripping into a wall?"
    I quickly turned my head so that way he didn't see the tears in my eyes.
    He hugged me so tightly that night.
    We fell asleep there watching disney movies.
    Diary, why don't guys believe us when we say we love them?
    It's like they don't believe us,
    so they play games with our minds
    and who ever stays with them the longest
    is the one?
    I don't get it, Diary.
    I just don't..

  3. SmilingWithABrokenHeart SmilingWithABrokenHeart
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 11:07am UTC
    Suicidal Love Note
    Part Four.
    Dear Diary,
    I woke up today,
    I had another nightmare, Diary.
    What's wrong with me?
    I went to the bathroom,
    grabbed the razor,
    and then walked down stairs
    with freshly made cuts.
    I winced in pain as my mother hugged me goodmornng.
    She didn't notice,
    she never notices.
    I sat there eating cereal thinking about Kyle.
    The first time I had ever gone over to his house.
    His mom wasn't home, so we had
    a cereal fight.
    The mess was ridiculous.
    "Don't you dare," He yelled.
    "You know what'll happen."
    My face clearly went pale and scared
    because he rushed over to me.
    "I was kidding," He searched my face for an answer.
    "I-I-I know.." I managed a small laugh,
    and he hugged me.
    I opened the back of his shirt, put my hand in,
    and let the cereal fall from my hand.
    He pulled me closer, and tickled me.
    I hadn't laughed that much in a long time..
    Why'd he leave me?
    I loved him,
    and did everything I thought
    we both liked.
    Was everything he said, and did,
    a lie..?
    Why me, Diary? Why me?

  4. SmilingWithABrokenHeart SmilingWithABrokenHeart
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 10:49am UTC
    Suicidal Love Note
    Part Three.
    Dear Diary,
    It's later.
    Mom wasn't crying..
    It was dad.
    He flipped out when he saw me,
    and now I think I may have a broken rib.
    It's okay, though.. I've had one before..
    Kyle texted me,
    but only to ask me what the french homework was..
    Diary, I wish you could speak back to me.
    Tell me everything I'm doing wrong.
    What's wrong with me?
    Why is it me?

  5. SmilingWithABrokenHeart SmilingWithABrokenHeart
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 10:47am UTC
    Suicidal Love Note
    Part Two.
    Dear Diary,
    It's two days later.
    New scars are covering my wrist.
    Dad beat me the other day, but I'm used to it.
    This time was okay, I'm not too hurt.
    Just a bruise on my side,
    and my wrist may be sprained.
    Today Kyle came up to me.
    He said that he wanted to be friend,
    and that didn't make things better.
    I miss him, diary.
    I really do, and his eyes tell me that he misses me too.
    Mom came back from her work trip today,
    and dad yelled at her for not being here to cook him dinner.
    She's still crying in the bedroom,
    I'm going to see if I can help.

  6. SmilingWithABrokenHeart SmilingWithABrokenHeart
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 11:59am UTC
    Suicidal Love Note
    Part One.
    Dear Diary,
    I've never written in one of these, so sorry if I'm not doing it right.
    Lately I can't do anything right, and I decided I just need to get my thoughts out.
    Today's March 16, and just two day's ago my boyfriend broke up with me.
    We had been dating for a year and two months..
    He told me that he liked someone else.
    I couldn't believe what I was hearing as he told me that,
    and before I could help it tears had been flowing down my cheeks.
    I guess I should tell you a little about myself..
    Not that you could care.
    I'm Rylen Mae. I'm sixteen,
    and I'm officially heartbroken. His name was Kyle.
    He was a sweet heart, and he has swooshy type hair that makes me melt.
    His smile? It was perfect..
    I love him, doesn't he see what leaving me does to me?
    I'll write later.. Dad's calling me.


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