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Member Since: 5 Jan 2013 06:44pm

Last Seen: 29 Mar 2014 05:23pm

Gender: F

user id: 345234

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  1. SilentWishes SilentWishes
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 5:30pm UTC
    Need you Now
    Charlie's P.O.V.
    We walked down the stairs and out into the backyard.
    I had forgot the fence between our house led to the other ones backyard.
    We walked out and our moms and her dad were sitting at a table.
    She walked over, and we all gave our introductions.
    "Wanna go on the trampoline?" she asked, smiling at me.
    "Yeah." I agreed.
    "Race ya." she laughed, and took off running in the direction of the trampoline.
    She was so childish.
    I laughed and chased her.
    I grabbed her by the waist, and spun her around.
    We were both laughing so hard by the time we fell to the ground.
    I stood up, smiled, and then ran and jumped on the trampoline.
    "I win." I smiled.
    She jumped up and pinned me down.
    She was sitting on me, and we were both breathing hard, inches from each others face.
    She bit her bottom lip nervously, like she wanted to kiss me.
    I pushed her off of me and started jumping.
    I couldn't let her ruin her life by kissing me.
    She stood up, and gave me a questioning look, but acted like that never happened.
    After awhile we joined our parents for barbacue chicken.
    After awhile of just chatting with the parents, she asked if I wanted to go watch some tv.
    I said, "Sure."
    I started towards the living room, but she stopped me.
    "In the den." she said, pointing towards a door.
    We walked into a big room with a couch, bean bag chairs, and a huge tv.
    I sat down on the couch, and hung my arm over the back of it.
    She sat down right in the bend of my arm.
    She nuzzled closer to me.
    "What are you doing?" I questioned.
    She pulled back away from me a little bit.
    "Why didn't you kiss me?"
    "That's not cool. We just met. I'm not up for that." I lied.
    "Okay." she said, sitting on the oppisite of the couch.

  2. SilentWishes SilentWishes
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2013 7:35pm UTC
    Need You Now
    Charlie's P.O.V.
    I ran back into my house hiding the money in my pocket, and then stuffing it in the box in the top of my closet.
    450 dollars from selling weed.
    I've been saving for about 6 weeks, so that tells you how desperate people are.
    I hid my box again, and raced down the stairs to mom.
    "Mom, ten minutes and we're going next door for a barbacue. Get ready!" I said, peeking my head in her room.
    "Alright, darling." she smiled.
    I ran into the laundry room, and switched shirts.
    I sprayed axe all over my body, and brushed my teeth.
    "Mom, you ready?" I yelled.
    "Yes, sweet heart." she said, slipping on sandals.
    I didn't bother to put on shoes.
    I walked out the door, and across our lawns to the front door.
    Knock, knock.
    Mom was standing next to me.
    Elizabeth opened the door, and hugged me.
    "Charlie." she smiled.
    "Hello, Elizabeth. This is my mother Tracy. Where's Lanie?" I asked, getting right to the point.
    "In her room. Up the stairs and to the right." she said, stepping aside so I could go in.
    I raced up the stairs skipping two at a time.
    I slowly stepped across the white carpet, and pressed my ear to her door.
    She was singing.
    Her voice was beautiful.
    I stepped back, tripping over my own bare feet.
    "Hello? Mom, Dad? Is that you?" she questioned, walking towards the door.
    I stood up quickly, and gave a dorky smile.
    She opened the door, "Charlie?"
    "Uh, your mom said I could come up." I explained.
    She had in dangly blue earrings, and a matching necklace.
    Short jean cut-offs, and a pink and blue flowery blouse.
    "You look beautiful." I uttered, trying to peek in her room.
    "Uh, let's get going." She said, closing her door and heading down the stairs.
    "Okay." I agreed, and followed.

  3. SilentWishes SilentWishes
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2013 8:51am UTC
    Need You Now
    Charlie's P.O.V.
    We had been talking for about 5 minutes, when an older woman around the age of 35 walked out.
    "Laney darling, who is this?" she questioned.
    She sighed, "Mom, this is Charlie our neighbor. Charlie this is my mother-"
    Her mom cut in, "I'm Elizabeth."
    "I was getting there Mother." she sneered.
    I laughed, and stood up and shook her mother's hand.
    "I'm Charlie. My mother and I live next door, and she's actually cleaning right now, but wanted me to introduce myself. She will be over later I'm sure. She loves new people." I told Elizabeth.
    "That's great!", she smiled. "Do you think you guys would come over for a backyard barbacue tonight, say around 6:30?"
    "Mom. I hadn't gotten there yet." Laney complained.
    It was very cute to watch her whine.
    "I think we could be up for that." I grinned at Laney.
    A little smile escaped her lips.
    "Mm, but first I have an arrend to run." I explained.
    "It's alright, I still have to finish unpacking." Laney spoke before her mother got the chance.
    "Well, when I finish my arrend, and of course if your mother doesn't mind, maybe I could help." I smiled.
    This time her mother took the chance to talk, "I wouldn't mind at at all. But her father might."
    My breath caught in my throat, and I started to couch.
    "Sorry, its just.. I mean..Uhm, I forgot people have dad's I have to meet. Not having one gives that effect." I explained.
    Sh*t, I just let that cat out of the bag.
    "I'm sorry. What happened?" asked Laney in her british accent.
    I let a big breathe of air go, blowing my bangs up in the process.
    "My father passed away due to his own stupidity. I rather not talk about. I did just meet you." I smirked, trying to lighten the mood.
    We all listened, and heard her dad yell, "All the boxes are done."
    I laughed, "Well, I'll guess I'll see you at dinner."
    She smiled, and waved, "Bye."
    "Bye" her mother said afterwards.
    "Bye." I replied, "It was nice meeting you."
    I was standing by the big oak tree in the back of the park when Jason walked over.
    "What's up, bro? You got the sh*t?" Jason asked.
    "Shut up. Keep your head low, and here." I said, handing him a bag full of weed.
    "You didn't get it from me. Got it?"
    "Got it." he said, stuffing it in his pocket and running off.

  4. SilentWishes SilentWishes
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2013 12:08pm UTC
    Need You Now
    Charlie's P.O.V.
    I let my hand crash down on the alarm clock sitting above my head.
    It was Saturday.
    I knew I had to get up though.
    Mom hated when I slept in.
    She says 'It's a waste of a perfect day'.
    So, I trudged across the floor and into the bathroom.
    I turned on the shower and stepped in.
    I let the cold water cress my body for about 5 minutes.
    I washed up, and then hopped out.
    Kyle's party last night, left me completly trashed today.
    "Charlie!" I heard my mom yell while I was shaking my hair dry.
    I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen.
    "Mmm." I hummed, kissing my mother's forehead.
    She stacked a pile on a plate, and placed it infront of me.
    They were covered in butter, and syrup.
    "So, we are getting new neighbors today." she said to me, but I didn't look up.
    "They have the most beautiful daughter, who is your age by the way. Why don't you go introduce yourself, and offer to show her around." she pressed on.
    She really didn't need to press though, because I was already on my way out.
    I looked down at my clothes to make sure I was decent, before digging my barefeet into the grass.
    I had on a blue t-shirt, adn tan shorts.
    I looked hot, and my brown swoopy hair was looking great.
    I noticed her sitting on the steps, and I made my way over.
    I sat down next to her, and said "Hey."
    She was holding a book she looked pretty into, but she closed it and said "Hello."
    I didn't notice because I was to busy looking at her outfit.
    A blue sundress, with no shoes.
    I looked up at her face, and was immedietly entransed by her big brown eyes.
    They matched her brown perfect curly hair, that curved around her face perfectly.
    She waved her hand infront of my face.
    "Oh, uh, sorry."
    Great, now she thought I wasn't listening to her.
    "My names Elaine, but you can call me Laney." she giggled.
    Not an annoying giggle, but a soft, gentle, beautiful giggle.
    "Charlie." I said reaching out to shake her hand.
    Wow, I'm stupid.
    Nobody shakes hands anymore.
    So, it suprised me when she placed her small, soft hand in mine.
    She was perfect.


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