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Member Since: 30 Jul 2011 12:11am

Last Seen: 15 Dec 2012 05:24pm

user id: 201310

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Hey girlies. :) So here's the thing. If you ever need to vent but feel like you can't do it on your main account, post it on here. It's 100% anonymous, so no one will know it's you! The password is 'secrets' (all lowercase). But if you feel like you still can't post it, even if it's on this account, post it on the formspring. ♥ Stay beautiful & stay positive lovies.

Stay positive♥
  1. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2012 7:50am UTC
    She has a smile on
    her lips, but cuts on
    her wrists
    Format by twilightgirl995

  2. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2012 11:48am UTC
    This is to all the girls
    Who think they're worthless. Who think they're ugly.
    Who think they're fat & who think they're too short or tall.
    You are worthful. You are beautiful.
    You are strong. Smile, gorgeous.

  3. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 6:48pm UTC
    I'm fat.
    I hate my body.
    I feel disgusting about myself.
    I'm way to curvy.

  4. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2012 11:21pm UTC
    ... i did it.
    I cut. for the first time.
    i promised i never would..
    but i told you that they would eventually push me over the edge.

  5. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2012 11:00pm UTC
    I feel like a baby sometimes. I'm 13 and I don't take pills because I'm too afraid (comes with a story). I sleep with a lamp & a night light on (that's kind of a long story -// they that sleeping with dim lights is healthy, but it just makes me feel stupid.) & I sleep with music playing (they also say this is healthy, but listening to ocean sounds to fall asleep isn't exactly the coolest thing.) and last but not least, I still sleep with a teddy bear. three teddy bears, to be exact. but I don't really care about this one because my mom and sister both have to hug something when they go to sleep (my sister hugs a candy pillow named 'squshie' and my mom hugs a feather pillow named 'mushie' haha). I mean, I guess I can take small pills but even then I start freaking out. & one time I even freaked out so much that I didn't even swallow it, I just spit it out. and when I'm at a sleepover or something I can sleep in the dark& without music with no problem. but idk I just feel so embarrassed sometimes. it's like I never really grew up at all. :/ okay, and another vent: I have anxiety and I HATE it. so so so so much it's unbelievable. I mean God and my counselor are helping me through it but it's kind of always there, and I can't do anything about that. I still have anxiety over things that happened years ago, and months ago. and they're the most stupidest things ever but I can't really shake them. but that's what it's like with everyone with anxiety, ya know? so I know I'm not alone. and that comforts me a bit.
    Okay I think I might delete this later, but I just had to get it out somewhere. Thanks for reading if you did, I really appreciate it.

  6. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2012 10:26pm UTC
    "you're fat"
    okay, i hope you know you're the reason that i skipped breakfast, lunch, & dinner today.
    & you're the reason i plan on doing it again tomorrow.

  7. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2012 12:42pm UTC
    I feel like a baby sometimes. I'm 13 and I don't take pills because I'm too afraid (comes with a story). I sleep with a lamp & a night light on (that's kind of a long story -// they that sleeping with dim lights is healthy, but it just makes me feel stupid.) & I sleep with music playing (they also say this is healthy, but listening to ocean sounds to fall asleep isn't exactly the coolest thing.) and last but not least, I still sleep with a teddy bear. three teddy bears, to be exact. but I don't really care about this one because my mom and sister both have to hug something when they go to sleep (my sister hugs a candy pillow named 'squshie' and my mom hugs a feather pillow named 'mushie' haha). I mean, I guess I can take small pills but even then I start freaking out. & one time I even freaked out so much that I didn't even swallow it, I just spit it out. and when I'm at a sleepover or something I can sleep in the dark& without music with no problem. but idk I just feel so embarrassed sometimes. it's like I never really grew up at all. :/ okay, and another vent: I have anxiety and I HATE it. so so so so much it's unbelievable. I mean God and my counselor are helping me through it but it's kind of always there, and I can't do anything about that. I still have anxiety over things that happened years ago, and months ago. and they're the most stupidest things ever but I can't really shake them. but that's what it's like with everyone with anxiety, ya know? so I know I'm not alone. and that comforts me a bit.
    Okay I think I might delete this later, but I just had to get it out somewhere. Thanks for reading if you did, I really appreciate it.

  8. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 7:38pm UTC
    Hello there. I just am asking for some advice here. Please help.I'm in sixth grade and I have a boyfriend, and I don't know if I'm too young to kiss him or not, half of me says YES and the other half says HELL NO. Like The other day my mom said that I should kiss him! It was shocking to hear. And then I have best friends that say no, friends that say yes, the whole sixth grade keeps asking me if I did or not. I'm so confused. Like, I'm curious, but I don't want to rush into anything, and I'm told if you wait, it'll pay off. We've been going out for four months and going on a date to the movies Sunday, please, Help???

  9. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 10:54am UTC
    no one knows how close i am too cutting for the first time . i promised myself i NEVER would .. but they're pushing me so close..

  10. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    I dont expect anyone to fave this, I just need to vent <////////3
    I have alot of secrets to tell. To many. One being, I wrote a suicide note this year. I wasn't going to kill myself. I was going to run away & make it so people thought I was dead so they wouldn't come looking for me. My bestfriend came over once & read it. She made me rip it up & throw it away. I love you for that bestfriend <3
    Another one is, I am still in love with the guy who broke my heart. IN LOVE. I have never felt this way about a guy before. I miss him so much I just want to tell him. Hes different than other guys. Way different. Hes the best guy in the world too me. But he likes someone else.
    Another one? Simply, im dying inside. I smile, I laugh, I joke around... But im dying. Noone knows it. Noone can tell. Noone will understand.
    I cut myself sometimes.
    I cry myself too sleep just about EVERY SINGLE night. Because I know its over between us.
    I feel so alone, like noone understands me. Like I don't belong.

  11. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2012 9:34pm UTC
    Hello, beautiful!(:
    If you ever need to vent, but dont feel like you can post it because someone who knows you might see it on your witty page, post it on here. Secretsfortheworld_2.
    It's 100% Anonymous. No one will know it's you!
    Stay beautiful & keep smiling! (:
    User; secretsfortheworld_2
    Password; secrets
    enjoy&feel free to vent as much as you want.

  12. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2012 1:50am UTC
    Please help this girl out,
    I think she needs some advice.
    She's my best friend and I know
    she could really use some help right now
    Thank you so much.

  13. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2012 12:59am UTC
    I take sleeping pills. I’m at the point where I’m taking them almost every single night. I need them to sleep, to forget. The worst thing is, my life isn’t even hard. I mean, other people have it so much worse, and here I am getting sh*tty off sleeping pills. Knowung this just makes me feel worse. And you know, I tried to hint to him that I was taking tiem. I started asking him what pills do to your system and how many you have to take to overdose. I told him I wasn’t planning on killing myself (which I’m not) I was just making sure because I had taken different pills. But anyway, when I asked how many it takes to overdose all he said was, “don’t.” That’s it. Yeah, I can really tell you ‘love’ me. Usually when smeone says they love you and they start asking sketchy stuff about taking pills, you give more of a sh*t and try to ask them about it instead of simply saying “don’t” and continuing on with your stupid game.
    Thank you, if you read this and sotty if it doesn’t make sense, the pills are starting to kick itn.

  14. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 11:49am UTC
    Hello beautiful(:
    If you ever need to vent
    but feel like you can't post it because someone who knows you might see it on your witty page,
    post it on here. Secretsfortheworld_2.
    It's 100% Anonymous. No one will know it's you(:
    stay beautiful&Keep smiling(:
    User; secretsfortheworld_2
    Password; secrets
    enjoy&feel free too vent as much as you want
    make sure the password is all lowercase. :)

  15. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2012 11:37am UTC
    We're all
    Whatever is going on in our lives will get better. It's hard now, but you need to keep smiling and stay strong. Keep your head up, and remember that it always works out perfectly in the end.

  16. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 6:53pm UTC
    My mom went to the doctors because she found a lump in her breast. She hasn't gotten the results back yet, they said it was probably just from her working around the backyard. I can't help but wonder, what if it's not? What if it's more than just a bruise?
    I'm so scared.

  17. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 6:38pm UTC
    I hate this. i'm in love with my best guy friend. We have dated before too & I bet you can guess how it ended, me in tears\: but i still love him even though i know i shouldn't anyone have advice on how to get over him? Comment?(:

  18. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 12:03am UTC
    When I was only 14, I passed out at a party and I woke up lying next to this guy I didn't even really know. His hands were under my bra. I still don't know everything he did to me, and that scares me.

  19. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 11:59pm UTC
    One of my biggest fears is
    one day, I'm going to wake up and my sister won't be here. She isn't happy. I know she's not. She cries. She scratches herself. I'm terrified one of these days she'll leave forever.
    I love you Em, you're my entire world.

  20. SecretsForTheWorld_2 SecretsForTheWorld_2
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 10:37pm UTC
    My dad has shot and killed two people. The first time, he was 17 and the second time he was in his early thirties. Both people he killed had guns and were robbers. They were both young. He did it in self defense. I've never told anyone about this.
    It scared the hell out of me when I first found out that my dad was a killer. But I realize now that he's not a killer, he saved many people's lives.
    He's my hero.


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