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Member Since: 12 Mar 2012 12:06am

Last Seen: 31 Mar 2012 05:09pm

user id: 283027

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My life,

Okay,Im gonna start out with what you have too get me too do too make me do things and stuff,Lol but some of this probably isnt real.

Wanna make me breckfast in bed?You have to get me up first!!!
Wanna get me a babysitter because I'm not a responsible person?

Thats okay,,I'll just take there I-pod put gum in there shoe while shey trie to get it out and catch me!! Hahahhh suckerssss YOU CANT STOP MEH

Kay heres some more stuff about meh so listen up mager stalkers...
Fave music:Moves like jagger!!
Fave food:Mac'n cheeze hot dogs,chicken fingers,AND POP!!
Fave friends:Mykala,Keira,Sarah,Angela,Destany,brooklynn,Adriana and no im not even close too popular. I hate the popular person so yeahhhh yuppers.
Fave nickname:Tori..Lol or skittles okay yeah skittles. I luv skittles!!!
Nickname you want:
Skitttles or Skiddles
Heres stuff like my age..AND WHY DO YOU CARE!!!?? freakin stalkersss....lol jk
Where you live:Canada
where u wanna live:
Well thats it follkkss. :D :) :P :O :U :| :L :S :Z


  1. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 1:27pm UTC
    If you fall i'll be there too catch you,
    I like pankakes <3

  2. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 1:25pm UTC
    If you fall i'll be there too catch you,

  3. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2012 5:36pm UTC
    "Kill zoidberg!"
    "He made me have no spine..-"
    "He made my hipnotized..I will obey you master zoidberg"
    "HE GAVE ME GARFEILD SYNDRUM...sigh,I hate mondays"
    "And what did he do to you?"
    Bender shrugs "Um im not exactly sure...but i wet myself everytime i laugh..."

  4. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    Fave this and I'll
    dont worry. I dont lie!!!

  5. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 5:14pm UTC
    Okay people..Really this is annoying. When I look for Advise or somthing all I see it stuff like Hunger Games and one derection like seriously people. If you like that stuff think it in your mind. You don't have too freakin blab all over the internet about it.

  6. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2012 9:30am UTC
    Hating me,
    Won't make you...
    I like pankackes >.<

  7. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 1:27pm UTC
    The police are looking for somone sexy funny and great in bed.
    Your ugly azz is safe, But where should I HIDE????

  8. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 10:21am UTC
    Who never talks to me anymore :( Her name is angela dewinter and she was my BFF but now she says she cant talk whenever i chat to her on facebook. I dont have any other friend like her. But shes 2 years older than me and i never see her anymore because she moved. And she never calls or anything! I think shes very popular in her school. Unlike me. I'm probably the class clown, and whenever I was upset or feeling alone,I'd go too angelas house. She was my best friend. :( I hope she will still be my friend when she comes back. :( And angela,If your reading this just wanted you to know your the bestest friend a friend could be :)

  9. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 8:44pm UTC

  10. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 8:14am UTC
    When people say staring contest with stuffed animals all you do is..
    take your hand and cover there eyes.

  11. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 8:40pm UTC
    "Daddy, what are you doing!!!" "Shuttup I said!" "But.." He triggered the gun. "Be quiet." Amy studdered. "Shuttup, And don't tell anyone about this!" He aimed his gun and put clothes and things in a suit case of amy's. He asked her, "What else?" She was confused. "I'm..Leaving?" "Yes. Now get the heak out" He thre Amy the suitcase. She grabbed her picture and got out.
    (Donated to one of the person who faved this and commented it. Sorry it's so short tommorow ill make a bigger chapter)

  12. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 8:23pm UTC
    Amy rested her head on her arms. How come jaydon has too be so mean? She banged her head against her arms. "Mrs.Rombout, Can i change my desk?" "Why?" Suddenly Amy felt angry. "Why do you think!" Amy suddenly screamed. "Whoah..Totall spazz!!" Jayden smirked. Amy ran all the way home after school. She ran upstairs and into her closet too unlock the attic. She pulled on the rope and the trap door came down. She closed it once she was inside and opened her tresure box. Inside, was a picture of her mother. "I miss you mom. I wish you were here too tell me what i should do right now" A tear formed. "Unlike daddy" She hugged the picture. And carfully stepped downstairs. In the living room was her father. She took very carefull steps and tried not too scare him. "D..Daddy?" Her dad stood. A gun in his left hand. "What are you doing?" "Dad..Are you okay..?" "SHUTTUP" He raised the gun. "Or I shoot"
    Okay, This is sad. If I get five faves ill make chapter 2

  13. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 3:48pm UTC
    A computer once beat me at chess...
    But it was NO MATCH for my kick Boxing!

  14. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    the only reason ppl get lost in thought,
    is because its unfamiliar territory.

  15. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 3:43pm UTC
    So i stole a shopping cart from walmart and put it on my fire for a grill.

  16. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 3:41pm UTC
    I see a purple spotted space rat that can suck out your brains!!
    whatever you do stay clear of walmart.

  17. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 3:30pm UTC
    When I die, I want my last words too be...
    take care of my truck!!

  18. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 3:23pm UTC
    i like purple pandas

  19. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    You can't say "M" without putting ur lips together
    You just tried it
    now ur laughing

  20. Saphire_Shard Saphire_Shard
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 8:52pm UTC
    Freedome Deserves More
    bring it on carma


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