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Member Since: 27 Mar 2012 09:26pm

Last Seen: 3 Jun 2012 10:12am

user id: 287187

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Hey witttty!(: My name is Alexis and i am 13 years old(: i love writing books! i will always keep you posted!
Hope u enjoy!
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    Its Just a walk
    Chapter 2
    I felt the sway of the car
    my eyes slowly opened and my head was throbbing where i was hit
    the pain was terrable!
    i tried to sit up but my hands were bound behind me
    i managed to sit up and looked around
    i was in the back of a van and a man sat infront of me
    while the other drove
    "Goodmorning sleeping beauty i thought you would never wake up"
    my eyes started to focus on the man i couldnt tell who he was because of the ski mask he
    was wearing
    "uhh who are you and where am i?" i stammered
    who were these men?
    "lets make it simple you dont have to know who we are"he barked
    "and why is that?"i asked like fool
    He started to laugh
    "girl, you better listen"
    i cut it.
    "my name is not girl its lexi get that strait"i proclaimed
    "fine lexi you better listen to us and do what we want cuz now, now your ours"
    i felt discomfort in him but the other man didnt seem threatening at all
    the car stopped
    The man across me started comming over to me
    he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the car.
    he put a blind fold on me
    and picked me up over his shoulder
    then he started touching my butt
    "Hey!" i yelled
    "o shut up theres more to come"he hissed
    i knew what he ment
    i would have to get out of here as soon as i could
    he kept walkin and when we reached where we had to be he set me down
    he took the blind fold off
    we were in what was an old house in the woods
    "at least tell me your names"
    the man looked at me like i was crazy
    "im Dom and thats Jeremy" he pointed to the other guy
    then dom started walkin torwards me and dragged me into a room
    then we go into the room
    Dom pushes me to the ground
    i try to scramble away
    "what are you going to do with me?" i asked stupidly like some movie
    he laughed
    "you'll see"
    then he struck me right in the face
    i let out a scream
    and then
    he grabbed my face in his cupped hands and started to kiss me
    I had to get away some how

    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 7:28pm UTC
    Its Just a walk
    Chapter 1
    Aug.1st 2011
    "Mom! im home from Taylors!"i screamed as i walked through the door
    "alright babe but can u do me a favor. empty the dishwasher!"
    i sighed and walked over to the dishwasher and started to take the dishes out one by one.
    when i was finished i sat down on the love seat then i got a text from my neigbor Bell
    Bell:Hey girl mind walking up to my house i have to show you something
    Me:Sure i will be there in a second
    i ran upstairs to find my mom in her room laying down
    "hey im gunna walk to bells be back in an hour i'll text you when i get there
    "well how longs the walk?"she replied curiously
    "It only take about 10 min"
    "Ok be careful"
    She usualy lets me do anything
    so i put on my Jordan Sneakers and started out the door
    i had a bad feeling in my gut
    but ignored it
    i started up the hill
    walking one foot after the other and glancing at the trees and my neigbors house
    the warm breeze hit my cheeks
    the hill was about 1/8 of a mile so it wasnt that long
    looking at the houses i noticed no one was outside
    It was about 7 at night so it wasnt that late either.
    I was half way up the hill when my eyes fixed on a car commining down the hill
    They were comming down the hill approaching me
    once they passed i felt a relief of comfort
    i continued up the hill until i reached the flat road at the top
    i heard a car
    it was comming from behind
    i turned to see the car and it was the same car i saw earlier
    it was approaching me again but once more it passed
    again i kept walking. Bells house was a half mile away but it was flat road
    walking at a faster pace the same car passed me
    but this time i turned to see the plate on the back of the car
    it read
    i continued walking putting the number in my phone
    the car started comming again but this time slowed down once it came closer to me
    i started running
    i felt my necklace beating on my chest
    it was my fathers who abandoned me when i was 2
    i gripped it and continued running
    then i felt a thump on my head and blacked out


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