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  1. briiitttttttany briiitttttttany
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 1:44pm UTC
    Today I saw a homeless man
    holding a sign that said "why live in a $100k home when I can live under a 3 million dollar bridge?"

  2. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 12:10pm UTC
    i wonder how long
    it takes a giraffe to throw up.
    all credit to meowbrynn

  3. FunZy0x4 FunZy0x4
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    W i t t y l o o k s s o b o r i n g o n t h e
    outside but when
    y o u l o g o n , i t ' s a f r e a k i n g

  4. mumblebumble mumblebumble
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 1:38pm UTC
    silly phone, that wasn't a missed call.
    it was a saw-who-it-was-and-pressed-ignore call.
    not my format.

  5. crimsontide11 crimsontide11
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    That one friend;
    who is ALWAYS injured,
    ALWAYS complaining,
    so fake,
    or always sick
    >they need to be themselves<

  6. hermione23katniss hermione23katniss
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:26pm UTC
    Remember wade fRom kim possible?
    I used to think he was an anti-social nerd.....
    Until I turned into him.

  7. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 4:06pm UTC
    Dad:Your mom bought you some more medicine for your throat
    Me:Yeah, more things to drug me with.

  8. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 4:40pm UTC
    is a girl who knows how to make you mad and make you wanna punch her.
    must be her cousin.

  9. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 6:12pm UTC
    Wizards of Waverly Place.
    Thank you for sharing the magic with us. It all ends tonight.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. hermione23katniss hermione23katniss
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 10:06pm UTC
    Fave if
    you were born on your

  12. mrsfredweasley mrsfredweasley
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 10:39pm UTC
    One day, crayola will make a color called ,
    "Snooki Orange"

  13. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 2:17pm UTC
    I want a real love like Romeo and Juliet.
    Not a fake love like Barbie and Ken.

  14. hermione23katniss hermione23katniss
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:39pm UTC
    It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone. ♥
    My mom forgot me in a parking lot once

  15. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 2:20am UTC
    it's better to let go and see if they come back
    t h a n t o h o l d o n a n d s e e i f t h e y l e t g o . . .

  16. Cutecat0413 Cutecat0413
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:34pm UTC
    *In 25 years*
    Me: "You know, when I was a kid, I had the Iphone 4S and used Siri for information."
    My kid: "Omg Mom, that's so lame. I have the Iphone 500, and it makes my bed, cleans my clothes, and makes my dinner."

  17. kaila* kaila*
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 11:06pm UTC
    When I die,
    I'm gonna become a ghost, and watch attractive people shower (:

  18. nameyou2468 nameyou2468
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 10:52pm UTC
    There are two things
    an average girl wishes;
    to find the perfect guy
    & to eat without getting fat.
    nameyou2468 format♥

  19. nameyou2468 nameyou2468
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 10:45pm UTC
    No mom,
    I don't know
    what I got on my test.
    I just took it today.
    nameyou2468 format

  20. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2012 3:25pm UTC
    Sometimes I wonder
    How I would look like
    If I were the opposite gender.
    © ThatsSoMeee :)


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