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  1. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 8:48pm UTC
    Closing your eyes when listenin to a good song...
    makes ppl think you're alseep -_-

  2. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 3:54pm UTC
    "We may shine, We may shatter, You may be pickin pieces here on after, We are fragile, We are human, We are shaped by the light we let through us, We break fast, 'Cuz we are glass."
    ~Glass by Thompson Square

  3. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:37am UTC
    The difference between a Friend and a best friend:
    A friend: Stares at you while you dance in your seat to music

  4. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:25am UTC
    I love my best friend!!!!! He had to cancel our plans for going for a run and to make up for it he bought me a best friend necklace! He's like a little brother to me. He knows me so well and he knew he didn't have to get me anything, but he did it anyway. I love you Bleach!!

  5. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 1:51pm UTC
    YOU love him but you just havent realized it yet. Hurry up cuz you're losing a pretty damn good guy.

  6. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 1:30pm UTC
    Roses are RED,
    Violets are BLUE,
    Stop looking at me,
    I hate you,
    I used to love you but now i'm like,
    F**K you!

  7. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 9:50am UTC
    The Light At The End of the Tunnel
    Chapter 1
    Jessie walked into school. "14 more days until i'm out of this heel hole", she thought. She hitched her backpack up a little higher and sighed. As she walked to her locker she heard someone comment, "Look at the Mexican's clothes. where does she shop, Salvation Army?" She pretended not to here it and kept walking.
    Then, as she slowly approached her locker, she saw the few people tht made coming to school something to look forward to. Her boyfriend, Patch, and her bestfriends at her locker. Henry, her gay bestfriend, was stand there adjusting his multitude of braclets. Marsha was getting stuff out of her locker, which was right next to Jessie's. Patch was staring at her, he never took his eyes off of her. He slowly smiled that brilliant smile of his at her and her heartbeat quickened.
    "Hey,babe." he said as he pulled her closefor a quick Good Mornin kiss.
    "EWWWWWW. Get a room." said Henry.
    "Awwww, ya are so cute." said Marsha.
    Jessie smiled and blushed a little bit and said, "I love you guys." She put in her combination and opened her locker and reached into her pocket to get her phone and Patch put his hands on her waist. She laughed as he gently kissed her neck.
    "Baby, what are ya doin?", she said turning around to face him.
    "Just wanted to make you smile, babygirl.", Patch answered.
    She turned off her phone and put in in her locker. Then she grabbed her books and shoved them in the mess she calls her backpack.
    "Do you have the History homework, J?", asked henry.
    "Yeah, why?" answerd Jessie.
    "I need to check if i got the right answer on number 5. I think i have it right but i just wanna check." said Henry.
    "K, i'll give it to you in homeroom." she said.
    They walked down the hall together, chattering. they were the oddest bunch because they were so different, but yet they fit together like the missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
    Marsha was the softball star. Henry was the proud gay. Patch was the track king, he could out run a plane about to take off. Jessie was the short, hispanic girl with artistic talents for days. She could write and draw and sing until her heart was content. they seemed to stick out wherever they go because they were so different but maybe those differences are what makes them work together so well.
    "Go jump the boarder, Mexican!", said a kid in the crowd.
    "Hey, Jessie, whatcha havin for lunch? i hear they're servin tacos!" said another kid.
    Patch squessed her handreasuringly and said, "They're just jealous, baby. plus, noone cares what they think. you have people who love you, no matter what race you are. And you're not even mexican, You're Puerto Rican and the most beautiful one i've ever seen."
    they kept walking to homeroom.
    *fav if u like this n i shld keep writin.

  8. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 9:18am UTC
    They don't hate you girl, they're just jealous that you got something they want. You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different. They can hate all they want, but you're special and you know it.

  9. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2012 7:59pm UTC
    Boy: I like your hair.
    Girl: Thanks I grew it myself

  10. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 9:48am UTC
    that day when he takes ur ring n the next day u found out tht he had it in his pocket the whole time.♥

  11. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 9:42am UTC
    There isnt a day that doesnt go by when i don't think of u. When i close my eyes i see your smile, i hear your laughter, i remember those times when u wanted to cry but you stayed strong......for us. U always have a space in my heart and it's jst days lik this tht i cant help but miss u like crazy. I miss u, i want you back, i want to here now, i want you to hold me in your arms and tell me that yeah life sucks but we can get through it together if we stay strong..........I miss u,Mom. R.I.P.

  12. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 9:25am UTC
    Sometimes there's so much bad in your life that you just give up looking for the good. The good is always the shinging light in this mass darkness. Look for the light, and reach out and grab it n never let go. That light is your lifeline.

  13. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 9:19am UTC
    I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
    ~Mother Teresa

  14. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 6:47pm UTC
    Why would you wanna be with me if I'm so broken?
    Because i think you're worth fixing.

  15. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 8:12pm UTC
    Him: why didnt u txt back?
    Him: u there?
    Me: hi
    Him: why didn't u txt back?
    Me: i was writing a long message
    Him: what is it?
    *whispers to phone* ily
    *Fav if u wld do this

  16. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 8:06pm UTC
    When your locker smells like HIM♥ cuz he's sweatshirt has been hanging in there.

  17. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2012 9:45am UTC
    makes you feel special,
    like you matter,
    like you have a purpose,
    makes butterflies in your stomach everytime you look him in the eye,
    makes you laugh when you're about to cry,
    holds you together when you're about to break,

  18. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2012 11:14am UTC
    *flips friend off*
    friend: i love you too.
    me:i'm telling you that you're #1 in german
    friend: i love you too.
    me: i hate you rite now
    friend: i love you too
    me:wtf, i don't love you!
    friend: i love you
    me: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sry bye.
    most awkward moment ever!!!!!

  19. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2012 11:16am UTC
    Sitting in class, dancing in your seat, you look over and your friends are laughing at you.
    love you too, guys.

  20. RubySpade RubySpade
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 1:39pm UTC
    Sometimes i wish,
    that we were truly,
    smarter than we are,
    because then we'd realize,
    what's really happening,
    love ♥


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