Witty Profiles

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  1. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 3:11pm UTC
    When you think you did really well on something,
    And it turns out;
    Atually You did terrible.
    format by Reem7Millie

  2. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 2:53pm UTC
    Everytime i see a little flash on my phone i hope its you, but everytime i just get dissapointed....

  3. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 2:33pm UTC
    *Opens a pack of chewing gum* Suddenly, 1000 people in my school are my friends :)

  4. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 2:29pm UTC
    Old grumpy lady: Hey you cheeky little girl! Im only 45!
    Girl: Yh in dog years!
    By: Reem7Millie

  5. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 2:15pm UTC
    I didnt ask to look this way i just got lucky!

  6. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 1:19pm UTC
    You start to notice
    really how much you
    love him...
    When he's gone. Forever.

  7. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 1:11pm UTC
    Everything was easy,
    when he was mine
    By: Reem7Millie

  8. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 12:16pm UTC
    People who say money cant buy happiness,
    obviously dont know where
    to shop <3
    By: Reem7Millie

  9. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 12:12pm UTC
    I failed a spelling test today... Because they asked me to write down 'Player'... But by accident i put YOUR name. </3
    By; Reem7Millie

  10. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 3:57pm UTC
    That scary moment.
    When you know your never gonna see that 1 person properly again! Yh your gonna see him up the shop and chat to him on the internet. But knowing you'll never have that relationship you had before.Going home and crying. And repeating it all over the next night.
    Iv lost someone, and missing them :'(
    Fave if one certain person was on your mind whilst reading this.

  11. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 3:53pm UTC
    I cared, You didnt ?
    I cried, You laughed ?
    I was hurt, You smiled?
    I moved on, You relized!
    TO LATE!

  12. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 3:31pm UTC
    Chapter 6 Who are you?
    Out of the corner of my eye i noticed the door had been left open. Yes! Luckily my bright, clever mum had brang a car! Without thinking, i viciously pushed the man of the poor 11 year old girl, who was in tears. I took her hand, aswell as my mums, and sprinted out the door. Suddenly i felt an erge to lock it! This erge was so strong i even did! He, that horrid man, was locked into the room! Yes! The tree of us rapidly jumped into the car and speedily drove off. We were safe! "Thankyou thankyou thankyou soo much!" the girl kept reapeting, tears spilling down her eyes. "Your completley welcome" my mum said hugging her, whilst stearing the car! Yh thats my typical mum! Eventually we reached home, wierdly the girl only lived a few roads up :) So me and my mum took her home and explained to her parents. We all decided to call the police, luckily! As we waited for a phone call back from the cops we listend to music, dancing and singing away, this was so much fun. Then the phone rang "ding-a-ling-a-ling" it went. My mum answerd it. Me and Jessie, the 11yr-old girl, were holding hands. Then my mum came of the phone, they had taken the man to prison! For life! Me and Jessie jumped up in the air! I had found a new best friend for life!
    The End Hope you enjoyed xxx

  13. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 2:52pm UTC
    Trust me, I know how hard it is to let go :'(

  14. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 2:17pm UTC
    Who are you? Chapter 5
    That night, the unknown man, who i stupidly gave my adress, came for me. He peered around the door and came in. Naked. I tried to run. I really did. But he clasped my hand. "Who are you?!" i asked he didnt answer me. That night i drowned in sadness as he tortured me. Finally he left. The cheeky grin on his face made me steam up with anger. The next morning i heard a knock on the door. Surely it was my mum! It had to be! I grabbed my coat and lept to the door. It opended and standing there with his hands tightly around my mums mouth was the man! Tremberling with fear i scremed! "HELP! HELP! HELP!" i yelled! Panting for breath, i took hold of my mum and held her close. By the time she got up my sholder was dripping wet. "What has he done to you my love?" she whisperd nervously. "Things you wouldnt want to know. . . " i whisperd. Suddenly i burst out with tears. "Well dont you two look LOVLEY" came a sarcastic voice. It was him. "Iv decided to let you go, as iv found another girl to play with!" A girl with brown, silky, beautiful hair enterd the room. Her eyes were blood-shot from all the crying! She was only about 11! "Let her go, shes only young!" Me and my mother pleaded. "I dont think so darlings" He laughed. I saw the girls mouth whispering, luckily i could lip read, she was saying 'I miss you mum, I miss you mum' I cuddled her and closed my eyes. i felt so sorry for her as he lunged her onto the bed and pounced onto her. . .fave for more! <3
    by: Reem7Millie

  15. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 1:55pm UTC
    Lifes to short to be sitting around
    So you, yh you! Get up and show
    people what your really made of!

  16. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 1:29pm UTC
    Youngster: Balamory whats the story in balamory wouldnt you like to know?
    Year 6: Im sexy and i know it
    Teenager:jessie j- do it like a dude
    Old: jimmy mack, jimmy, ohh jimmy mack. when are ya coming bk?
    By: Reem7Millie

  17. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 1:22pm UTC
    Who are you ? Chapter 4.
    I walked into the room and looked around. In the corner i spotted a computer, it brang back memories. How could i have been so stupid. I started to cry! "Hey babe wassup?" He said sarcastically! "You pig!" i shouted and tried to run off but he grabbed my wrist and pulled out a knife. "you aint going anywhere!" i closed my eyes but he let me go and put the knife away. I felt so lucky. "So show me what your made of then" he yelled "what?!" i replied shocked. "err get undressed you thicko!" he whisperd loudly. "No way! And who are you to call me a thicko" i screamed angrily! "Oh well il try tonight, later babe" he mumbled as he walked out the room. I heard a rattle of keys and the door lock! I sat in the corner crying. Well atleast i had the computer :'( After a few minutes of crying i logged onto the computer. "YES!" i whipsperd, i remeberd that old facebook acount i had, but the best bit was i could talk to my mum on it! Rapidly i logged into my facebook account, i was sure my mum was online! And guess what! She was! I told her i had been kidnapped and she HAD to come find me! I told her the address of the broken road sign in the room! "Im coming hunny!" she said and imidiatley logged off! My heart was thudding!
    Fav for more, and id like to say thanks for al the other favs on the other chapters :) xx
    By: Reem7Millie

  18. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 12:29pm UTC
    Who are you? Chapter 3
    Fave for more :)
    As i woke up the next morning the smell of bacon filled my nose. I ran down stairs hoping to get the biggest bacon sandwhich. To late. My little brother, samson, had got there first. "Hey Amelia" my mum greeted me, passing me a bacon sandwhich. "erm hi?" didnt she see the messages from yesterday?! Thank god i thought to my self. It was obvious my laptop was perfectly working for my mum before she could see the messages from yesterday. As i sat at the table my head was spinning with conclusions about the man i spoke to yesterday, online. He was a complete stranger to me and i gave him my adress! How could i have been so stupid. "you okay hunniee bunnie?" my mum asked me as she came and sat next to me "yes thanks mum" changing the subject i gobble my bacon sandwhich down and added "cor that was lovley erm mum today me jodie and samatha re going shopping. il be bk about 7 okay?" i had to get away from this, think fresh and meet up my friends :) "okay darling" my mum said. Later on i got dressed ready to go out and meet my friends. As i walked out the door i spotted a white van with painted black windows parked right out side my house. Suddenly a man got out. He looked arwfully familiar. HE WAS THE MAN FROM LAST NIGHT! all of a sudden i felt a pair of cold hands claspmy mouth. I tried to scream, but i couldnt. He dragged me into the van "hello 'babes'" he said to me. I tried to kick away but i was in the van, locked away. A minute or two later the car started and we were of, somewhere ? I cried buckets. About 3hrs later the van stopped! The door opened and i was dragged out into a room with a bed and kitchen stuff. A sudden rage craved in my belly. What was going to happed? ....

  19. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 12:09pm UTC
    If beauty were water,
    You my friend, would be an oceon.
    *if you were thinking about a certain person while reading this, your in love (fav if you were thing about someone special* <3

  20. Reem7Millie Reem7Millie
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 12:03pm UTC
    Who are you? Chapter 2!
    Biting my nails, i wated for the webcam to load. Suddenly up popped a man around 24. I was only 15 :o I texted him saying 'hi xx' he sent a message bk a minute later saying 'hello xx' He had golden blonde hair with a flick at the side and sapphire blur eyes. I was dazzed. For a minute i thought about our lesson at school about 'stranger danger and the internet' my heart started thudding. I didnt even have a clue who this person was. But i thought to my self 'he aint gonna bring any harm' So i carried on chatting to him. He constantly asked me personal questions so i continued to answer them truthfully. After an hour of chatting i remeber that i had given this 'stranger' my adress. MY personal adress. 'oh no' i whisperd to myself as my heart started thudding out of my chest! All of a sudden he texted me saying 'im sorry babe i have to go i will see you...soon' Babe? Babe? I was so scared. 'I will see you soon' ? What was this suggesting? Suddenly there was a knock on my door! It was 10.30pm already! " Lights of Amelia, i need to use your laptop now, thanks babe' I tried to close down the chat! But my screen had frozen!!! I couldnt get it to work! "whats up hun" my mother said. "nothing" i replied. Quickly my mum grabbed my laptop and walked out the door. My laptop had frozn with the chat on it! She could read my messages any minute now! I was totally in for it! A tear rolled down my eye. What the hell had i done! I turned over, trying to get to sleep, hoping nothing bad was gonna happen... please.
    Thanks for reading my second chapter. Hope your enjoying it so far :)
    Fav for next chapter :)


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