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  1. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2010 12:31pm UTC
    Snapshots of priceless moments cover her walls.
    She thinks back to a time where she didn't have to fake a smile it just graced her face so naturally.
    Back then, life was so worth living.
    Now she thinks its more worth not to.
    Why pretend to love?
    Why pretend to laugh?
    Why pretend to live?
    ...she's dead inside...

  2. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2010 12:26pm UTC
    The cracks in the concrete remind us that no matter how strong you are, you will fall apart at some point in your life.

  3. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2010 12:24pm UTC
    I'm tired of being sad.
    I'm tired of crying.
    I'm tired of feeling empty inside.
    I'm tired of feeling worthless.
    I'm tired of feeling stuck.
    I'm tired of feeling crazy.
    I'm tired of being alone.
    I'm tired of yelling.
    I'm tired of pretending.
    I'm tired of dreaming of a life I will never have.
    I'm tired of missing things.
    I'm tired of missing people.
    I'm tired of remembering.
    I'm tired of wishing I could start all over.
    I'm tired of not being able to just let go.
    I'm tired of faking it.
    I'm tired of being different.
    I'm tired of being angry.
    I'm tired of needing help.
    I'm tired of always wondering when God is finally going to let me be happy.
    Most of all,
    I'm just I'm tired of being tired.

  4. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2010 12:15pm UTC
    Not even make up could make her
    beautiful... Because real beauty
    comes from loving yourself and
    that's something she can never do.

  5. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2010 12:13pm UTC
    The girl who always looks sad but claims she’s fine. . .
    The girl who puts sad away messages up everyday. . .
    The girl who when she sees him in the halls, smiles a half a smile. . .
    The girl who always has time to listen to him vent and is willing to give her opinion to help him in anyway that she can. . .
    The girl who cares about helping everyone but herself. . .
    The girl who cries every night before she goes to sleep. . .
    The girl who pretends that she’s okay while she's dying inside. . .
    The girl who says she’s happy for him when he gets a new girlfriend even though jealousy is raging inside her. . .
    The girl who hugs him when he's down but secretly wishes she could hug him purely out of love. . .
    The girl who tries to look beautiful even though she knows she’s not. . .
    The girl who says that she’ll always be there for him & truely does means it.
    The girl. . . is me.

  6. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 11:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 11:03pm UTC
    I can make the dressing room bench rock! ;)

  8. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 10:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 9:52pm UTC
    30 day letters: Day 1: Best Friend.
    Best Friends. I love them but I hate them too. I wouldn't say I really have a best friend considering all the people I'm friends with are "best" friends with other people... there's nobody I'm really really close with. Like when you have a best friend you tell them everything and go to them for everthing, and I don't have anyone like that so I guess there's not much to say about best friends.
    - xoxo Ashley

  10. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 9:24pm UTC
    IIft ' yso u ncoatn ' t tsheeer iet. ,

  11. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 9:27pm UTC
    See, when her away message says not to IM her because she’s sad or depressed, the only thing she wants at that moment is for you to IM her...

  12. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 9:25pm UTC
    Do you think its easy being me? Do you think its easy putting on the act that I do everyday? I smile when all I want to do is cry... I laugh when all I want to do is die... I want to tell everyone how my world falls apart each night when I am laying in bed with tears in my eyes, pleading with god to help me. I want to let everyone know what it is like to be me, pretending to be happy, pretending to like myself, If it was up to me, I wouldn't be pretending... I would actually be happy... It really is a shame that its not.

  13. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 9:18pm UTC
    Behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain.

  14. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 9:12pm UTC
    She smiles with all she has left
    yet her tears are left undried,
    though she has so much to say
    she bottles it up inside.
    If you look past her broken eyes
    to a shadow no one sees,
    a disguise so you won’t recognize
    that girl is really me.

  15. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 9:07pm UTC
    Walk a mile in my shoes.. You’ll fall the first step

  16. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 9:05pm UTC
    Your perfect little girl...
    dropped a grade on her report card.
    Your perfect little girl...
    yelled at you last night.
    Your perfect little girl...
    talked back to you again.
    Your perfect little girl...
    painted her nails black.
    Your perfect little girl...
    isn't a vergin
    Your perfect little girl...
    lied to you all her life.
    Your perfect little girl...
    cries herself to sleep.
    Your perfect little girl...
    Cuts her wrists
    Your perfect little girl...
    dated before sixteen.
    Your perfect little girl...
    was broken by a boy.
    Your perfect little girl...
    doesn't go to church.
    Your perfect little girl...
    hates you.
    Your perfect little girl...
    has given up on life.
    Your perfect little girl...
    had a tantrum today.
    Your perfect little girl...
    wants to run away.
    Your perfect little girl...
    has no real friends.
    Your perfect little girl...
    hasn't let you dry her tears.
    Your perfect little girl...
    disobeys you.
    Your perfect little girl...
    hates the world.
    Your perfect little girl...
    is hated by the world.
    Your perfect little girl...
    says bad things about you.
    Your perfect little girl...
    is very unhappy.
    Your perfect little girl...
    thinks about suicide.
    Your perfect little girl...
    has become a disgrace.
    Your perfect little girl....
    isn't so perfect anymore

  17. Rawrxoxo31 Rawrxoxo31
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 8:51pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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