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  1. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 3:37pm UTC
    format by sandrasaurus
    Randomly Doodling..
    in class because you don't know what the teacher's talking about
    format credit to: Sandrasaurus
    format by sandrasaurus

  2. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 3:26pm UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 7. Your favorite album title
    Take Off Your Colours x

  3. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 3:11pm UTC
    When you try to casually run your fingers through your hair, but your fingers get stuck
    not my format

  4. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 2:59pm UTC
    You here a noise
    is it daylight?
    Yes no
    ↓ ↓
    it's nothing run for your life!!!

  5. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 4:33pm UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 6. Your favorite song title
    Blue Eyes Don't Lie x

  6. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 4:24pm UTC
    Sometimes i wonder
    How many girls from my school have witty too ♥

  7. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 12:57pm UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 5. Your favorite band member
    Josh Franceschi xxx :)

  8. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 4:49pm UTC
    Head shoulders, knees and toes Mended hearts and broken bones
    Nothing more but sticks and stones
    and Words will never hurt me

  9. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 11:45am UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 4. Your favorite album
    Hold Me Down x

  10. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2011 4:41pm UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 3. Your favorite song
    Safer To Hate Her <3 xxx

  11. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 2:24pm UTC
    F r i e n d s Q u o t e s # 14
    Ross : You're over me?
    When were you...
    under me?

  12. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 2:16pm UTC
    I Drop my Pencil
    and pick it up
    with my Foot
    because I'mToo
    Lazy to Bend

  13. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 1:34pm UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 2. First song you heard.
    not sure think it was Save It For The Bedroom

  14. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2011 6:57am UTC
    20 Day Band Challenge.
    My pick?
    You Me At Six<3
    1. Band basics.
    2. First song you heard.
    3. Your favorite song.
    4. Your favorite album.
    5. Your favorite band member.
    6. Your favorite song title.
    7. Your favorite album title.
    8. Your favorite lyrics.
    9. Your favorite photo of the band.
    10. Your favorite album cover.
    11. Best song-related memory.
    12. Worst song-related memory.
    13. Best song
    14. Worst song.
    15. Best album.
    16. Worst album.
    17. Most-played song.
    18. Least-played song.
    19. Most popular song overall.
    20. Why is this your favorite band?
    Day 1. Band Basics.
    5 awesome english guys called Josh,Max,Chris,Matt and Dan:)

  15. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2011 6:43am UTC
    Just found out that
    Bowling for Soup wrote the Phienas and Ferb Theme Tune♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  16. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 3:12pm UTC
    Yes, i am a girl
    & Yes,i play video games♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  17. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 2:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    10 Fun Things To Do That Freak Out Total Strangers
    1) Follow complete strangers around for 10 minutes, then speak into your collar and say, "Harrold, we have a situation. Subject 367 is unresponsive. Code 163!"
    2) When you get onto the elevator, laugh hysterically for 5 seconds, then glare at the other passengers as if they are crazy.
    3)Run up the "down" escalators, shrieking hysterically, and when you reach the top, fall silent and glare at other shoppers as if they are crazy.
    4) Approach a stranger in any supermarket and hand them a spatula and say, with authority, "The future of the Earth depends on it." Abruptly turn around and walk away.
    5) Walk up and down the fresh produce aisle in the supermarket and lecture the vegetables loudly on how to obtain world domination. Whenever a shopper comes close, fall silent and glare at them, and say to the produce, "We'll continue this later."
    6) Follow strangers around the department store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant.
    7) Follow strangers around the department store and laugh hysterically every time they touch anything.
    8) When there are about 6 people in the elevator, start jumping up and down singing "Sweet Alabama".
    9) When you get onto the elevator, stare at particular people with binoculars, and inform them that they have very nice ears.
    10) Stare at other people on the escalator and laugh hysterically.

  19. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 10:42am UTC
    i have something to tell you
    cover the top half of this quote

  20. RawrAndStuff RawrAndStuff
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 4:04pm UTC
    When i was a kid, i used to sing,
    "A B C D E F G H I J K ELEMENO P".


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