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Member Since: 8 Jul 2010 03:34am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 115345

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I'm a story writer and thats all you really need to know :)
  1. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 2:35pm UTC
    Why is Love so Hard to Find
    Chapter 4
    After five minutes of walking through town they finally reached the park, seeing two tall teenage boys standing there the group walked a little bit faster. Walking right up to the guys Jesse did that guy handshake thing with the two boys then faced the girls.
    Jesse- Alysha, Tia, Angelica these are my friends Matt and Frankie
    he said pointing to the boys
    Alysha- nice to me you
    Angelica- heyyy
    Tia- hi
    They said as they looked the boys right in the eyes.
    Frankie- hi
    Mat- sup
    Jesse- so what shall we all do
    Alysha- i dont know but i wanna go swing
    she yelled as she grabbed Tia by the arm and pulled her over to the swings
    Angelica just stood there starring at Matt.
    Matt- are you ok
    he asked as he caught her looking at him
    Angelica- yeah im uhhh fine
    she said quickly turning around and running over towards the swings with the girls
    Just standing there the boys watched as the girls were playing around.
    Frankie- so how did you meet those girls
    Jesse- from school
    he said with a smile
    Jesse- so hows Greg doing, havent seen him since, well you know
    Matt- he's doing well actually were missing you back up in New York though,
    Jesse- i know but i wanted to get away from there since that whole thing happened
    Frankie- you gotta get over it man those were some good memories but we gotta leave them behind
    Jesse- yeah i guess your right, wait have either of you talked to Chris
    Matt- nope none of us have, i dont think we will ever get the chance to either
    Jesse- yeah probably not since he went in that direction
    Frankie- yeah
    "AHHHHH" The boys jumped at the sound of the girls screamng, looking up they seen Angelica running away from Alysha who was throwing woodchips at her.
    Matt- so does she know
    he said nodding towards Alysha
    Jesse- no, i have no clue how to tell her.....
    Writers note: sorry im slacking like crazy :P haha but enjoy!

  2. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    Why is Love so Hard to Find
    Chapter 3
    Jesse: Hey Alysha (:
    Alysha: Jesse! Hey, whats up
    Jesse: nothing much, how about you
    Alysha: same, so how did you like your first day
    Jesse: well it would of been worse if you werent there (:
    Alysha: awwwww (: well im glad i made your day better, well you know something i barely know anything about you, you should tell me about yourself :D
    Jesse: well what do you wanna know?
    Alysha: everything (:
    Jesse: well how about you ask me any question you want, and i'll answer
    Alysha: alright, how old are you
    Jesse: 16
    Alysha: me too!!!! :D umm favorite color
    Jesse: orange, i like it cause its bright :P
    Alysha: ha ha nice i like all the colors, alright where are you from
    Jesse: WestChester New York
    Alysha: alright, do you play any sports
    Jesse: baseball, im shortstop and pitcher
    Alysha: ooh a baseball player for once
    Jesse: baseball where its at
    Throughout the rest of the day they continued to text, until it finally reached midnight that night.
    Alysha: alright Jesse i think its time for me to go to sleep, goondight (:
    Say soon as she sent the text and sat her phone down she quickly drifted to a dreamful sleep.
    The sound of her alarm clock drifted into her ears as she woke up the next morning to the spring sun drifting in through her window.
    Alysha: this week needs to hurry up
    she thought as she quickly got out of bed and got ready for the day
    Hopping out of the shower she turned her straightener on, to let it heat up, as it did that she got dressed qucikly then began to straighten her hair.
    After getting ready for half an hour she was finally done, grabbing her bag she ran outside and got into her car, putting her seat belt on her mom began to drive away. Rolling down her window she turned the radio on full blast and enjoyed the sunshine on her skin.
    Alysha: i cant believe this is the last week of school
    she said looking over at her mom in the drivers seat
    Mrs. Walters- yeah and next school year your going to be a junior
    Alysha- i know its crazy, alright bye love you mom
    she said as they reached the school, she opened her door and quickly got out and started heading towards the school doors. Getting closer to the doors she saw a tall blonde haired boy leaning against the wall. Focusing her eyes more, she realized it was Jesse. He got up off the wall and walked over to her, with a smile on his face.
    Jesse: hey
    Alysha: hi
    she said as they walked into the school
    Jesse- hows it going
    Alysha- ehh well since were in school bad, but otherwise its good, what about you
    Jesse- its going good, well hey catcha later, maybe we could hang out after school or something
    he said running off towards his first period class
    Alysha- sur
    she said barely above a whisper as she walked into her study hall class
    The day dragged on, Alysha didnt want anything to do with being in school on a warm sunny day like that. The same old things went on throughout the day like every othey day, but in a way it wasnt the same, it was as if a new light came into her life, that she didnt except to happen. But this feeling, well she wasnt sure if she liked it there or not.
    At the end of the day Alysha was standing there at her locker.
    Tia- L l l lalysha
    Alysha- T t t Tia
    she said with a smile as she watched her two best friends walk over towards her
    Alysha- so what you guys doing after school
    Tia- im going home
    Angelica- im going to Narnia
    Alysha- ahh sounds like fun
    she said shoving her math book into her bag, even though she knew she wouldnt be doing her math homework that night
    Angelica- so you need a ride
    Alysha- umm no i think i might be hanging out with Jesse after school today
    Angelica- ooooooo
    Alysha- oh shush
    she said as she saw the blonde hair green eyed boy turn around the hallway corner
    With a confident smile on his face Jesse walked over to Alysha.
    Jesse- hey
    Alysha- hi
    she said as a smile appeared onto her face
    Jesse- so do you still wanna hang out
    Alysha- sure
    Jesse- if you want you can bring your friends, im sure my friends would like to join to
    Alysha- well do you guys wanna join
    she said looking at Tia and Angelica
    Angelica- are there any hotties
    Jesse- im sure i can fix you up
    he said with a laugh
    Angelica- alright then we'll come
    she said linking arms with Tia and Alysha
    Jesse- alright lets go
    he said pulling his phone out of his pocket and quickly texting some of his friends, while they walked out the school doors.
    Writers note: omg i am so sorry i havent updated on the story in over a month!!!!! D: ive just been so busy with school and my other story, but i will try to update as often!!!! (:

  3. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    Why is Love so Hard to Find
    Chapter 2
    Alysha- alright well we have 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, lunch and 7th period together
    Jesse- really, thats cool
    they said as the walked down the halls of the high school
    Alysha- well its 4th period now, which is French ll, oh you can meet my friend Angelica
    she said with a smile as she walked down the hall faster
    Jesse kept his pace with her's as they walked up the stairs and down the hall and into Mr. G's French ll class. Mr. G looked up from his papers and saw the young new face.
    Mr. G- ahhh you must be Jesse, you can take a sit any where
    he said with a smile
    Jesse turned around and saw Alysha, he followed her and took a seat in front of her.
    Alysha- Jesse this is my best friend Angelica Frantz
    Jesse- hey
    Angelica- hola
    she said with a wave
    Alysha- and Angelica this is Jesse... im sorry whats your last name
    Jesse- McCartney
    he said with a crooked smile
    Alysha- alright, oh by the way my last name is Walters, i forgot to mention that earlier
    Jesse- its al-
    Mr. G- class pay attention
    Jesse turned forward in his seat as he tried to pay attention to the teacher.
    The class went by quicker as expected, Alysha, Angelica and Jesse all got up and left the room. They walked across the hall and walked into Mr. Max's global class.
    Mr. Max- new student
    Jesse- yeah, im Jesse McCartney
    he said as he walked up to the teacher while Angelica and Alysha took a seat
    Mr. Max- well jsut sit any where
    Jesse turned around and saw no empty seats by Alysha so he just took one in the back.
    Alysha felt a shark poke on her ack, she quickly turned around and found Angelica with pencil in hand.
    Alysha- what?
    Angelica- Jesse is hott
    Alysha- well i call dibs
    Angelica- boo, maybe he has some hott friends? ;D
    Alysha- idk dont rush things women!
    Alysha then caught the eyes of Jesse, he looked at her and winked. She blushed a deep shade of red and turned back around in her seat.
    The bell rang, Alysha got up out of her seat and packed her bag.
    Angelica- bye chika see ya in ceramics
    Alysha- ciao
    she said throwing her bag over her shoulder and heading to the door, Jesse was standing there waiting for her
    He took her books that she was carrying from her hands and carried them for her.
    Alysha- thanks
    Jesse- no problem
    they said waking down stairs and into the cafeteria
    Alysha- you hungry
    Jesse- starved
    Alysha- alright come on
    They got in line got their lunch and sat down, after introducing him to all her friends they were finally able to eat.
    Jesse- alright next i have Chorus
    Alysha- you sing
    Jesse- you could say that
    he said with a laugh
    After lunch Alysha walked Jesse to Chorus then went back the way she came from and went to Biology. After biology she went to ceramics and sat there talking to Angelica, Tia and Becky. Jesse caught her attention as he walked through the door. She walked over to him.
    Alysha- Hey
    Jesse- hey
    he said fixing his back pack strap on his shoulder
    Alysha- you know this is the last class we have together
    Jesse- man it is, hmm well here give me your number
    he said handing her his cell phone, quickly she typed it in and handed it back to him, then she gave him her's and he typed his number in.
    Jesse- so what is this class exactly
    Alysha- ceramics? oh you pretty much just make things out of clay
    Jesse- ahh sounds kinda boring
    Alysha- its fun, trust me
    she said pulling him over to her table, they took a seat, the class started and Alysha helped Jesse
    As soon as the class ended the two departed and went their seperate ways.
    Alysha couldnt concentrate in her english class she just sat there and thought about Jesse, the class ended and Alysha went to her locker then got a ride home.
    As soon as she stepped a foot into her room he cell phone vibrated
    "Message from: Jesse"
    a smiley slowly appeared on her face as she opened the text.
    nhhygdsfdsWriters note: sorry its kinda boring right now but it will get better, trust me :)

  4. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2011 11:24pm UTC
    Why is Love so Hard to Find
    Chapter 1
    "Alysha?!?...Alysha?!?....ALYSHA?!?" was being screamed at her as she sat there sound asleep in the school library on a monday morning.
    Alysha- huh? what do you want Angelica?
    she said lifting her head up and starring at the blonde hair girl next to her.
    Angelica- wake up this isnt pre-school there are no nap times
    Alysha- well im sorry i just didnt get alot of sleep last night
    she said rubbing her eyes and sitting up in the chair
    Angelica- well as i was saying, before you fell asleep, look at Munro over there, he is so hott, i think im in love
    she said as a grin came across her face
    Alysha laughed
    Angelica- whats so funny
    Alysha- Angelica there is no such thing as love, it doesnt exist
    Angelica- yes there is, look at all the people who are married, for example your parents
    Alysha- my parents are act like kids, they barely know what love is, but whats to know about it when it doesnt exist
    Angelica- it does too exit, stupid head, just because you havent found your true love yet doesnt mean it doesnt exist
    Alysha- what true love i will never have a true love i will die alone with fifty-seven cats
    she said throwing her hands ups in the air
    Angelica- oh shut up, you will too find someone out there
    the bell rang before Alysha could respond
    Quickly Alysha got up and grabbed her bag and headed out the door to second period.
    Drivers ed class bored her to death, she sat there not paying any attention to her surrounding as her teacher droned on about the safety of driving. "psst, Alysha" being pulled out of her day dream she turned her head to the side to see her friend Tia smiling at her.
    Alysha- yeah?
    Tia- Hi
    she said with a smile
    Alysha- is that all you wanted Tia
    Tia- yeah pretty much
    Alysha- wow tia wow
    "UGH IM SO ANGRY" they heard there teacher yell, the next thing they knew the recycling bin came flying towards the front row of the room. The girls gave the teacher a questioning look.
    Teacher- i didnt hit you girls did i
    The girls shook their heads
    Teacher- ok good, Next topic we will be discussing is Road Rage
    the teacher said with a smile
    As the class calmed down Alysha kept her eyes down on her desk as she waited for the class to be over with. *RING* she heard the bell go off
    Alysha- finally
    she whispered to herself as she picked up her bag and headed out the door.
    Dragging her feet through the class room door she walked to the way back of the room and took a seat in her 3rd period geometry class.
    Teacher- Ok class do chapter 7.3 vocabulary then we will check homework
    Grabbing a pencil and her math book out of her bag Alysha sighed in frustration. She began jotting down the vocabulary, but before she could finish her mind was taken into another day dream.
    "Ms. Walters" she heard as she was pulled out of her day dream once again. She looked up and found her teacher standing there at her desk
    Alysha- uhhh yeah?
    Teacher- Homework
    Alysha- oh yeah here it is
    she said pulling it out of her bag and haniding it to the teacher, she quickly grabbed it and walked away
    Closing her eyes Alysha laid her head against the back of her chair and took slow deep breathes. The door to the class room opened then, she didnt open her eyes, thinking it was the vice principal calling another stupid out of the classroom for the first time that week.
    All the noise she could hear was the sound of the teacher talking, then the noise of someone walking towards her and taking a seat at the empty desk next to her. Slowly she opened her eyes and sat up. She didnt think much of who was sitting next to her, she knew it was most likely a new student since they already got 3 new students that year.
    Teacher- ok class you can start on your homework now
    Swiftly she opened her textbook and began to read the first problem.
    Alysha- 2(-3+5)(x-7)=(-37-5)(-x+78), yeah im gonna need a calculator
    she thought as she set her pencil down on the desk and reached for her bag, before she could grab her calculator she heard her pencil fall to the floor and with a huff of air she turned around to reach for her pencil but instead was greeted by a pair of bright green eyes.
    Alysha- uh thanks
    she said taken the pencil from the new kid. Before she turned away she quickly examined him, bright green eyes, shaggy blonde hair, medium build. She turned back and faced him again.
    Alysha- im Alysha
    he flashed her a crooked smile
    New kid- im Jesse
    he said putting his hand out towards her, she grabbed it and quickly shook it right as the bell rang. They both stood up.
    Alysha- umm i could show you around if you want
    Jesse- yeah i would like that
    he said flashing her another smile
    She grabbed his schedule out of his hand and pulled him out of the room.

  5. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 10:13pm UTC
    but i need help deciding what story to write here are the choices, but no matter what i will eventually write all of these stories:
    A) A 15 year old girl wins a chance to meet her favorite singer, 23 year old Jesse McCartney, after they meet he wants to keep in contact with this girl realizing that they could be friends, after talking for 3 years when the girl finally turns 18 they start dating, Now the girl will get to see what the life of a famous person is like...
    B) This story is set in the year of 2001 involving a boy band called Dream Street, which included Jesse McCartney, Greg Raposo, Chris Trousdale, Matt Ballinger and Frankie Galasso ( this is a real band ) In this story 14 year old girl learns about the boy band Dream Street, while watching TV the door bell rings and she finds the boy band standing there, after becoming friends and her parents letting the boys stay with them for 3 weeks during the end of their tour you will see the adventure begin as they go through love, fights, thrills, and fun :) ( i already have started writing this one so if you choose this one it might be on faster then the rest )
    C) 15 year old small town girl never believed in true love or love at first site until the day a new student 16 year old Jesse McCartney moves to town ( sorry he is my obsession) as days pass they slowly become friends without her knowing his secret of being a famous singer, eventually she finally realizes that he is famous and thats when everything wrong happens......
    ok leave a comment choosing one and i shall start writing it soon enough :)

  6. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 1:02am UTC
    but i need help deciding what story to write here are the choices, but no matter what i will eventually write all of these stories:
    A) A 15 year old girl wins a chance to meet her favorite singer, 23 year old Jesse McCartney, after they meet he wants to keep in contact with this girl realizing that they could be friends, after talking for 3 years when the girl finally turns 18 they start dating, Now the girl will get to see what the life of a famous person is like...
    B) This story is set in the year of 2001 involving a boy band called Dream Street, which included Jesse McCartney, Greg Raposo, Chris Trousdale, Matt Ballinger and Frankie Galasso ( this is a real band ) In this story 14 year old girl learns about the boy band Dream Street, while watching TV the door bell rings and she finds the boy band standing there, after becoming friends and her parents letting the boys stay with them for 3 weeks during the end of their tour you will see the adventure begin as they go through love, fights, thrills, and fun :) ( i already have started writing this one so if you choose this one it might be on faster then the rest )
    C) 15 year old small town girl never believed in true love or love at first site until the day a new student 16 year old Jesse McCartney moves to town ( sorry he is my obsession) as days pass they slowly become friends without her knowing his secret of being a famous singer, eventually she finally realizes that he is famous and thats when everything wrong happens......
    ok leave a comment choosing one and i shall start writing it soon enough :)

  7. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2010 9:23pm UTC
    I just wanted to say that im not really into writing stories anymore :(
    but i will keep tihis account open if i ever get any ideas to write another story, and also my story a lost friend well i can finish it because what i wrote everything on got thrown away, but i do remember what happened so if you want i can smmarize the rest of it for you in a comment
    well Ciao for now!

  8. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2010 10:37pm UTC
    A Lost Friend
    Chapter 3
    It was finally friday. I was sitting in my room when i got a text "Hey Alice its Miranda i was wondering do you want to hang out or something" it read. I thought for a moment then replied "umm sure, what time and where do you want to meet". I went down stairs and asked my mom if i could go hang out with some friends. She couldnt of said yes any faster. When i got back upstairs there was a new text message "meet me at the park at 5" the text read. I looked at the clock, it was four o'clock. I quickly ran to the bathroom to take a shower.
    When i was done with the shower i started getting ready. I decided to skip the whole sweat pants look and put on skinny jeans a baby doll top and flats. I left my naturally curly hair down.
    When i looked at the clock it read 4:50. I grabbed my phone and some cash and walked downstairs "Ok mom i am leaving now if you need me text my phone, love you" I said as i walked out the front door. Love you was all i heard her say.
    When i got to the park i checked my phone 5:02 it read. I looked around but didnt see Miranda anywhere. I sat down on the bench right next to the fountain. Twenty minutes later Miranda still didnt come "I guess she decided to ditch me" i whispered to myself as i got up and started walking in the direction of my house. Then i ran into someone and fell to the ground "oh im sorry i wasnt watching where i was going" i said. When i looked up i almost screamed. You could see the fear in my eyes.

  9. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2010 11:53pm UTC
    A Lost Friend
    Chapter 2
    Beep, beep, beep i heard as my alarm clock went off. I opened my eyes and wiped away the tears from crying myself to sleep last night. I slowly got ready for school. I wore sweat pants a T-shirt and converse. I've practically been wearing the same outfit everyday since Ashley has been gone.
    My mom gave me ride, she never lets me walk to school anymore. She thinks i might run away. Its not that i haven't thought about running away its just i dont want to be one of those girls who always runs away from their problems.
    When i got to school no one was starring at me like they used too. I actually used to be popular but now im known as a loner.
    At lunch i was sitting there alone at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria away from everyone "Hey Alice" a familiar voice said. I slowly turn around and standing there was Miranda.
    Miranda used to be my best friend before i met Ashley. I guess after i became friends with Ashley i forgot about Miranda. But no matter what Ashley has always been a better friend then Miranda, Miranda used to spread rumors about me and would always steal the guys i liked.
    "um hi Miranda" i said kinda confused "im sorry to hear about Ashley" she said "thanks" i said kind of quiet "we should out sometime" she said as she walked away.
    I was shocked i thought she hated me or maybe she just felt sorry for me.

  10. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 8:48pm UTC
    A Lost Friend
    Chapter 1
    My life was perfect and i didnt think anything could ruin it until that one night i lost my best friend. That whole day was strange and i had a feeling something wrong was going to happen.
    My name is Alice, Alice Rose Winters to be exact. im fifteen years young and have blondish brown hair and a mixture of green, brown and grey eyes. I live in a small town in the state of Pennsylvania.
    It was Halloween night and my best friend Ashley and i were walking back to my house when she got a text that froze her in her tracks "Ashley, whats wrong" i asked "oh nothing, i need to get home" she said "ok, jsut be careful" i said as she turned around and walked towards her house. That night i went to bed glad that my life was perfect, but i didnt know that the next morning that my life was going to be completely changed.
    The next morning i went downstairs "Good morning" i said as i walked in the living room and saw everyone around the tv watching the news. My mom looked at me, i saw that she was crying "mom whats wrong" i asked "Alice, Ashley has gone missing. Her mom said she didnt come home last night" my mom said as she hugged me. I fell to the floor crying.
    And even though its been a month Ashley still hasnt been found.

  11. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2010 10:20pm UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 15
    When i got to my house in California i went straight up to my new room. This house was alot bigger than my old house. My room was huge, i had my own bathroom and a balcony which reminded me of Romeo and Juliet.
    I fell asleep quickly that night thinking of Damon.
    The next morning i woke up bright and early. I decided to go to the beach. I quickly got ready, told my dad where i was going then left. There were alot of cute guys at the beach but i couldnt stop thinking about Damon.
    When i got home i went right up to my room. I missed Forks, i missed the cold weather and the rain, my friends and most of all Damon.
    I was laying on my bed listening to my ipod when i heard something hitting my window. I got up opened the window and walked onto the balcony. I looked down and couldnt believe it. Standing there was Damon "What soft, what light through yonder window breaks" Damon said quoting Romeo and Juliet. "Damon what are you doing here" i said. He quickly climbed up the balcony and looked me right in the eyes "i told you i would always love you, and never let anything happen to you" he said. He leaned in and kissed me. And from that moment i knew we are ment to be together, forever and always.
    The End
    Thanks for reading, i hope you liked it. Tell me what you thought :)
    I will probably start posting my new story in the next couple of days :)

  12. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2010 10:17pm UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 14
    Its been three months since the incidence. Today is the last day of school and i have to tell Damon something and i know he is going to hate me forever.
    We decided to walk today, and we were almost to my house "Damon i have to talk to you about something" i said "what is it Alexis" he said kind of worried "I...I'm moving to California" i said. He just stood there "im moving tomorrow, Damon im sorry dont forget i will always love you" i said. I quickly kissed him on his lips. Than i ran the rest of the way home crying.
    When i woke up the next morning my pillowe was stained with tears. I got out of bed and got ready. I wore an aeropostale t-shirt with Jean shorts and flip flops. I was leaving for California in two hours and i had a little packing to do. When i finished packing it was time to leave.
    Before we left i took a picture of my house. So i would always remember my life in Forks. Damon hasnt talked to me since yesterday and i was hopeing he would come and say good bye but he never did.
    We got to the airport and just made are plane. The plane flew off and i was gone away from Forks forever.

  13. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2010 10:15pm UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 13
    I hadnt known i fell asleep until i woke up in some kind of meadow. I looked around for Seth and there he was sitting on a rock "Ah finally your awake" he said "Seth what do you want from me, I thought we were friends" i said kind of scared "Alexis i actually kind of liked you more than friends until i found out you were dating Damon Reede and that your mother was Rose Williams" he said "I understand why you would hate me because of Damon but i dont understand about my mother" i said "what you didnt know" he asked me "didnt know what" i asked "that your mother was the all time vampire slayer and also the vampire slayer that killed my mother" he said. My mind was getting out of control. My mother, a vampire slayer. This cant be true "Ah but it is true" he said "wha..what did you just read my mind" i asked "yes, well i can only read your thoughts that deal with vampires and vampire slayers" he said. My heart was pounding out of control, he walked over to me and titled my chin up and kissed me "I've always loved you Lexi. Dont forget me" he said as he slowly walked away. He turned around to face me "well looks like its feeding time" he said as he got into a defensive postion. I backed away slowly, then i stopped and realized i was a vampire slayer. I got ready to fight. He came charging at me and rammed me into a tree. I quickly got up and ran after him, but he grabbed my waist pulled me into another kiss than flipped me onto the ground. I heard a crack, my arm was in throbbing pain. I got up and lunged myself at him. He picked me up and threw me into the air, i did a flip over him and landed on the other side of him. He looked at me and smiled then spun around and kicked me in the chest. I went flying backwards and landed on my back. I was in too much pain, i couldnt move i just laid there "Lexi, Lexi, Lexi" he said as he slowly walked over to me "im not going to enjoy killing you, you know that" he said as he leaned down "then why do it" i asked "because i made a promise to my mother" he said. He was an inch away from my neck, when i saw him go flying into the air. The i watched as i saw him land on his back. I looked over and standing there was Damon. He looked upset but he winked at me to let me know everything was going to be ok. Damon went after Seth. I watched as they fought and as Damon tore Seth apart. I couldnt watch any more so i closed my eyes. Then i heard someone walk towards me. I saw it was Damon as i opened my eyes. i looked and saw a spot in the meadow where a fire was started and Seth was no where. Damon picked me up and carried me to his car.
    As he drove me to the hospital i told him everything "Damon he kissed me, twice" i said. Damon tightened his grip on the steering wheel and clenched his teeth "Damon i love you" i said with a smile. He became less angry "Alexis i will always love you" he said.
    At the hospital i found out i had three ribs cracked, a broken arm and i needed some stitches. Damon drove me home and we sat in the living room and watched tv together. My dad came downstairs then "Alexis what happened to you" he said worried "oh i....i.. um" i had no clue what to say "She fell down a stairs case while she wasnt paying attention" he said and smirked at me "how ironic" i said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I slowly fell to sleep.

  14. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2010 5:32am UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 12
    I slowly opened my eyes. I was covered in sweat. I couldnt believe that Seth was the one who killed my mother.
    I looked at the clock it was six fifty. I decided to slowly get ready for school. When i was done getting ready I heard the door bell ring. When i opened the door i couldnt breathe, standing there was Seth "Hey Lex thought you would like to ride to school with me today" he said with a smile. It took me a moment to answer "oh umm sure thanks" i said with a fake smile. I walked out to Seth's car, before i got in i took a deep breathe. On are way there we didnt really talk "Lex are you ok" he asked "ya im ok" i lied.
    When we got to school Seth asked for a hug. I gave him one and he whispered "what ever is wrong dont worry it will all be over soon, trust me" he said before he walked away.
    I met up witht Damon in the hallway, and he knew something was wrong. But he didnt bother to ask.
    Before i walke into study hall i took a deep breathe. I walked in and sat down by Seth. Halfway through study hall he passed me a note "you ok" it read "yeah im fine" i lied "well dont forget, it will all be over soon" it read "what do you mean by that" i replied "your next" he wrote. I sat there frozen. I looked over at him and he had an evil smile on his face.
    It was the end of the day and i was getting a ride with Damon "ok Alexis what is wrong you have been quiet all day" he said worried "Damon, Seth is the vampire that killed my mother. And he is coming for me next" Damon sat there for a moment "Alexis no matter what i wont let anything happen to you" he said.
    We got back to my house and he stayed with me to make sure everything was ok. Damon left around nine and i was in my room alone and my dad was asleep. Then i got a text, i looked at my phone. It was from Seth "Look out your window, you'll be in for a surprise" i was beyond scared, i slowly walked to my window and there Seth was standing there smiling. Then he was gone. I looked away from the window, i slowly turned around and there Seth was standing there in my room. I was about to scream but he put one finger up to my lips "shhh you dont want to wake your father up now do you" he said as he picked me up and jumped out my window and carried me away.

  15. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2010 5:09am UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 11
    I woke up and i was in a white room. I knew i was in the hospital, because of the beeping of my heart monitor. I looked over and see Damon kneeling on the floor "wha...what happen" I asked. He looked over at my shoulder and i see what looked like teeth marks and it all came back to me "oh" was all i said "the doctor said you could leave as soon as you woke up" he said "ok umm where is my dad" i asked "he actually just left he asked me if i could give you a ride home when you woke up and i said sure" he said "ok well im ready to go" i said
    Damon got a doctor who unhooked the wires from me then i got out of the bed and limped out of the hospital to Damon's car "if your wondering why your limping its because you resprained you ankle when you fell" he said. I laughed at that, then he drove me home.
    As soon as i got home he carried me up to my room laid me down on my bed and kissed me "i love you" he said "i love you too" i said with a smile. As soon as he left i fell asleep quickly.
    I started having a nightmare as soon as i fell asleep. Well not technically a nightmare, just flashbacks. And they were all the times i had run ins with vampires. The last flashback was with the vampire with the familiar eyes. Then i realized why those eyes were so familiar. Its because i saw those eyes practically everyday. It was Seth, Seth was the vampire. Then the scene became a real nightmare. Seth slowly started walking towards me. He had a smile on his face. He was coming closer and closer until he was right next to me. Then he whispered in my ear "Alexis your next" he said with a chuckle. Seht lifted his hand to move my hair away from my neck. I saw the fmaily crest tattoo, then i remember the bracelet i found at my mom's grave. I realized then Seth must of also killed my mom. Seth leaned down and started to slowly drink my blood.

  16. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 8:21pm UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 10
    Today is February 3rd and my 16th birthday. I have been planning this party for over a month now. And its going to be a party no one shall ever forget.
    Here i am sitting in my room with one of my best friends Meredith doing my hair and make up. There is only one hour until the party and i am not even close to being ready.
    Forty-five minutes later my hair is straightened and my make up is done. Now its time to get dressed. I put on my blue fading to purple fading to pink party dress. Then i put on my silver flats and head out to the car. It took us twenty minutes to get to my party. I actually had no clue where my party was at but when we got there i was ahh-mazed. My party was at the house known as the Cullen house. I got out and everyone started screaming and yelling happy birthday and calling my name.
    When i got to the backyard i saw Damon and Seth standing there. I walk over to them and they both give me hugs and presents. Damon's gift was a little pink,blue and purple tie dyed crystal heart charm to put on my twilight bracelet. I gave him a quick kiss then opened Seth's gift. His gift was a simple little blue ring. I quickly put it on my ring finger on my right hand. Then i gave him a hug.
    After an hour of dancing and talking to friends it was time for the birthday cake. I wanted all my really close friends to help me blow out the candles but i couldnt find Seth,
    I walked into the "Cullen House" to go look for him. I heard small screams so i followed them. I walked up the stairs into a room and couldnt believe what i was seeing. i saw the vampire from the new years eve party. He looked at me but all i could see was his eyes. But something about those eyes looked familiar. All of a sudden he came running towards me, then i felt a pain in my shoulder. I screamed then i blacked out.

  17. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 4:27am UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 9
    Its been a month since i seen that vampire. My birthday is in a week and if i see that vampire at my party i will be ready.
    Damon and i are having our vampire training session. He shows me some moves before we start a battle. Im in the air doing a flip over his head when he grabs my arm. I fall to the ground and scream. I landed on my ankle wrong and since i am not a full vampire slayer it wont heal quickly. To become a full vampire slayer you have to kill a vampire.
    Damon picked me up and ran to his car. He drived me to the hospital and the doctor examined my ankle. To my relief i only sprained my ankle.
    Damon picked me up and carried me back out to the car and drives me home.
    He takes mee inside and explains everything to my dad. He tells my dad that we were goofing off and he was chasing me when i tripped. Then he kissed me on the forehead and left. I slowly try to walk upstairs, after ten minutes of struggling i finally make it too my room and fall into a restless sleep.

  18. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 4:03am UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 8
    Christmas vaction is over and its time to go back to school.
    Beep, beep, beep. I hear as my alarm clock goes off. I slowly open my eyes and see that it is seven in the morning. I get out of bed and get ready. I check my phone and see that i have two new text messages. One from Seth and one from Damon. I decide to check Damon's first "Good morning beautiful, would you like a ride to school" the text read "sure" i quickly texted back. Then i checked Seth's "hey i was wondering would you like a ride to school" i was shocked "umm no thanks i already got a ride" i replied.
    Five minutes late Damon came and picked me up. We were almost to the school "So Seth texted me and asked if i wanted a ride" I said. I saw his hands tighten on the steering wheel "oh" he said through clenched teeth. I knew Damon didnt really like Seth. He thought Seth liked me.
    When we got to school i gave Damon a hug and then quickly walked to class.
    I saw Seth and as soon as he saw me he came over and gave me a hug "Umm hey Seth" i said "Hey Lexi" that was his little nickname for me "So Seth you know i dont really know anything about you, so tell me about yourself" i said "what do you want to know" "Everything" i said. He smiled then told me his whole life story.

  19. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 6:57pm UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 7
    Time has been going by fast lately. It was already New Years eve and I was at a party Everyone who was in my grade was at this party. Everyone except Seth, until i saw him walk over to me and gave me a hug "Hey Alexis" he said "Hey Seth, I thought you weren't coming" I asked "Well i got to thinking, your not going to live forever so you might as well live it up" he said "I completely agree with that statement" I said with a smile on my face.
    Damon, Seth and I sat there and talked for hours. I ended up falling asleep for a few minutes and when i woke back up Seth was gone. "Wheres Seth" i asked Damon "OH he will be back soon" he said.
    We sat there for an hour but Seth didnt come back. I decided to go look for him since it was almost midnight. I walked outside and decided to look out back. All of a sudden the necklace Seth gave me started humming and glowing. I just kept walking and as soon as i turned the corner to the backyard the humming and glowing stopped. But i didnt notice really because i was frozen in place. Laying there on the ground was a girl and there was a guy over her who looked like a vampire. I screamed, the guy looked up at me but it was to dark for me to see his face. He got up and ran away. I didnt notice but i was still screaming as people cam rushing outside.
    A week later the girl was released from the hospital. I didnt understand how the girl was fine, since i lost my best friend and mother to a vampire attack.

  20. PrettyLittleAlly PrettyLittleAlly
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2010 12:17am UTC
    Dont forget
    Chapter 6
    When i woke up the next morning it was Christmas, i got out of bed and quietly walked downstairs. As soon as i was downstairs i was shocked. There presents everywhere. My dad wasn't awake so i decided to make the special Christmas breakfast my mom made every year since i was seven.
    Half an hour later i was finally done cooking. I made pancakes with red and green sprinkles, cinnamon buns and bacon. I set everything down on the dining room table and thats when my dad walked down the stairs "Oh this all looks good hun" he said with a smile "thanks it should look good, it took me a half and hour to cook" i said. He just chuckled and sat down and started eating.
    As soon as we were done eating i started opening presents. I got tons of Twilight stuff but there is one thing that i didnt get. The door bell rang then, my dad got up and answered it. I look up and see Damon walk in. I got up and ran over to him and gave him a hug. He kissed me on the cheek and handed me and small present. I grabbed his present off the table and handed it to him. We both opened are presents and as soon as i saw what he got me a smile appeared on my face. It was the Twilight bracelet the one thing i wanted. The one with the wooden wolf and crystal heart. I smiled and gave him a big hug "Thank you and Merry Christmas" I said "thank you Alexis for everything I love you" he said "I love you too Damon" that was the first time i told him i loved him. He smiled and leaned down and kissed me. Damon left alittle while after that.
    I was sitting in the living room watching Grandma got ran over by a reindeer on tv when i heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it. Standing there was Seth. He had a smile on his face as he looked at me "hey what are you doing here: i asked "oh i just wanted to stop by and give you this" he said as he handed me a present "oh but Seth i didnt get you anything" i said "Alexis its fine" he said :ok well thank you" i said as i opened the gift. Inside was a necklace with the letter A on it. Seth helped me put it on. I gave him a hug. Then he had to leave.
    For the rest of the day i stayed home and watched Christmas movies and comforted my dad. Because we both knew Christmas was my mom's favorite holiday.


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