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Member Since: 5 Sep 2011 12:25pm

Last Seen: 1 Jan 2012 11:22pm

user id: 215807

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Well My names Raeanne. Call me Raerae! As you can clearly see I love poptarts! I love to read and write! My fave hobbies xD! I am in the 7th grade! Im 12! I love to be different and LOUD!!!!!! Read my qoutes ya know :D! Fave them or Ull make me Sad! My bff Grace calls me Raechu. Why? Idrk ask her! I love the color purple! And Im very hyper!
  1. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    I am not Team Edward.
    I am not Team Jacob.
    I am team...
    Ghy who almost hit Bella with a car

  2. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 9:39pm UTC
    If like two twin sisters and two twin brothers. Had babies with eachother (girl twin with boy twin and girl twin with boy twin)
    Would thier babies look the same?

  3. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 8:45pm UTC
    Its Funny how..
    At night- I dont feel like going to sleep!
    In Morning- Let me sleep longer!!!!!!!!!

  4. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 1:58pm UTC
    I hate it so much when someone has a really nice phone and they say "I hate this I want to throw it at a wall"
    While Im sitting there with a old phone. :\

  5. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 1:54pm UTC
    Dont you hate it that...
    people keep making that stick ghy and each person just changes it a little like each fave is a slap or a punch?
    Really why slap the stick ghy instead of going and slapping the real one?

  6. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 12:38am UTC
    Yeah I just liked my own quote.
    Your just jealous cuz you'd look stupid if you did :)

  7. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 12:35am UTC
    To the windoooww
    To the waall
    Hhehe I just wrote this for the smiley face ghys dancing. :)

  8. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 12:32am UTC
    A Shattered Soul is not far....
    from a Shattered Heart </3

  9. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 9:47pm UTC
    Mom when she sees a ghost~ Stares at in astonishment not scared att allMom when she sees a mouse~ RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!') <---- My cyclopse smiley face! :D

  10. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 9:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 2:33pm UTC
    Ghy- "Hey watch this!" *breaks window*
    Girl- "NO WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!?"
    Ghy- "Like a good neighbor State Farm is there!"

  12. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 2:30pm UTC
    Your sitting in the movie theater. Sponsers and commercials are ending and the movies about to start when.......................BOOM Human Giraffe sits right in front of you.

  13. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 11:59pm UTC
    Dear Cool people,
    They didnt name a candy after you....Did they?

  14. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 11:53pm UTC
    Love at first Bite.
    Prolouge: You know everyone always has that special feeling for someone. Kinda like Love at first sight? Well right now I think I just felt it.
    But It wasnt at sight.
    It was at bite.
    I have a chapter written down. Do you Wittys want to read my story?
    Fave this If you do :)

  15. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 11:47pm UTC
    Dear Writers,
    I dont mind watching Rudolph.
    But Why dont you tell us...
    How the Hell Rudoplh got a friken Red glowing nose?
    Rudolph fans

  16. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 11:44pm UTC
    I hate how when you look at your friend when thier talking to you and they are like "Why are you looking at me like that?"
    And when thier talking and you not looking at them they are like "Are you listening to me?!"

  17. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 8:25pm UTC
    If I could choose between
    Loving you
    Getting Rocks thrown at my face
    Id choose the rocks

  18. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 11:27am UTC
    When I first met you I thought
    He seems really nice :)
    Now Im like. Damn I was an idiot.

  19. PoptartsCrazed1236 PoptartsCrazed1236
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2011 11:24am UTC
    I spun the bottle. Scared of who it would land on. Time slowed for a second or two. I was just hoping it would'nt land on him. The total freak at our school. Some people say If he accepts top kiss you. (Wow Coincedence much?), You become like him. A Vampire. Yeah hes' a vampire. Then you have to go to a special school all the way to New Orleans for Vampires. Everyone in my cumminty and school knew Vampires were real. It was kind of a regular thing. I could tell you turned when you get a crecent tattoo on your hand. It would be filled in black.
    My friend Aubrey looked at me worriedly. I dont blame her. Everyone watched as the bottle stopped. I looked up slowly. I smiled. Yes. Chad. Hes' the most popular ghy in school. Aubreys' eyes glowed in relief. We both bent over and kissed. Yet I felt...Nothing. Its' not like I've never kissed a ghy before. I have in the 9th grade. Im 17 now I know what Im doing. But I wasnt expecting it well to be plain and I didnt exactly expect sparks. Chad smiled. Aubrey was up next and ended up kissing Steve. Lots of people went untill it was my turn again. Once again my nerves kicked in. I spun the bottle. Seconds slowed. The bottle came to a stop. I saw a gap. When I looked up I saw a ghy leaning up against a wall. Not any ghy though. Him. The bottle landed on him. Fear took over me as I stood. Aubrey looked at me so scared. She stood on her knees. I walked over to him. "Well..." I looked at the floor as I spoke the word. I looked up and our eyes met. His eyes were so beautiful. A dark shade of purple. I've never seen anything like it.
    "Well Hello there Katylin. It seems the bottle landed on me. Has'nt it?" He spoke the words so casually. He seemed so normal. But he simply wasn't. "Well Yeah...So?" I looked at him confindently. Hoping he would deny it. "Alright then." He ben his neckt forward. I panicked. My nerves took over. I bent my neck and closed my eyes. My arms went around his neck. We kissed.
    It must've been a firework show. Because I sure as hell felt the sparks.
    But I didnt know what was about to happen.
    Everything spun around as we stopped kissing. My world went black. All I heard was a bang of me falling backwards and Aubrey shouting "KATYLIN!"
    I woke up to Aubrey kneeling over me. Everyone was staring.
    "Aubrey..." I felt so..different.
    "Katylin your hands." Her eyes met mine. I could truely see the fear. I stared at my hands. A Crecent moon was on both of them. But it was weird. They were filled Purple? I thought it was black. He came over towards me and helped me up. He took my hands. And shook his head and dis-beilevement.
    "Hows' is this...possible...Noone ever had Purple..before?.." He kept shaking his head. "Well Lets' go. I'll have to tell the Head Master about this immediatly. I shook my head yes without even thinking about it. Aubreys the one that spoke up. "But she cant say Goodbye?" Her eyes were filled with sadness.
    "Its' for the best she doesn't she'll have to leave everything behind. Except her stuff. Thats already in her dorm." I was startled at that part. "Huh? How is my stuff there?"
    He smiled "I knew you'd be coming so after you left before the party. We teleported your things there. Ofcourse you'll have to unpack the boxes." It was all to much at once. Headmasters. Leaving. Boxes.
    I hugged Aubrey. " I have to leave." I squeezed her tightly. Tears came out of my eyes. "Tell my parents I love them." Aubrey started to sniffle up a bit. "Do you have to leave?" She faced him. "Cant she get like a tutor or something here?"He shook his head."Well yes."I brightened. "Really?!"Aubrey smiled.
    He smiled. "That is if you would like to die."


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