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LaylaTheAwesome · 1 decade ago
I'm a happy person i think, i like playing instruments and making music. I am REALLY sarcastic and I am bad at spellings. People see me as a really happy person who has nothing wrong but really I just cover everything up with a smile (this is the first time I've taked about this so I don't know how to explain it) I don't think I am depressed but I do get really sad. I put other people before myself because i'm afraid of loosing them.I really like music, I want to be a guitarist but I get told that I cant do it or I will never make it. I like to think that I am Mexican ( I love Mexican food). I am quite clumsy i'm always falling over things or walking into things. I have a small group of friends i don't have loads because I am really shy and just cant talk to new people without getting nervous. I like super heroes, my favorite animals are goats and llama's (I might be allowed a pet one !!!) My Idol is Jack Barakat because he is amazing, funny and dosent care about the haters. I have long curly hair down to my waist that will not straighten no matter how much i try. I've been called "one of a kind" and "not like many other people" and i thought that was amazing because i don't just want to be normal and boring like most other people. I get told a lot in school that I need to take things more seriously If i want to get a good job when I'm older or go to a good university (they say I am too laid back). I don't really know what I want to be If I cant be a guitarist.
(sorry if it was a bit long<3)

emilygm* · 1 decade ago
YOU ARE A GREAT WRITER unless you didn't write this in which case I'm gonna go slap myself a few times.... but it's awesome and your profile pic is the most amazing thing in the universe xD


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