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Member Since: 7 Jun 2009 11:28am

Last Seen: 22 Sep 2011 09:31pm

user id: 78701

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♥¸.•✰•.¸♥ ღ♥¸.•✰•.¸♥

Hey im Lindsay, I live in Connecticut. 
I have the bestfriends anyone could ask for.

Im really crazy and always look forward to being with friends.
I love soccer, basketball music, and anything else that makes me happy.

I've made some mistakes in my life that i would love to take back but cant; People say you learn from you mistakes and
i sure have.

--> Comment, favorite or request quotes. <--

♥¸.•✰•.¸♥ ღ♥¸.•✰•.¸♥

Fan Art :

1262375773-1.gif picture by LLL28

shutter-shades3.gif picture by LLL28

pencils.jpg picture by LLL28

5.jpg picture by LLL28

Request fanart.
[[any picture, words, or saying]]

--leave comments on my profile.

  1. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2010 10:37pm UTC
    Life is a [beach]; I'm just playing in the sand.
    [Thats right!]

  2. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2010 3:32pm UTC
    God Gave Me 5 Fingers For A Reason
    My pinky is for my Best Friends and our promises that will *[never be broken]*
    My ring finger is for {him} and for proof that we’ll be together forever
    My middle finger is for that girl that pushes me too far and to show her how I feel
    My pointer finger is to //s i l e n c e// them, to savor the moment
    My thumb is for -*everyone*-, to let them know that I’m gonna be okay,
    -[[No Matter What]]-
    xox Lindzz xox
    [i really love this quote!]
    *credit to xolaneycullenox*

  3. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2010 12:59pm UTC
    If today was my last day,
    I choose you to spend it with.
    xox Lindzz xox
    Press the [<3]

  4. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2010 12:53pm UTC
    Each days a gift and not a given right.
    xox Lindzz xox

  5. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2010 4:52pm UTC
    When you are in love,
    and you get hurt, its like a cut,
    it will heal, but there will
    always be a scar </3
    xox Lindzz xox
    press the [<3]

  6. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2010 11:56am UTC
    I'm sick and tired of doing what other people want,
    Im sick of being unhappy,
    So im finally making a choice I want so im happy,
    and if you dont like it...well then
    Well all do something in life other people dont like...
    xox Lindzz xox

  7. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2010 7:06pm UTC
    there for you through everything,
    the person you turn to when things go wrong,
    the person you can talk to anything about,
    there the person you do everything with;
    shopping, nails, sleepover ect,
    but most importantly,
    they are there for you when noone else is.
    bestfriends forever<3
    xox Lindzz xox

  8. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2010 7:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2010 3:36pm UTC
    &+ your completely right--->
    this fake smile you see,
    is all the cover up the tears and hurt
    [[inside]] of me.
    xox Lindzz xox

  10. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2010 10:36pm UTC
    All the good times we had -- Gone
    All of the laughs we shared -- Gone
    All the crazy things we did -- Gone
    All the hilarious videos we made -- Gone
    All of the things we shared -- Gone
    All of the sleepovers we had -- Gone
    Being bestfriends -- Gone
    --All of those things gone because of me--
    i ruined ur life. I can never forgive myself for that. ever.
    xox Lindzz xox.

  11. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2010 10:04pm UTC
    Okay, So i may not be perfect
    And i may have caused you trouble,
    i know you have given me so many chances to be your friend again everytime i mess up
    But im officially done with this.
    I hate what im doing
    Im ruining my life
    And hurting the people i love
    I need you back as my friend
    My bestfriend
    And i sware to you i will NEVER in a million years
    Do this to you again.
    xox Lindzz xox

  12. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2010 9:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2010 9:24pm UTC
    &+and everytime i think of [[you]]
    i get feel this sickness in my stomach
    because i know were not bestfriends anymore </3
    i need you back.
    i dont no how you will ever forgive me,
    but i need you back in my life.
    xox lindzz xox

  14. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2010 9:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2010 1:26pm UTC
    I love how when guys watch football on TV,
    they scream at the football players
    they can hear them through the TV screen. (:
    ratee highh
    xox lindzz xox

  16. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2009 12:57pm UTC
    -New laughs-
    -New loves-
    -New drama-
    -New happinesses-
    -New Year!-
    ~Make it a year to remember~
    Press the [[<3]] if you are excited for the new year.
    xox lindzz xox

  17. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2009 12:50am UTC
    But most improtantly.
    ~Be your self~
    --credit to whoever--
    xox Lindzz xox

  18. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2009 12:39am UTC
    Whoever said happiness comes with sunshine;
    Has never danced in the rain.
    --credit to whoeverr.--
    xox Lindzz xox

  19. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2009 1:16pm UTC
    Every happens for a reason,
    so when something in life makes you cry,
    put on a smile because somthing better is coming in the future. (:
    ratee highh [<3]
    xox lindzz xox

  20. Perfectlypink228 Perfectlypink228
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    when i say bestfriends i mean bestfriends.
    i dont mean the the kind of friend who comes and goes,
    i mean the kind of friend whose in your life forever
    the kind of friend you can trust with your life
    the friend that will never turn your back on you even when your wrong
    the friend that helps you through your ups and downs
    the friend thats honest with you even if it hurts
    the kind of friend who is always by your side, no matter what.
    & this bestfriend you love forever <3
    press the [<3] if you have a bestfriend like this.
    ---cause i know i have a bestfriend.
    xox lindzz xox


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