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Member Since: 17 Aug 2013 01:42am

Last Seen: 17 Aug 2013 06:53am

Gender: F

user id: 369270

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  1. PerfectionStories PerfectionStories
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 2:29am UTC
    Introduction - Nakita Carr
    "Watch out, b/tch!" Nakita Carr screams at me, just before her friend Bree Anderson pushes me to the floor.
    Nakita was stupid, well don't get me wrong, she was very smart, but she acts stupid, for attention. Nakita has overly blonde hair, too much eyeshadow, freckles everywhere and a pash rash. Attractive right? She is the sort of girl that uses everyone for her own benefits, but everyone, even the popular kids, wants to be her friend, because she's popular, she's sort of like the bully of the school, she isn't 'little' and she loves to see people, mainly myself, in pain. Nakita is in year 10, the same as me. Not to mention she's the biggest sl/t. In year 7, when we used to be friends, she told me, I quote, " I was going to have s/x with him, but I was on my period, so we did everything but that. He was a c/nt and now doesn't want to be friends." Great for a twelve year old, right? Nakita is not the average pretty popular girl, she isn't exactly pretty, most people secretly hate her, and could she be more desperate? But still, she remains popular, because people thinks everyone likes her, so she has a lot more power than me, the girl that she taunts, the girl that can't stand up for herself.

  2. PerfectionStories PerfectionStories
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 2:22am UTC
    Introduction - Rhiannon Keeps
    I stood in front of the mirror in the girls toilets, they did again, they burnt me, this only ever happened when they were furious. Every so often, when they were p//sed by my living state, they would take me to the back of the school and light their cigarettes, kicking and telling me how pathetic I was until they were finished, then they would place the buds to my skin, leaving a extreme pain, which demands to be felt. I could deal with just one but when all three of them do it, the pain is outrageous, not to mention that some boys which happened to already be there joined in and placed it to the sides of arms, as I kick and scream in fear, only to be rewarded by a punch, slap, or kick. They never would understand what they are doing to me, and I wouldn't expect them to, I was nothing like them.
    I look in the unclean mirror at my reflection, I had wavy brown hair, brown eyes and I was pretty tan, today I had decided to wear a flowy blue top, tight white pants and a blue and brown necklace. I found myself plain more than anything, but I knew I was prettier to myself than others, so I consider myself plain and ugly, which is okay I guess, it could be worse, my life could be worse.

  3. PerfectionStories PerfectionStories
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 2:15am UTC
    Introduction - Rhiannon Keeps
    I stood in front of the mirror in the girls toilets, they did again, they burnt me, this only ever happened when they were furious. Every so often, when they were p//sed by my living state, they would take me to the back of the school and light their cigarettes, kicking and telling me how pathetic I was until they were finished, then they would place the buds to my skin, leaving a extreme pain, which demands to be felt. I could deal with just one but when all three of them do it, the pain is outrageous, not to mention that some boys which happened to already be there joined in and placed it to the sides of arms, as I kick and scream in fear, only to be rewarded by a punch, slap, or kick. They never would understand what they are doing to me, and I wouldn't expect them to, I was nothing like them.
    I look in the unclean mirror at my reflection, I had wavy brown hair, brown eyes and I was pretty tan, today I had decided to wear a flowy blue top, tight white pants and a blue and brown necklace. I found myself plain more than anything, but I knew I was prettier to myself than others, so I consider myself plain and ugly, which is okay I guess, it could be worse, my life could be worse.
    Introduction - Nakita Carr
    "Watch out, b/tch!" Nakita Carr screams at me, just before her friend Bree Anderson pushes me to the floor.
    Nakita was stupid, well don't get me wrong, she was very smart, but she acts stupid, for attention. Nakita has overly blonde hair, too much eyeshadow, freckles everywhere and a pash rash. Attractive right? She is the sort of girl that uses everyone for her own benefits, but everyone, even the popular kids, wants to be her friend, because she's popular, she's sort of like the bully of the school, she isn't 'little' and she loves to see people, mainly myself, in pain. Nakita is in year 10, the same as me. Not to mention she's the biggest sl/t. In year 7, when we used to be friends, she told me, I quote, " I was going to have s/x with him, but I was on my period, so we did everything but that. He was a c/nt and now doesn't want to be friends." Great for a twelve year old, right? Nakita is not the average pretty popular girl, she isn't exactly pretty, most people secretly hate her, and could she be more desperate? But still, she remains popular, because people thinks everyone likes her, so she has a lot more power than me, the girl that she taunts, the girl that can't stand up for herself.
    Introduction - Kyle Leon
    "Rhi, wake up." I heard someone call from beside me.
    "What?" I ask, my voice sounding tired.
    "We've got to get ready for school, we'll be late." Mentioned Kyle, my best friend.
    Kyle stays over most nights, yet we still go through this same routine every morning.
    He has pale skin and dark brown hair which he wears over half one eye. Kyle's eyes are the most remarkable feature about him, according to myself, they are a shocking bright blue, which is rare, you don't see it everyday, well, I do.
    Kyle is the mot amazing best friend I could ever ask for, he's funny, but serious when needed and knows everything I'm going through, we take the journey of life together.


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