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Member Since: 22 Feb 2011 05:42pm

Last Seen: 13 Feb 2012 01:00am

user id: 154601

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My Stories
The One That Got Away;
Status: Done

Behind Closed doors;
Status: Brand new and in progress! PLEASE give me feedback!(: 
Amazing Authors;

If you would like tobe on this list, let me know!(:
About Me(:
I'm Rachel and I write stories!
I'm fairly new to this so don't judge please(:
Please read them and I would love feedback so don't be afriad to tell me any ideas you may have or if you want to tell me something. I'm a nice person(:

Don't feel afraid to give me feedback, through Roses or a comment, or both! It's greatly appriciated!(:
  1. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 2:14pm UTC
    Hey guys, I just started a story called Accidents Happen.
    It's about a girl who got pregnant at 16 and her struggles.
    Can you please tell me if you would be interested in this so I know if I should keep going or not.
    Thank you!

  2. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 7:41pm UTC
    Accidents Happen
    Chapter One
    “Wake up Emma! You’re going to be late for school!” Mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned as I flung the sheets back and got up. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and stared at myself in the mirror. Why do I have to be so ugly? I shook my head to try to keep those thoughts out of my head. After getting dressed in my usual skirt and v-neck shirt, I started to feel a little better. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. My brown hair cascaded over my shoulder in big ringlets, my brown eyes were as dark and intense as usual, and my stomach was as flat as it could be. Or was it?
    “Let’s GO Emma, I want you to eat before you go to school!” I frowned to myself and stomped down the stairs.
    “Do I have to eat? I’m not hungry!” I protested.
    “Yes, this is the most important meal of the day, and you look like you’ve been losing more weight.”
    “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and choked down the waffles that had been waiting for me. The entire way to school, I stared out the window, trying to avoid having to have a conversation with my mom.
    “Want to tell me anything?” Mom asked me with a raised eyebrow. I knew she was talking about Aaron, but I had no interest in talking about our relationship with her.
    “Nope, I’m good.” I said with a half-smile so she wouldn’t poke at the situation anymore. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a text from Aaron. A smile spread across my face as I read the message.
    Aaron: Good Morning Beautiful (:
    Emma: Awww good morning babe!(:
    Aaron and I have been dating since sophomore year. We’ve had our ups and downs, but we have always loved each other.
    Hey guys! Thanks for reading this! I'm sorry its so short, it's more of an intro than a chapter. Give me feedback please!(:
    P.S. I gets way better in a little bit, I apologize for how boring it is now! D:

  3. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 5:44pm UTC
    Behind Closed Doors
    Chapter One
    “Eliza, where are you going?” Mom asked as I pulled on my coat and grabbed my keys.
    “Kelly’s house. Remember, I asked you if I could go over a week ago and you said yes.”
    “Oh that’s right..” she said. Man, she is so scatterbrained sometimes. “Well, have fun dear, be back by 11!”
    “I will!” I responded as I stepped out the door. I suddenly felt bad. My mom has had it rough the past few years. First Dad left us, then she lost her job. I know she’s trying as hard as she can, but I have to help her pay the bills. Which I know for a fact really depresses her, knowing she has to rely on her only child to rake in enough cash to stay in our house and put food on the table. I shook the sad thoughts out of my mind as I turned on to Redwood. All the lights were on in Kelly’s house, as usual. It always seemed like there was someone in the house even when the whole family goes on vacation. Her entire family is the nicest people you will ever meet. Even their house is welcoming the second you walk in. The main reason I came here was to talk to her about Ryan. I haven’t talked to him in a week and I missed him a lot. One thing about Ryan; he’s not my boyfriend or a boy toy. He’s my best friend (other than Kelly) and he’s Kellys brother. Yeah, I guess you could say it puts a pretty big twist on things. Espically because I'm starting to fall for him.
    Hey guys! Thanks for reading this! I'm sorry its so short, it's more of an intro than a chapter. Give me feedback please!(:

  4. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 6:03pm UTC
    Perfect Lies
    Chapter five
    “I-I can’t!” I yelled back timidly. I stepped away from the door, not knowing what to do. I heard her mumble and the noises went away. A second later then came back, now louder than ever.
    “Just WAIT till I get in there…YOU ARE DEAD!” she screamed through the door. I heard that last little click and she burst through the door, face bright red.
    “How DARE you not listen to me when I tell y-you to do something!” she yelled while she stumbled toward me, trying to stay balanced. She swung her fists at me and hit me in the face. I walked backwards until I hit the wall. She ran at me cussing and swinging her hands around. I felt something cut my cheek and then felt my face. There was blood dripping down my cheek now and I was dodging swings, getting hit from time to time. All of a sudden she hit me and I fell on the ground hard.
    “Stop!” I screamed in choking sobs. “Get off of me! Please, please, just stop it!” I kept yelling but she was oblivious to my cries. She just kept hitting and slapping until I couldn’t tell what was going on.
    “You deserve this you little brat!” She yelled right in my face. She stood over me and kicked me until I couldn’t move. Everything was a tear filled blur now. I felt her grab my shirt and lift me up only to violently throw me back onto the ground, then everything went black.
    Please give me feedback, I really want to know if you like this or not!

  5. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 11:24am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2011 4:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2011 9:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2011 11:41am UTC
    Perfect Lies
    Chapter One
    “Let’s GO, Ashlyn!” Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs
    “I’m coming!” I yell back, looking at myself in the mirror one last time. I grabbed my purse of my door handle and stomp down the stairs in my new gladiators.
    “It’s about time. We’re only going to the mall.” Mom said.
    “Yeah, only the mall we can’t be late for anything,” I replied with a grin.
    “Oh, shut up and get in the car.” Mom replied happily.
    I remember when mom was like that. Nice, young, pretty. Nothing could stop her. When her and dad spit up, things got bad. She drank a lot and once she started, she never stopped. During the divorce trail Dad got full custody of me. Life was good again and I never thought about going back to Mom ever. Until Dad got a letter from work. They requested that he moved to France or lose his job. At first I was so excited, I get to move to France!
    “Honey, I need to talk to you.” Dad said sadly.
    “Yeah?” I ask wondering what was wrong.
    “Well, you see, with me working there I wouldn’t be home very often and I don’t want you to be alone there all the time. So, you can’t come with me. I’m so sorry baby but you just can’t come with me.”
    “But can’t you just quit your job?” I ask, close the tears.
    “With the economy I can’t afford to lose this job, that last thing I want to do is leave you but I have no choice.”
    “Dad, I can go! I don’t mind being alone!” I plead, tears streaming down my cheeks.
    “No honey, I can’t do that to you.”
    “Wait, where will I go?”
    “Everyone else is too far away for you to go, I want you to stay in school here so…”
    “So what?”
    “You’re going to stay at your mothers.”
    Sorry for not writing for so long! :(
    I didn't want to continue The One That Got Away because where I ended it, it fit(:
    Fave/ Comment/Follow(:

  9. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 6:18pm UTC
    The One that Got Away
    Part Twelve
    “Wait, a month?” I croaked. She just looked at me with her huge sympathetic eyes.
    “I-I was so worried…they said they didn’t think you were going to make it” she stuttered, obviously choked up a little. I laid there looking at the bright white of everything trying to process that.
    “And, your father didn’t want you to know if you woke up but, baby, you died.” I looked at her in astonishment.
    “I what!?” I asked, now thoroughly confused.
    “You died, in the ambulance on the way here,” she choked back a sob and continued. “they used those-those shocker things and brought you back to life.” Having to process the mere fact that I had died was enough, but then doctor after doctor came in checking things, asking questions and probing me. They all told me that it was a true miracle that I was even alive. After hours of tests they okayed me to go home and rest.
    “Shouldn’t we call Dad?” I asked Mom.
    “No, you have no idea how much he has been stressing about this. It will be such a relief and if I called him now it would be a mess.” A few minutes later we pulled into the driveway. I walked up the walk behind her, waiting to see how she will present me. She opened the door enough so Dad could see her, but not me.
    “Guess what I brought home?” Mom said in a cheery voice.
    “What?” I heard Dad say, sounding eager, probably because she was acting so happy. Tired of waiting, I pushed past her and stopped in the doorway and smiled. He stood in the kitchen doorway, completely surprised. Then he suddenly leaped forwards and hugged me, choking back sobs.
    “My baby!” He cried
    I’m finally home.
    Sorry for not writing for so long! :(
    So what do you guys think- a few more parts with boy action or this be the end?

  10. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2011 8:29pm UTC
    The One that Got Away
    Part Twelve
    My stomach is on fire. I let out a cry and gunshots filled my ears. People rushed forwards and were leaning over me, frantically talking to me. Spots started clouding my vision and the pain got worse. Someone was pushing on my stomach now and I moved my hands to push them away. Something warm and wet covered my hand and a puzzled look crossed over me. What IS that!? Bringing my hands to my face I saw the bright redness of blood, and then it sunk in. He shot me. Then they shot him. Oh my god what the hell! How did any of this happen? I went into a frenzy trying to look around and hands held me down.
    “Stay with me, stay with me!” A woman was yelling down at me. But slowly everything went black.
    Beep beep beep. My eyes flickered open and the smell of alcohol filled my nose. Everything is white and it’s SO bright. I try to sit up but a pain shot through my stomach. I laid back down and groaned.
    “Oh thank god! My baby!” My mother’s voice came from my right. I smiled up at the ceiling in response.
    “Do you know how long you’ve been asleep!?” she probed. I shook my head no then looked at her as my eyebrows meshed.
    “Lizzie, you were in a coma for a month.”

  11. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2011 10:56am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2011 8:48pm UTC
    The One that got Away
    Part Ten
    I’m finally going to get away and go back home! To see everyone again…I sigh heavily as I think about those comforting thoughts. I was laying on the couch, trying to go to sleep, but it’s just too much. Before I laid down Bob and Kelly (the people who let me in) locked all the windows and closed all the blinds. Slowly, my eyes drifted shut and I slipped into blackness.
    Ding…dong. What the hell is that!? I looked up at the clock. Four am? Who is that? A sudden realization swept through me. It was them. They were coming for me, going to take me back to the basement but this time, they’re going to kill me. Ding...dong.
    “God, who’s here? Its four am!” Bob said, walking down the stairs.
    “No, don’t answer! It’s-it’s them!” I said scrambling after him.
    “How would they know you’re here?” he asked with one eyebrow raised.
    “Fine. Just let me hide!” I said, glaring at him. Ding…dong. I ran to the closet and closed the door, nudging behind some crap. I heard the door open
    “Uh, hi can I help you?” I heard Bob asked, sounding confused.
    “Yeah, have you seen a girl, she’s about 5’6, long brown hair, 16, and brown eyes. We think she ran away from home last night.”
    “No, I’m sorry. If I see her I’ll call you.”
    “Okay, thanks a lot.” Gruff said. The door shut and I broke down crying. I could have got Bob killed just because I ran HERE. I have to get out of here. I know they already called the police and they will be here soon but I can’t afford to hurt them. I stepped out of the closet and I ran into someone.
    “There you are, you had me worried.” It was Gruff.
    Sorry for not posting for so long! I have been SUPER busy lately!

  13. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2011 5:57pm UTC
    Hey guys, it's PerfectLies! I write The One that got Away if you have seen that on here.
    I made a site called http://perfectlies.weebly.com
    It makes reading my stories better I promise!(:

  15. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 10:10am UTC
    The one that got Away
    Part Eight
    He slammed the door as he walked out laughing madly. Now my mind was racing. How much are they holding me for ransom for? What will happen to me if they can’t pay it in time? Oh my god oh my god! Okay, okay calm down, your going to be fine. They won’t hurt you. Why would they?
    I scrambled to my feet and to the window. I was desperate now, pulling on the nails trying to get them to budge. No use. I sat down on the bed dejectedly. That’s when I realized; I never looked under the bed when I was checking the room. Look under the cot stupid! I jumped up and fit my knees. What is that? I reached for it and brought it into the light. A hammer. This is their big flaw in the plan. I knew they would have one. I just knew it. I stood up on the bed with newfound determination. I pulled a nail and it popped out. Yes! I threw the hammer back under the cot and sat there until they calm down to let my go to the bathroom before they went to bed.
    “Come on lets go. Hurry up.” It was Young again. He always has the bathroom duty. I went up quickly, peed and came back down.
    “Goodnight.” Young tried to say sternly but his voice broke and he didn’t look very stern at all. I just looked back at him as he closed the door. I heard the lock click and him walking up the stairs. I counted to ten, which seemed to take forever, then I grabbed the hammer and stood up on the bed. I’m finally going to be free.

  16. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2011 10:11am UTC
    About: The one that got Away
    So, to anyone who reads my story...I'm thinking of stopping this one and starting a new one. Should I stop or finish?
    Thanks guys(:

  17. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    The one that got Away
    Part Seven
    I walked quickly to the window and examined it. Please let there be a hole…There! I folded the paper quickly and slid it through the gap. I watched it float away in the breeze until I couldn’t see it anymore. Let’s just hope someone finds it before it goes into the next county. How did I get mixed up in this anyways? Oh, right. I saved Josh. If I ever get out of this alive, he owes me big time. Maybe he will find me, help me get out of here. What are you talking about!? He would never risk his life for a stupid girl like me. Thump thump thump. The door flew open and Gruff walked in.
    “Get the HELL AWAY FROM THAT WINDOW!” He walked towards we quickly and before I even got away from it, he grabbed my hair and yanked my backwards. A sudden pain shot through my head and I let out a cry.
    “Get over here and hold this. Don’t smile or make any faces. Just sit there and let’s get this over with.” Gruff said, his anger seeming to fade quickly. I did what he told me and sat on the floor. He handed me...today’s newspaper? What’s this all about?
    “Don’t read it, hold it forwards and let me take this picture.” A picture? What’s he doing this for? As if he could read my mind gruff said,
    “Don’t worry, this is your ransom picture. We need them to know your alive, at least until we get our money.” He smiled creepily and laughed in a very dark way. There was a sudden flash and it was over. The newspaper was ripped from my hands, he threw me my dinner and stormed out.
    “Let’s hope your parents care enough to pay the ransom…in two days.”

  18. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 8:20pm UTC
    The one that got Away
    Part Six
    I unfolded the paper from the wad it was in. I had to scrub vigorously to get all the letters down. I only got the first sentence before I heard feet pounding down the stairs. I looked around, wadded the paper and threw it in the corner I found it in.
    “Do you need to go to the bathroom yet?” It was Young. He almost looked a little scared to talk to me.
    “Uh, yeah.” I said awkwardly.
    “Come on. Don’t try to run, I don’t want to hurt you, but if I have to I will.” He said in a weird voice. I went up the stairs before him and he steered me by my neck. Once I got in there I peed and looked desperately for a way out. I tried the window while I was flushing to cover the noise, but it was locked. I sighed heavily and walked out dejectedly. I was marched down the stairs and locked back in this prison.What are they going to do with me anyways? It’s not like I’m….rich. Oh my god! Does this have something to do with the family’s money? After shaking the strange thought out of my head I finished my letter. It read:
    Please help me. My name is Lizzie Zimmerman and I have been kidnapped. I’m currently in the basement of a man’s house. Two men took me. There is a small window and when you look in you should see me inside with a lot of dirt and cement. I don’t know where I’m at. Please help me.

  19. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2011 7:04pm UTC
    The One that got Away
    Part Five(:
    “Going to the bathroom,” I said being very quiet.
    “It took you THAT LONG!?” He screamed at me. A worried look passed over his face and he quickly glanced around. People were watching now. He grabbed my arm, pulling me to the van and pushed me in.
    “Knock her out, she doesn’t need to see anything.” The gruff one said. I decided then his name will be Gruff, and the other one Young. The rag covered my face and I slipped into the darkness.
    My eyes flickered open and I was looking at a ceiling. We weren’t moving anymore. I sat up and saw that I was in a basement. Only one window, nailed shut and not big enough to crawl through anyways. Where the hell am I? Something came pounding and got louder and louder until the noise was outside the door. The door swung open violently and Gruff walked in with a plate food. He dropped it on to the bed, looked at me, smirked, then walked out without a word. I ate quickly, hoping I could look around down here to find something, ANYTHING, what could help me get out of here.
    All I found was a piece of paper, rope, and a ton of dirt and dust. Great. Just great. What am I going to do now? I lay on the floor writing my name in the dust when I got an idea. I could write on the paper in dust. I could send someone a message. I could be free.
    Sorry about this one! It's short and kind of choppy.

  20. PerfectLies PerfectLies
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2011 9:22pm UTC
    The One that got Away
    Part 4
    I forced my eyes to finally open. Are we moving? I'm still in the van. Wait, what’s on my head? Is that a pillow case? I tried to sit up but my wrists and ankles are bound so tightly there almost cutting off my circulation. I struggled to sit up when a hand shoved me violently upright. I noticed my shoes were missing and my necklace wasn’t on. Suddenly I had to pee so bad I didn’t think I could hold it.
    “C-can we stop somewhere? I-I have to go to the bathroom…” I said in a timid voice.
    “No.” The gruff one said.
    “She really has to pee. I can tell.” The younger one said.
    “Fine, but make it fast.” The gruff on said madly. I felt the van come to a halt and the young one lifted the pillowcase off my head. The clock on the van screen said 7:00pm. I was out this long? For the first time I saw their faces. The young one had freckles all over his face and light brown hair. The older one was scary looking, with a chiseled face and rough skin.
    “Get out of the car and into the bathroom. Now.” The gruff one commanded. Right before I got out of the car he shoved a baseball cap on my head. “Keep your head down and walk fast. Now let’s move.” I fast walked to the bathroom and once I was in I let out a sigh. I went to the bathroom and once I was done I looked for a way out. No windows, no people, no nothing. I had to leave a mark. Then I remembered something Josh and I did in math. We wrote “3579745204” in toothpicks, and that was our number. I found one of the things that make the toilet smell good. I took one of them and the blue made a smudge on the in the wall. Yes! I left the code all over bathroom and walked back out quickly. This was my last hope. Let’s just hope Josh sees.
    “Where the hell have you been?” The gruff one said angrily.
    Enjoy! Give me feedback(:


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