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Status: One Direction

Member Since: 30 Jun 2012 05:10pm

Last Seen: 27 Jul 2012 10:55am

Location: UK. Lol, no.

Gender: F

user id: 313509

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One Direction:]

Ello! I am Lauren:] I like one direction a lot... but I dont Fan-Girl... Anyways, I think they are all really funny people:] If you dont like one direction, that is fine by me:] I wont tell you to go die or anything:] Alright, so I hope you enjoy the quotes! Bai!

  1. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 1:20pm UTC
    You say you'll always remember.... That you'll always have the time,
    Your never going to forget them,
    They are always on your mind,
    But time never stops moving,
    And posters start to fade,
    Someday you'll just have memories
    Of this fandom that we made,
    And then a day in many years time
    When the memories are almost gone,
    You'll go to turn up your radio,
    and you'll hear your favorite song,
    That song will spark a memory,
    That memory will flood your mind,
    Because even though you're older,
    You never left them behind,
    You'll remember all those moments,
    When only they could make you smile
    The love you had for those 5 boys,
    Was more than worth your while
    So make the most of the time you have,
    As your memories are still strong,
    Because one day you will wake up to find,
    That these moments are now gone.

    -One Direction

  2. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 10:32pm UTC
    'I would date a fan, but the y would have to love me for who I am, not that I am in One Direction'
    -Zayn Malik

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  3. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 10:20pm UTC
    Because of Liam's Fear of spoons, he eats Ice Cream with a fork:D

    kV e r y T r u e : D
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  4. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 10:11pm UTC
    Funny but true story:D
    Friend: Lauren! I am telling you! Those bing translators aren't very accurate! You should translate your project in spanish for extra points!
    Me: Haha, sureeee.
    Friend: If you say so!
    Me: *types* Hi, I am Lauren and my report is about Spain. Well, I am part Spaniard because of my moms, moms, moms, mom. It obviously goes a while back in time! The flag of Spain is red and yellow with a very detail design in the yellow part. In Spain they eat many different types of food than we do here in America!
    Me: Done!
    Friend: Now translate it,
    Me: Okay.
    *In Spanish*
    Hola, soy Lauren y mi informe es sobre España. Bueno, yo soy parte español debido a Mis mamás, mamás, mamás, mamá. Obviamente hace un tiempo atrás en el tiempo! La bandera de España es rojo y amarillo con un diseño muy de detalle en la parte amarilla. En España comen muchos diferentes tipos de alimentos que nosotros aquí en América!
    Friend: Now put it back in English...
    Me: Kayyy, but I will prove that I am right!
    *Back in English*
    Hi, I'm Lauren and my report is on Spain. Well, I'm Spanish part due to my breast, breast, breasts, breast. Obviously some time back in time! The Spain flag is red and yellow with a design very detail in the yellow part. In Spain, they eat many different types of food that we here in America!
    Friend: Told you so.
    True story, but like 6 years ago:]

  5. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:59pm UTC
    I want, I want, I want but its crazy,
    I want ,I want, I want
    But they dont know me,
    I want, I want, I want
    One Dir-ect-ion ♥
    kT o t h e t u n e o f I W a n t B y 1 D
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  6. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:52pm UTC
    Surprising 1D facts#1: Harry Styles' hair was once straight.:O
    (Lol already know, just wanted to share it with the people who didnt:D)

  7. OneOfTheDirectioners OneOfTheDirectioners
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    God should've made everyone blind so it wouldn't matter what is on the outside, it would just matter what is in the heart<3
    22 add to faves
    Quote # 5941159 was added by gracegreene to vent on 30 Jun 2012 at 8:22pm
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