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Member Since: 3 Dec 2012 10:40pm

Last Seen: 23 Feb 2013 11:01pm

Gender: F

user id: 340856

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11-4-12...C.Smith foreveand a day.~

  1. OneDirectionInfection158 OneDirectionInfection158
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    Today I gave him a great big
    Kiss and he said he enjoyed it,loved it and it was very good.!
    (*: See what I did there.?

  2. OneDirectionInfection158 OneDirectionInfection158
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    She’s smiling.
    Doesn’t mean she’s happy.
    Just because you see her all happy, giggling and smiling
    doesn’t mean she’s not crying out for someone to save her.
    A simple smile on a girl’s face can fool anyone.
    Until you look at her in the eye.
    You see how much she’s suffering.

  3. OneDirectionInfection158 OneDirectionInfection158
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 10:53pm UTC
    Louis Tomlinson
    My One Wish,man it hurts and it’s sad! Every night I sit in my room and I’m depressed. Why? Because I haven’t met One Direction. Yes, I know, I sound like a obsessed. But I’m serious. The reason I’m not attracted to any guys I know, is because I’ve held my standards to want Louis Tolinson, and only Louis. That’s really sad… But I’m just an ordinary girl, really. They’re never going to notice me, never going to meet me or see me. I will never go to their concerts because I can’t afford it, and If I can, it’ll be like, seats in the very very far back. Even if I got front row seats though, they would just like, grab my hand or something, just to please a fan. But I’m not just a fan. I’m genuinely in love I want to meet them, become friends, hang out, just that. I’m not just a crazed fan who’s obsessed with them because they’re hot. Their music speaks to me. Their music has saved my life. Literally. Before One Direction, I was depessed, I was a cutter. I wanted to kill myself, but I never had the courage. Granted now I’m still depressed a lot, but I’ve stopped hurting myself, and I try to deal with the sadness in other ways and keep myself pre occupied. Listening to their music makes be want to live. I just, I want to actually speak to them. To meet them. To see in person, these people that have saved me from myself. But they’ll never notice me. Even if I tweet them a lot to get their attention or ask them to follow me, if I send a fan letter that they might not even read and I’d be getting hopes up for nothing, if there was any way to contact them I try it. then they’ll just think of me as another fan who just wants their attention. But If I don’t do anything, they’ll never notice me. I just wish there was some way I could just like, bump into them while walking down the street or something. But that can’t happen either. Because they live in Waterboro. While I’m in Maine,I’ve heard stories about the kids who, when they’re dying, get one wish for whatever they want before they go. If I was one of them, if I was dying and I got one wish, it would be to meet One Direction, to hug them, and sit there and talk to them, tell them how much they mean to me, how much they’ve influenced me, how much they saved me, and how much I love them and respect them for all of that. One Direction is the most amazing band out there. I sound like I’m fangirling. I sound like I’m obsessed. And I sound like I’m just being over dramatic. But One Direction’s music is the only thing that has been saving me from myself. They literally stopped me from killing myself. I watch interviews of those boys, and they’re literally amazing, and they’re five great people. I love them. I wish I could just meet them. Even if it was for 5 minutes. That’s all I would need to tell them how much they’ve impacted me. The second I heard Louis Tomlinson’s voice on X Factor, I stopped everything. It was like, perfection had struck and I knew I wanted to become a happy, fun loving, regular teenage girl who wanted the best for herself. If it wasn’t for One Direction and Louis, I wouldn’t be alive today, because the night before I saw him on X Factor, I wrote a suicide letter to my family and planned on it the next day. Louis saving me was a miracle that I honestly don’t understand, and One Direction forming was a sign that I should keep on moving. I just want them to add,follow,tweet,message etc. and Thank them, or see this, at least. One time on the bus… I was talking to my friend about this Sharpie sweepstakes to meet One Direction. This boy butted in our coversation and said “One Direction’s gay stop talking about them.” So I looked at him for a bit. He then said “What?” I started saying “Who do you like? Who is you savior? Who do you look up to?”
    He looked at me,didn’t answer. I started yelling now “NOBODY!?!? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU? NOTHING? SO WHY DON’T YOU STOP SAYING SH*T ABOUT THEM AND GET A LIFE?” I started crying. I got off the bus and they started saying meaner things this time. So I turned around and punched him in the face. He was bleeding. It felt good. I screamed “Who’s gay? Getting beat up by a girl?” Every time somebody says something mean to these boys…H3!! breaks loose..Why? Because I love them. <3


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