Witty Profiles

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  1. Andreaxoxo Andreaxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 2:20pm UTC
    i'll forget how
    your smile
    made your eyes
    shine brighter
    than the city lights
    at night

  2. UnicornsandMustaches UnicornsandMustaches
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2013 1:22am UTC
    "Now what do I eat?"

  3. Niamhy_Boo Niamhy_Boo
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2013 6:45pm UTC
    Time started: 23.29 PM
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: February 9th 2000
    Eye color: Green
    Shoe size: 3/4
    What are you wearing: PJ shorts and G-Star top
    Righty or lefty: Righty;)
    Who are your closest friends: Kira, Denni, Tom, Daphne, Jimmy, Raihanana...etc.
    Best place for a date?: Wherever, aslong as it is with Him x
    Fave Color?: Purple&Green
    Fave Number: Urr...2?
    Fave Boys Name: Lennie, Ollie, Eden, Cory, Bailey...
    Fave Girls Name: Aubree, Elsie, Ariana etc..
    Fave Sport: Urr...Football?
    Fave Month: umm....February I suppose...or Decemeber x
    Fave movies: Easy A, Step Brothers, HARRY POTTER!
    Juice: Apple<3
    Breakfast food: Crumpets, pancakes<3
    Favorite cartoon character: Err, Peter Griffin?
    Given anyone a bath: Noo
    Smoked: Noo
    Made yourself throw-up: Noo
    Gone skinny dipping: No
    Eaten a dog: Yeah, everyday...;o are you even being serious.
    Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: yes
    Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yess.
    Played truth or dare: Yup
    Been in a physical fight: yes
    Been on a plane: yes
    Been in a hot tub: Yup
    Cried when someone died: yes
    Fell off your chair: Yes
    Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes :o;D
    Saved e-mails: yes
    Fallen for one of your best guy friends: yeeeee>.<
    Made out with JUST a friend?: Noo?
    Used someone?: ... No I wouldn't.
    Whats your good luck charm?: A neclace given to me by my grandad.
    Best song you ever heard: I couldn't really say...
    What's your bedroom like: Green, Purple, Pink, White etc. Neooon! Cleann, mostlyyy.
    Last thing you said: Thank You.
    What is beside you? A glass of colaaaa<3
    What kind of shampoo do you use: Urr, Different sortss x
    Best thing that has happened to you this year?: 2013; Getting Oliver (ye I'm a girl) in a massive UK theature production.
    Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Losing Jimmy;'(
    Chicken pox: yeah when i was little
    Sore Throat: Yup
    Stitches: yeah
    Broken nose: mhmmm
    Do you believe in love at first sight? No not really.
    Like school: OMG. no.
    Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: No fanks.
    If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?: My Family, Kira, Tom, Denni, Alfie, Cory, Bailey etc.
    Who was the last person that called you: Daphneeee
    What makes you laugh the most?: Tom<3
    What makes you smile?: Loads of things omg
    your loudest friend: Kira, Tom, Caitlin...
    Do you like filling these out?: Ye, Suppose.
    Do you wear contacts or glasses: No;'/
    Do you like yourself: N'aaawww
    Do you get along with your family: Love em, but I dislike them.
    Stolen anything over $50: Noo.
    What are you listening to right now?: When I was your Man.
    Got any awards?: Yup quite a bit
    What car do you wish to have: meh don't know
    Where do you want to get married: idek.
    If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: A lot of things. Mostly my imperfections and my confidence issues. Everything.
    Good driver: Mario Carts; 1ST PLACE!
    Good singer?: Meh, never ever had a negative comment about it, all really positive, I suppose I'm okay.
    Have a lava lamp?: Yuppppp
    How many remote controls are in your house: A lot
    Double jointed: noo.
    What do you dream about: WHY U ASK ME THIS?
    Last time you showered: this morning
    Last time you took a bath: Two days ago x
    Chocolate: yum get here.
    Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: urrrrrrr
    Summer or winter: Summeeeer<3
    Silver or Gold: Silver x
    Diamond or pearl: Quartz
    Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset x
    Sprite or 7up: neither ew.
    Cats or dogs: Dogggsss
    Coffee or tea: i'm english brrrooo... Tea.
    Phone or in person: Person
    Indoor or outdoor: Indoor fanks.
    End Time: 23.45pm

  4. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 4:13pm UTC
    Me: I'm too full to eat anymore.
    Food: You sure?
    Me: No.

  5. SalemSoto SalemSoto
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2013 12:19am UTC
    it was drilled into my head that

  6. SexySoapBox SexySoapBox
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2013 3:46pm UTC
    "You are what you eat..." That's strange. I don't think I've eaten any sexy beasts today...

  7. Just_Keep_Swimming Just_Keep_Swimming
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 2:04pm UTC
    Today was feild day so I skipped school.
    They shouldn't have feild day.
    Just eat day.
    *eat week
    *eat month
    *eat year
    *eat life

  8. DeathOfASon DeathOfASon
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 4:37pm UTC
    - Eat -
    - Sleep -
    - Repeat -

  9. Kizzie29 Kizzie29
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 1:48pm UTC
    Reasons to get out of bed
    -To eat

  10. ForeverDreaminggg ForeverDreaminggg
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 2:50pm UTC
    Awkward Moments #33
    When someone is ,
    Watching you eat.
    Format by defe4ted

  11. hey_its_mal hey_its_mal
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 4:32pm UTC
    Girl: OmG I'M SO HEaLTHY, I POST salaD pics on INSTA lyk eVERYdaY!!!! :OOOO
    Me: I once ate an apple two months ago…

  12. JKS123 JKS123
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 2:14pm UTC
    Eat whatever you want.
    And if anyone tries to lecture you about your weight.
    Eat them too.

  13. glitter162* glitter162*
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 5:44pm UTC
    Parenting is eating a dirt
    covered banana your toddler serves to you and liking it to avoid a tantrum.

  14. lifeletmedown lifeletmedown
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2013 2:48am UTC
    Friend: Why aren't you eating?
    Me: Ana told me not to.
    Friend: Who's Ana?
    Me: Someone you never want to meet.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2013 11:20am UTC
    Everyone has dark secrets.
    That's nature.
    Some just let them affect them while others fight.

  18. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    I don't hate on anything.
    I respect other's opinions.
    I just state mine as well.
    Don't hate on mine either, ok?

  19. bella is a penguin * bella is a penguin *
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2013 2:51am UTC
    There's no 'i' in team.
    And there's also no share in food.
    BravoSierra's format. maybe nmq?

  20. MaddyWaddy MaddyWaddy
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    I lay down
    Untill the craving
    for you wakes me up...


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