Witty Profiles

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  1. Torray Torray
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 9:00pm UTC
    Format by fadesandformats:)
    The Day We Met <3
    Chapter 32
    (Teddy's P.O.V)
    What just happened?? I was red as ever, I mean he's seen me naked before...
    But he was drunk the first time, so I'm guessing it wasn't the same.
    I wrapped my towel around me more tight and walked out, when I saw Blake in my room I blushed.
    I just walked up to him and kissed him, he put his hands on my waist.
    He started to take the towel off me a little, Teddy: Blake... I looked at him.
    He stopped and hugged me, he walked out of my room and I got changed.
    I was thinking about how red his face was when he saw me on the floor.
    I finally put my sweatshirt on, when Zack rushed into the house and grabbed me.
    Teddy: ZACK what are you doing here?! He kissed me, Zack: Teddy I would do anything to be your man again.
    Blake ran upstairs, Blake: get off of her!! He ran into the room, Zack punched Blake in the jaw.
    He was out cold, I was trying to get him to wake up, Teddy: Blake please wake up, please.
    Zack pinned me to the floor, he kissed me, then my neck, and unzipped my jeans.
    Teddy: Zack stop! Zack: Teddy, I should've got some when we were a couple.
    You owe me, he grabbed my wrists, Blake quickly got up and punched Zack in the head.
    Blake got on his knees and sat down with me, he held me in his arms.
    Me crying, I didn't know well I did know I just didn't want him to do it.
    Blake: this is my child, and it's gonna stay that way, he hugged me and kissed my forehead.
    He helped me downstairs, then went up to get Zack, I'm so lucky to have him...

  2. Torray Torray
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2011 7:39pm UTC
    Format by fadesandformats:)
    The Day We Met <3
    Chapter 31
    (Blake's P.O.V)
    Teddy fell asleep in my arms, I kissed her forehead.
    Am I really ready for this?? To spend the rest of my life, as the father of Teddy's baby??
    Oh crap, mom would freak if she knew and Teddy still doesn't know my secret...
    But anyway, I'd just be a loser of a father, Teddy would be better off having some other guy be the dad.
    I started to drift off a little, then memories of a party came back to me.
    I saw people dancing, me sitting at the bar getting a drink, not getting to much.
    The house I was at looked familiar, the girls that wanted me to dance with them..
    They had danced on me, I woke up and Teddy wasn't with me, I got up and heard the shower running.
    Then I heard somebody slip and fall I barged in an saw Teddy on the floor....naked...
    I blushed an tried to help her up and put a towel on her and got out as quickly as I could.
    But one thing is for sure, if the baby was mine, then wouldn't I remember making it??

  3. 1ToRi1 1ToRi1
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 7:21am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. ildexter ildexter
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 1:18pm UTC
    Ch. 1 where is Alice?
    My name is Alice. Alice Mckerry. I was abducted on February 16, 1996. Right after Valentine’s Day. I was only three years old. My parents loved me very much and are still looking for me, but they will never find me. I don’t even know where I am.
    . . .
    I was one of the cutest babies alive. I had big cheeks, brown curly hair, and big blue eyes. Everyone loved to come up to me and smile. I knew how to walk and I talked a lot. No one could really understand me though. My favorite toy was a stuffed animal elephant. I loved how soft it was and I would cuddle with it all day long and I would take it with me everywhere. I named her Elli. Elli was found on the street where I was abducted. That’s how everyone knew I was gone. The police searched the town, left and right but they couldn’t find the Mckerry’s little princess. My parents cried for weeks. My mom took Elli and would cradle it for hours every day. She wanted to remember what I smelt like, the soft baby smell. She and my dad would hand out pictures to everyone so people knew who to look for. My face was all over the news. All that was on anyone’s mind was, where is Alice?
    Thoughts? this is my first story and i'd love to know what you think!

  5. hopelesslyinlove6 hopelesslyinlove6
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 12:31pm UTC
    Before We Become Undone
    Chapter 1 - Sophomore Year
    "Andrew," I sighed hopelessly, "I can't be that girl. When you said girlfriend, I didn't think that meant let's hookup with other people and be an item too." "It will always be you though, the one I care about, you're different than other girls." He replied frustrated that I couldn't possibly understand him. He had some audacity I thought, and that's the moment I decided to break it off right then and there. "No," I said defiantly clearly scaring him off because he just put up his hands and shook his head as he walked away. My first boyfriend, and he cheated, I wanted to collapse right there, but of course I couldn't because I was in the school. "BRRRIIIIINNNNGGG" the bell signals first period and I head off to class, by myself.
    I sat drumming my fingers on my desk, listening to the morning announcements. Breaking up with Andrew wasn't upsetting, it was just a disappointment. I kind of expected a better experience, since he was in fact my first boyfriend. I barely knew him though, he wasn't about to be trusted. Not for one minute. This year, I had Mrs. Mendel for Honors English. I recognized a few familiar faces from the year before. I was sitting next to James, unfortunately, and he was rather annoying. "Chelsea, how was your summer?" He eyed me hopefully, probably wishing I would finally listen and stop zoning out. "Fine," I replied in a monotone matter, and went back to drumming my fingers. "That's cool," he smiled for a moment and then continued, "well I'm thinking of having a party, you know, to celebrate everyone becoming sophomores." "Cool." "Well would you consider coming?" I had ignored his previous requests for me to attend but his eyes looked at me longingly, like a puppy that needed to go on a walk. "If I'm around," I sigh, figuring I could rope the girls into going. "Great," he smiled, "Friday night. My house."

  6. smiletonight smiletonight
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 12:39pm UTC
    Someone Like You
    Chapter 15
    (Credit to Sarah Dessen for title. ♥)
    Molly's POV
    When life hits you hard, don't pull out a shield. Learn why it hit you, and fix it.
    -my mom. ♥
    { at the end of this story, i 'm putting some pics
    of what molly, Stephan, annabel, and harmony look like.(:
    chapter after this one is the end. i'll do a sequel
    this winter. ♥ }
    Harmony was my little angel sent from above. I loved her like I've never loved anyone else.
    She had big, brown eyes like mine, blonde, blonde hair, and tan skin. She was beautiful.
    "She's our little lovely," Stephan said, facing her. He then kissed me on the cheek, his lips warm.
    - - ♥ - -
    That night was the night I got the phone call from the hospital.
    "Hello? Is this Molly?" the woman on the other line said.
    "Yes." I said quietly.
    "Are you the wife of Stephan?" At that moment, my heart started to pound out of my chest
    and my hands began to sweat.
    "Yes, why? Is everything alright?" I said in a panicked voice.
    "Stephan was in a car accident. He's in the hospital now. Molly, I'm not sure he's going to make it."
    This could not be happening. Not my Stephan. This was like a nightmare - it was all so fast.
    Tears started running down my face. I hung up quickly and grabbed my car keys and
    ran to my car.
    The whole way there, I said to myself, "He'll be alright." It was like I needed to tell myself
    that to keep my heart going.
    My tires screeched as I pulled into the hospital. I didn't even lock my car - I just ran. Ran as
    fast as I possibly could into that hospital, without looking back.
    I quickly checked in and waited in the waiting room, my foot beating against the carpet.
    I was having an anxiety attack. I really was. My heart was beating unevenly, and I was sweating
    like crazy.
    Finally, a nurse came out, her face showed no expression. "Hi," I said, standing up fast.
    "Hello, Molly. Come on in." She said flatly.
    I followed her in the room. As soon as I saw Stephan, his eyes were open. "Thank God,"
    I mumbled under my breath.
    I ran up and hugged him. So tight. He didn't hug back, all he said was "ow."
    "Stephan, baby, I'm so glad you're okay!" I smiled.
    "Who are you?" he mumbled.
    At that quick second, my smile dropped. "Molly! Molly, your wife." I put my hand on his shoulder.
    "I don't have a wife. What the-"
    "Stephan, it's okay," the nurse said, then turned to me. "He's lost his memory. I'm not sure
    if he'll ever get it back. He hit his head - hard." The nurse rested her hand on my back.
    "Oh my God," I said. I was shaking. "This cannot be happening!" I burst into tears, burying
    my head in my hands.
    I know I made this happen fast, I'm sorry.
    Feedback please(: & comment what you think!
    Fave ♥ (and comment, but I already said that xD)
    Format by _RandomRequests

  7. hopelesslyinlove6 hopelesslyinlove6
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 12:43pm UTC
    Before We Become Undone
    Chapter 6 - Monday Morning
    Adjusting back to week at school is hard after the weekend. Especially when it's a rainy Monday morning. I pull out a black and white crop top with leggings and my Hunter rain boots. As I apply my makeup, I look at the clock. 6:55 the digital numbers gleam back at me. I'm behind. I hurry through the rest of my morning routine, barely sliding into my dad's car by 7:34. "You're late," He scolds and turns up the ignition. I sit quietly and don't respond. What's really on my mind is Andrew, if he'll say something to me, suddenly want me back or something romantic like that, and James, of what kind of conversation we'll make after our makeout and discussion at the party this weekend. I sigh, high school is pretty gosh darn difficult. As I walk inside I spot Megan and Liana walking out of the cafeteria. They instantly light up when they see me. "Hey!" Megan says hugging me and Liana smiles at me. "What's up guys?" I reply back, trying to sound excited, but inside, my stomach was churning. What if I ran into Andrew? Or James for that matter? "Not much, we're heading up to visit Ms. Partridge, wanna come?" Ms. Partridge was our Honors World History teacher freshmen year, and Megan, Liana, and a few others were always visiting her. "No thanks, I have to stop at my locker and print something in the library, I'll catch up with you later," I finish, smiling so they both wave goodbye and head up stairs. I unlock my locker, put my bag away, and close the locker only to find Andrew, leaning up against the lockers behind my now closed locker door. "What are you doing here?" I ask, trying to sound angry but end up sounding more upset. "I don't know." He sighs at my tone, clearly not noticing the hurt in my voice. "You don't know?" I raise my voice a bit, getting a few stares from the burnouts but they quickly turn away. "I just, I don't know, I miss you," His voice cracks a little. I'd never seen this side of him before, and I didn't know if I should trust it, or assume it's a trap. "Miss me how?" I reply, gaining more confidence. Did he miss me as a friend? Or a girlfriend? "I liked talking to you, hugging your waist, kissing you. I just hate how I threw it all away for some sophomore who was just crazy drunk at my sister's party." He sighed. He looked defeated. I almost forgot the fact he cheated on me. "Well-" I begin but mentally regret what I was about to say. "Bottom line, you cheated on me." I say, a little too harshly I guess because he frowned in a worried way and looked at the ground. After a while, he spoke. "I know." He paused for a moment, as if he were forming what he wanted to say to me into understandable words. "It was really wrong for me to do that to you. I don't even deserve a chance. I don't even know if that's what I'm asking for. I just liked being with you, you were always happy, smiling, beautiful." He finished sadly. I winced at the last word. He had called me beautiful the night of Madeline's party, before we hooked up, and before he hooked up with that lousy sl*t of a sophomore. As much as it hurt me, to not be with him, in his arms, touching his lips, I had to let go. There was no choice. "You called me beautiful that night you know," I said softly, a pang of sadness hit me like a ferocious wave at the beach. He looked down at his feet. "Goodbye Andrew," I turn around walking away so I don't let him see me fall apart, almost knocking into James. It was going to be one hell of a morning that's for sure.

  8. kto_123 kto_123
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 12:47pm UTC
    Never Alone
    "You know you can tell me anything, Viv, you know that." Jamie, my best friend says quietly, sitting on her bed. I sit next to her, "Jamie. I really really need to tell you something, but you can't tell anybody. Swear?" I say, terrified of actually telling someone my secret. "I promise," She says, catching the serious tone.
    "Jamie. . .I'm gay." I whisper. Jamie stares at me, knowing there's more. "And. . .I think I'm in love with you," I say, my voice shaking. Jamie nods slowly, "It's okay. Your secret's safe with me." She says. I nod, nervously. "Nothing will change between us, I swear." Jamie says gently, seeing the look in my eyes.
    "Oh, I wouldn't agree with that," A voice says sternly. "Mom!" Jamie shouts, standing up. "Mrs Ryans, I can explain," I begin. "Oh no, I think you've said enough." She says firmly. "You will not ever speak or see my daughter again, do you understand?" She says. I nod once. "Now go, you disgust me." I look at Jamie, the love of my life, as she stares at the floor.
    There has to be some way, my eyes fill with tears. I can't not see her, she's not just my love, she's my best friend.
    I walk out the door, with my head down, tears dripping to the floor, hating myself more than ever.
    You are never alone ; Whether you like it or not. . .♥*nmf

  9. storygirl64 storygirl64
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 1:18pm UTC
    Hey guys
    This is my new story account
    My real username is dani64...if ya guys care. I love writing stories n' stuff so, uh, yeah, I would love for you guys to read them and fave and comment and give me your opinions haha I love all constructive criticism, good or bad so tell me what you think. I also love to read stories so if you write or know the link to good stories, tell me please! Lol i also love to meet fellow writiers so tell me if you write. i love you guyssss talk 2 u soon :)
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  10. storygirl64 storygirl64
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 1:12pm UTC
    Missing: 1 : 1 1::
    “Nicole!” Chelsea Heathernall cried “Where the hell did you go?” She screamed. “Guys, come on, help me find her!” She said. Tori Puerskia followed close behind, scared as hell, after came Crista McJore and lastly Brittany Mouh.
    “Where is she?” Brittany asked
    “If I knew, do you think I would be screaming her name and looking for her?” Chelsea retorted.
    “Guys, cool down. We’ve had a long day and we’re all worried. Let’s just go back inside and relax. She’ll definitely come back in. What is she going to stay out her all night?” Brittany suggested. She pushed a long caramel colored piece of hair out of her face and behind her ears.
    Tori butted in, “Yeah guys, I agree with Brittany. These woods are freakin’ scary and we should go back inside. If Nicole is sane, she’ll come back in and soon.”
    They had all been playing manhunt not too long ago. Tori and Chelsea vs. Nicole and Brittany. Nicole and Brittany had been hiding. They had found Brittany, but they never found Nicole. They’d been looking for at least an hour and it was getting late and cold.
    They all piled inside, worried and frantic. They sat on Nicole’s suede couch silent. It felt weird being in Nicole’s house with, you know, no Nicole. All of them kept picturing in their minds that in any second, Nicole would burst through the door and say “Haha I got you! I win!” Knowing her, this is exactly what she would do to win. She is so competitive. Everyone was still silent, when Tori finally spoke “What if she never comes back?” She whispered, so quietly everyone else almost couldn’t hear them. Chelsea hugged her. “She will.” She add just as quietly “I promise”
    I've got big plans for this story. This is chapter 1 lol obviously so PLEASE tell me what you think about it. Please tell me if you like it. I love consturictive critisim and to hear what you guys think...thanks a lot
    fave a comment :)

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. RyleeG83 RyleeG83
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 1:11pm UTC
    Bee outside the house-"ohh look its a fluffy bumble bee" Bee inside the house-"Ohh sh*t! Stay away b*tch"
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  13. jennafire12 jennafire12
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 1:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. Mikay30 Mikay30
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 1:12pm UTC
    i saw my uncle last night.
    he stopped by to tell
    me to keep smiling,
    things will get better,
    and that he loved me.
    ------>my uncle died 4 months ago.

  15. Stories4EverXx Stories4EverXx
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 7:51pm UTC
    Chapter 1 part 2.
    I woke up this morning, It was the first day back to school after Summer. I pulled on my hollister hoodie and tee and some ripped jeans,"I guess I look alright." I said to myself examining myself in the mirror. I rushed down stairs to see Aunt Julia rushing around the kitchen. "What's the rush?" I said getting out the cereal. "Big emergency for work, someone really injured. Might be late home today okay?" she said quickly putting the dishes back into the cupboard. My aunt was a nurse, but no ordinary nurse she was.. well, I guess you could say head nurse, so she's pretty important. She left after about 5 minutes and then I rushed out the door to the bus. "Sorry I'm Late Pat!" I said running up the steps of the bus. "It's fine, just don't make a habit of it." I sat beside Olive on the bus and just stared out the window... thinking. I was wondering who the person was that was seriously injured... did I know this person? "Olive...Did anyone you know get seriously injured today?" I know this sounded stupid.. but it could have been her sister, Molly or even her parents. "No...My parents weren't there this morning, so i don't know if they got hurt or not!" She said with a bit of a laugh, "Why do you ask?" She asked. "Just Julia said she had a really injured person in today and maybe you forgot to tell me that your cousin is like close to dying." I said with a smile. She grinned back at me. Olive's family are like my family, her sister is like my sister. It's really strange but to me they are my family.
    Notes : Hey Guys! Ali was meant to be writing today but she didn't have time so she asked me to fill in for her :)
    hope it wasn't too bad! :)
    by Lydia(hatersmakemestronger.

  16. Stories4EverXx Stories4EverXx
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 9:08pm UTC
    Skipped a Beat
    Chapter 2
    I was really starting thinking something was wrong. What if I did know the person?
    But thanks to Olive the subject changed.
    "Did you hear?" she asked
    "Hear what?"
    "That John cheating on Mandi (head cheerleader) with Claire!(Mandi's best friend) so now everyone hates him."
    We walked into school and the first person I see is John.
    "Hi Kayla. How was your summer?"
    "John, we both agreed to never talk to each other again.. just because everyone hates you now.. doesn't mean I ever stopped."
    He just stood there. He really hurt me and I was done with him.
    Olive looked at me like I was crazy.
    "He has no one Kayla?"
    "Olive, that's his fault."
    We walking to our lockers to find Mandi kicking Claire off the the cheerleading team for what had happened.
    "Claire?" I said as she was running off.
    "Why were you even friends with Mandi?
    Because she had no one else."
    and that's where I got my idea!
    ~~I just want to say thank you to Lydia and Ali for letting me in this collab and I can't wait to talk to all the other collabers!
    ~~I am putting this up on Thursday because I have to go to Texas tomorrow on a family trip.
    ~~Hope you all like it.. hope it proves my writing skills!!

  17. Stories4EverXx Stories4EverXx
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 2:47pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    In first year I was known as the matchmaker of the school. I got all my friends out with the boys they'd liked forever. It felt great to know I was doing something good for them, but deep inside somewhere I really wished I could get someone for myself.
    "Hey. Kayla!" I could hear someone calling. Oh. My. God. Luke. What has he done? My best boy friend since primary 3. He was the spotty, fat, lovable best friend who didn't care about his appearance. But now- He was toned, tanned. He had flippy hair! He was wearing converse!
    "Luke! You look; er, different..."
    "Don't you like it? Since I've been away in Spain, there was LOADS of hot girls. I thought I better make myself up."
    "But, you used to hate girls! I thought you were gay.!"
    "Oh Kayla, that's why I love ya. OH. And by the way, you know your friend Olivia is it?"
    "Kay, would you ask her out for me? She's hot!"
    "What the hell. Luke!"
    "Sorry. Gotta go for maths. And remember, do your job!"
    He then kissed, me on the cheek, like he'd always done. But this time I felt, different. It was special. I felt slightly jealous of Olive.
    But why?
    Not Luke...
    Notes : Hi! It's gilliaanx! This is my first installment of this story. It's a bit short. But I hope you like it. By Gillian (gilliaanx)

  18. Stories4EverXx Stories4EverXx
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 6:25pm UTC
    Chapter 1.
    I’m Kayla. Judge me nicely or be a hater I don’t care. I am who I am and I won’t change for anyone. I am from Texas, I don’t have many friends but I do have one special friend, her name is Olive, no, My best friend is not a fruit For your information. I have 2 sisters and a little brother, Cindy is 17 and is not proud to have me as a sister, then there is Laura she is fifteen and is so popular, She has a boyfriend that is on the football team and lastly David who thinks it’s fun to kick and punch people, let’s just say he is more hyper than you could ever imagine. My life is pretty complicated and I learned the hard way, I used to have a boyfriend named John he cheated on me with the head cheerleader, I was pretty mad. My dad died a few years ago and my mum is always going to Germany to visit her boyfriend, Cedric. I live with my aunt, her name is Julia. I have had a crush on this guy called Oliver Ronaldo. He has dreamy brown eyes and brown flippy hair. I go to a pretty big school, probably the main one in my state. I forgot to mention, I am 13 and will be 14 on December 13th.
    Notes : Sorry so short :( had to rush this :/ And had nothing to write about seen as it's the first chapter because you explain everything on the first chapter anyway..
    hope it wasn't too bad! :)
    by Lydia(hatersmakemestronger.

  19. NeverxSayxNever NeverxSayxNever
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 7:55pm UTC
    Born To Be Somebody
    Ch. 9
    *at home*
    Oh. My. God.
    I can't believe Justin Bieber asked me out on a date! Wait. Why should I care? I hate him any ways. But, he seems so nice, and sweet.
    But I didn't know what to wear tonight. And I still have to ask mom.
    I found her in the living room, dusting.
    "Mom," I began, "Um, I have a date tonight."
    "And with who?" My mom asked, raising her eyebrows.
    I looked around for May. "Please don't tell May, but Justin Bieber."
    My mom rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I bet you are. But, whoever this guy is, you can go."
    I nodded, and mouthed, 'Thanks' as I headed upstairs to get reading.
    I picked out a cute little dress, and went in the bathroom to change.(http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=36209579)
    I fixed my hair, and re-did my makeup.
    By now, it was about 5 minutes to six.
    "Hope!" My mom called from downstairs.
    "Coming!" Wonder what she wants now.
    As I walk down the steps, I saw Justin standing in the doorway, staring at me.
    My mom was smiling at me, and then I realized that May was all over him. She crossed her arms when he would no longer talk to her.
    "You look beautiful." Justin said to me, smiling.
    I smiled back, and put my hair behind my ears.
    He held out his hand. "Ready to go?" He asked.
    "Only if you are." I replied.
    When we got outside, I gasped.
    "A limo?!" I exclaimed, as I had not been in one for over 7 years.
    "Yep. And all for you." Justin said, smiling, with his brown staring at me.
    I couldn't help but blush.
    We got in the limo, and started talking for a while.
    When we got to the restaurant, I couldn't help but smile. I still couldn't believe that he was doing all this for me, even though we just met.
    As soon was we stepped out of the car, people were surrounding us, and taking pictures.
    Oh crap.
    Justin took hold of my hand, and guided me into the building.
    We got a table, and sat down.
    I don't know why, but I think I'm actually starting to like him.

    *Aww, he's so sweet (:

  20. katelynx38 katelynx38
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 7:24pm UTC
    double loser.
    as if,
    get the picture
    like DUH!
    click the ♥
    if you remeber this!


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