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Member Since: 25 Oct 2011 08:15am

Last Seen: 17 Jan 2012 02:38pm

user id: 230901

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Hi im Amber
i live in wales
i have two cats ~Paris~London~
and a hamster called Cecilia ( cece )
i go swimming on a Tuesday and Friday!
i also have 2 other accounts, plcjm and ndubz
i think you've guessed it i <3 N-dubz
i also like one direction, Jason derulo, Professer green,
nikki manaj, rhiannah, Ne-yo, Eminem,LFMAO and lots lots more singers!
Feel free to leave a comment and share your opinion about my quotes!
i have 1 half brother 1 half sister 1 step sister and 1 real sister ( my family is confusing )
my parants are devorsed i live with my mum and see my dad every other weekend
i love my life because its diffrent <3 
Bye - Bye xxx 

About Me <3
  1. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 4:45am UTC
    Mr. Flobby

  2. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 3:58pm UTC
    When someone walks out of your life,
    let them because they are just makeing
    more room for someone better to walk back in.

  3. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2011 4:32am UTC
    If you want the
    you gotta put up
    with the rain

  4. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2011 4:20am UTC
    n 84 comments
    ♥ 246 add to faves
    Quote # 4200559 was added by NdubzDappy
    to funny on 30 oct 2011 at 8:12am
    share: facebook/stumbleupon
    get code

  5. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    Girls are like apples
    on trees. The best ones
    are at the top of the tree.
    The boys don't want to reach
    for the good ones because they
    are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
    Instead, they just get the rotten apples
    from the ground that aren't as good,
    but easy. So the apples at the top think
    something is wrong with them, when in
    reality, they're amazing. They just
    have to wait for the right boy to
    come along, the one who's
    brave enough
    to climb all
    the way to
    the top
    of the tree

  6. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 5:52pm UTC
    I dont know why but every time im out with my friends I'm allways loud and wittyare you?

  7. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 4:27pm UTC
    Witty Girls,i had a boyfriedand he tryed to change me for example - when he texted me he would say "coming to see you make your self look pretty" - no kisses or nothing and i would never let him see me in my jogging pants and over sized sweater, i would have to do my hair, make-up and a tight dress.i broke up with him now he is spreeding bad stuff around my back and don't know what to do~ what shall i do?

  8. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 5:30am UTC
    o o
    i may be a sponge but im a sponge with shorts, a pineapple house and a pet snail...
    beat that! <3
    v ♦ v
    - - -♦- - -
    Format by kclove5layouts

  9. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 4:19am UTC
    Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones but Witty is allways there for me <3Witty, every one loves you! when every ones sad or happy they can make a quote about how they feel and other people can cheer them up or make them fell even more happyer but thats down to you witty, thankyou x

  10. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 8:54am UTC
    Who says I can't wear my convers with my dress~ Maybe thats just me ~

  11. NdubzDappy NdubzDappy
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 8:49am UTC
    You are not perfect
    You are not perfect
    You are not perfect
    You are not perfect
    You are not perfect
    ♥ and that is perfectly fine


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