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Member Since: 22 Nov 2010 01:25am

Last Seen: 1 Dec 2011 02:49am

user id: 135254

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i hope 2010 was a good year for all of u guys
i haven't been on for a while -.-"
fav, follow, and/or comment if u like =^.^=
About YOU!

Hello witty!Im Nat Yong, born on December 18, 96 in Thailand, ASIAN PRIDEim half thai and half chinese. i live in Glendale California and i've been living here for 12 years. i have a BEAUTIFUL girlfriend named Karla Molina, her witty is LOVExHURTS and u guys better check out her quotes.my quotes r gonna be on love, humor, sumtimes i'll vent wen my dad starts pms'ing -.- im a metal head, so if u r one of those ppl tht listen to like justin beiber or lady gaga or kesha, fuck off.anyways, fav, comment and dont forget to check out Karla's witty, LOVExHURTS

She's the best thin the in world
I can't live without her
she's my everything
she's my bestfriend
i miss her every second of my life
she's beautiful
i love the way she smiles
and i she's the most amazing thing in the world
Almost 4 months since i've
been going out with Karla.^.^
i love her so much
i lover her more then anything in the whole world
i will never leave her


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  1. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 1:01am UTC
    4 months already
    Happy new year's Karla!

  2. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2010 12:57am UTC

  3. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2010 8:21pm UTC
    4 months and still going
    Karla Molina

  4. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 6:05pm UTC

  5. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2010 6:45pm UTC
    20 things about her
    1) her favorite colors are purple, pink, black, and white
    2) she likes rock music
    3) she LOVES mondays
    4) she hates it wen i leave
    5) she LOVES sonic
    6) her house is on stocker st
    7) she wakes up early to play super mario galaxy
    8) she hates it wen her nails get messed
    9) her hands r ALWAYS cold
    10) she will never leave me
    11) she has an amazing smile and voice
    12) she's funny
    13) she laughs at my jokes
    14) she paints her nails black or white
    15) she loves anime
    16) she loves me
    17) she loves orange fanta
    18) she loves monster like a lot
    19) she'll never give up on me
    20) we love each other so much
    Karla Molina

  6. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2010 9:05pm UTC
    Time started: 5:49
    Gender: guy
    Birthday: December 18, 1996
    Siblings: 2 bros
    Eye color: Brown (its sexy)
    Shoe size: 9
    Height: 5'7
    What are you wearing: pink t shirt, signature red jacket, and shorts
    Where do you live: GLENDALE!
    Righty or lefty: Righty ftw!!
    Can you make a dollar in change right now: sure, but i aint giving it to u >:)
    Who are your closest friends: Eric, Cesar, Jemmilynn, Domo, Patrick, RJ, Abby, George and of course Karla <3
    Where is your fav place to shop: Hot Topic all the way
    Favorite kind of plant? venus fly trap, i got tht off Saw :3
    Fave Color? Black, sky blue, purple
    Fave Number: 69 :3
    Fave Boys Name: Beau
    Fave Girls Name: idk
    Fave Sport: FOOSBALL
    Fave Month: December
    Juice: watermelon, mmm...
    Finger: thumb, idk y
    Breakfast food: RICE.
    Favorite cartoon character: Cartmen
    Given anyone a bath: No
    Smoked: no
    Made yourself throw-up: i cant :P
    Gone skinny dipping: idk wat tht is
    Eaten a dog: i dont think so
    Put your tongue on a frozen pole? OMYGOD THT HURT
    Loved someone so much it made you cry? YES
    Broken a bone? not yet
    Played truth or dare: favorite game with friends
    Been in a physical fight: yee
    Been in a police car: Yes. i hate cops
    Been on a plane: Yeah, 5 times
    Come close to dying: a bunch of times
    Been in a sauna: Yes. Yes I have. It feels nice.
    Been in a hot tub: AAAAHHHHH (mangasm)
    Cried when someone died: no....
    Cried in school: no
    Fell off your chair: yes lol
    Wait for someone's phone call all night: every nite <3
    Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: all of them
    Saved e-mails: yes
    Fallen for one of your best guy friends: Right now, yeah.
    Made out with JUST a friend? umm, no O.o
    Used someone: depends
    What is...
    Whats your good luck charm? dont believe in luck
    Best song you ever heard: i love all my songs i listen too
    What's your bedroom like: tan, nuthing else
    Last thing you said: hey, go watch the dishes
    What is beside you? headfones, drum sticks, iPhone, flip camera, guitar, a lot of suff
    Last thing you ate: Twix bar.
    What kind of shampoo do you use? idk, i forgot and im not gonna check now
    Best thing that has happened to you this year: Karla <3
    Worst thing that has happened to you this year: my ex -____-"
    Have you had...
    Chicken pox: Nopee .
    Sore Throat: Yeahz.
    Stitches: not yet.
    Broken nose: nah
    Do You.........
    Believe in love at first sight: Yes, yes I do. <3
    Like school: just for my friends..
    What schools have you gone to: Columbus, Toll
    Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: im down for tht
    If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Karla, and the fattest person i no so i can eat him xD jkjk
    Who was the last person that called you: Karla <3
    Who was the last person you slow danced with: ....
    What makes you laugh the most? i really dont no...
    What makes you smile? Karla <3
    Last Person..
    You yelled at: my dad
    Who broke your heart: my ex
    Told you that they love you: Karla <3
    Is your loudest friend: Karla haha
    Do you/Are You..
    Do you like filling these out? Yeah, bored out of my mind
    Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses.
    Do you like yourself: im 120% conceited
    Do you get along with your family: not at all
    Stolen anything over $50: i stole $2000 cuz of my music
    Obsessive Compulsive? sumtimes
    Anorexic? ummm
    Suicidal? yup
    Final questions
    What are you listening to right now? Weightless by All Time Low
    What did you do yesterday: sleep
    Got any awards: not many
    What car do you wish to have: idk
    Where do you want to get married: idk
    If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: suicidal thoughts
    Good driver: im asian, so i dont think im a good driver
    Good Singer: ehh
    Have a lava lamp: no, i want one
    How many remote controls are in your house: 7
    double jointed: yup
    What do you dream about: the randomest things
    Last time you showered: this morning
    Last time you took a bath: idk
    Scary or happy movies: scary
    Chocolate or white chocolate: white
    Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root Beer. No contest.
    Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O(:
    Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate.(:
    Summer or winter: winter
    Silver or Gold: Silver.
    Diamond or pearl: Diamond(:
    Sunset or Sunrise: sunrise
    Sprite or 7up: Spritee.
    Cats or dogs:dogs.
    Coffee or tea: Coffee
    Phone or in person: in person
    Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
    End Time: 6:04
    that didnt feel like 15 minutes

  7. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2010 8:14pm UTC
    So theres this girl, she has brown eyes, brown curly hair tht goes down to her waist, she always where's skinny jeans, her hand are always cold, she loves rock music, she plays super mario galaxy, she calls me panda, and she's always laughing and smiling.
    she's my best friend, my lover, my everything.
    to Karla Molina

  8. NatOwns24 NatOwns24
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2010 7:13pm UTC
    You can't change the fact that she's gone without you.
    You can't accept that she's with him and not you.
    Forget her and don't look back.


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