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Member Since: 21 Feb 2012 05:51pm

Last Seen: 19 May 2012 02:53pm

user id: 276567

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I'm Madelyn.
Awkward and wierd name I know.
I'm 15 and a froshh in high school.
Closet writer haha :)
The only peole who see my stories are wittians.
Maybe if I get good feedback I'll show my family & friends in them...
but for right now you guys are the only ones
love you :)
  1. MyOwnSavior MyOwnSavior
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2012 3:18pm UTC
    save me.
    "Hey!" Jake said his face lightiing up when he saw me.
    "Hi," I said smiling slightly.
    "Please, sit down." He said gesturing to the empty seat across from him.
    I sat down and shrugged my heavy coat off, the artificial heat thawing out my frozen body. Jake smiled at me, and we both kind of stared at eachother for a moment. After an awkward laugh, we both silently agreed it was time to start the conversation.
    "I ordered you a frappacino. I saw that's what you put down on the cast coffee list you guys have back at the studio and just decided to go with that." Jake said taking a sip of his own coffee.
    "Thanks," I giggled, "I love those."
    "Good," he sighed.
    Just then the barisita yelled over to us, my coffee was done. When I got up to go get it, Jake told me to sit down and he made his way up to the counter. Thank god. Not that I wasn't capable of getting my own coffee, I just needed a minute to get my breathing back under control.
    When Josh came back he set the coffee cup down in front of me and I eagerly took a sip. He looked at me chugging the coffee for a few seconds, and then started laguhing.
    "What?" I asked innocently.
    He shrugged, "I don't know, you're just not what I expected a hollywood girl to be like."
    I smirked,"I'm probably not the best person to describe a 'hollywood girl'. I grew up in Alabama. My roots are dug pretty deep."
    "See girls from hollywood don'y say things like that."
    "Sounds like you've known a lot of them."
    He blushed, "I wish. This is my first actual job in Tv."
    "Well, now you know two. Me and-"
    "'Lilly." He cut me off.
    My heart sank. He remembered her name. Did that mean he liked her? What if I was just here to tell him about Lilly? I decided to just not bring her up... and hope he didn't either.
    "Yea," I said quickly, "So... how did you get interested in Tv?"
    "Well I really want to be a director. I figured this was a good way to get my foot in the door."
    "Directing. That sounds cool. Can I star in your first feature?"
    Jake smiled, "Sounds like a plan."
    We sat there and talked for what seemed like seconds, but was really a few hours. When Jake had to head back to the studio to help with some lighting cues I walked back with him. It wasn't nearly as cold with Jake by my side.
    Before we walked back inside I grabbed Jakes arm.
    "What's up?" he asked.
    "There's this big permiere party on Friday night for all the people who work on my show. You wanna come? Like...a-a-as f-friends." I said my voice shaking.
    Jake smiled, "That sounds awesome."
    I'M SO SORRY! I missed a few days of school and I've been doing makeup work for the past nine days instead of writing. Won't happen again I promise! So sorry! If you're still reading.. ILOVEYOU.

  2. MyOwnSavior MyOwnSavior
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 11:28pm UTC
    save me.
    “So, Hally Smith. Your new show comes out next week. That must be pretty exciting.” The washed out interview lady said to me.
    “Yea, it really is.” I said shakily playing with my Pandora bracelet.
    “So… soon you’ll be going to premieres, and award shows, and all kinds of parties. Any cute boy you’ll be taking with you?” The interviewer winked.
    Ugh, was this girl trying to be cute? It most definitely wasn’t working.
    I did a little fake sigh, “I’m single right now, actually.”
    For the rest of interview the girl asked me questions and I faked a smile and pretended to be interested. I just needed this to be over. Because when it was, I would be on my way to Starbucks. To hang out with Jake. I was practically shaking.
    As soon as the interviewer was finished with her questions I quickly said goodbye and bolted out of there before my agent could find me.
    “Hallie! Where are you going?!” Lilly called trying her best to catch up to me in her 3-inch heels.
    “To hang out with Jake!” I shrieked hugging her.
    “Jake? As in cute intern boy Jake?”
    Lilli gave me a look, “Sweetie, he’s gorgeous but are you sure that’s the best idea?”
    “Why would it be a bad idea?”
    “I don’t know…he’s an intern. We’re soon to be famous actresses. We don’t really mix you know?”
    Was Lilli really this shallow?
    “I can’t believe you just said that.” I said walking away from Lilli who now had a worried look on her face.
    So what if Jake’s an intern. It’s only because he’s in college. And we’re not even dating so what does it matter what he is compared to what I am? That stuff never mattered much to me anyway, but reputation was everything in Hollywood. Just another thing about this life that’s an unfortunate fact I can’t do anything about.
    My angry thoughts distracted me for the entire three blocks to Starbucks. When I finally got there, I opened the door gently setting of little bells on top of the door. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jake sitting at a little table, with an empty seat waiting for me.
    slow.... but so far I'm enjoying writing this :) some feedback would be great !

  3. MyOwnSavior MyOwnSavior
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 10:52pm UTC
    save me.
    Shooting was uneventful. We had to rerun the final scene six times because the entire cast couldn’t stop laughing. It probably wasn’t my best performance, because my mind was elsewhere. My short but somehow fairy tale like, to me anyway, conversation with Jake kept replaying in my mind.
    When the director finally said, “that’s a wrap,” I couldn’t get away fast enough. They had restacked the food table in the lounge with lunch so I made myself a Panini.
    As I waited for the bread to bake inside the Panini maker I felt someone walk up next to me. I looked up and to my delight, it was Jake.
    “Hey!” I said probably sounding a little too eager.
    “Hey, I saw you filming earlier! You’re really good.” He said smiling at me.
    “Thanks,” I blushed.
    “It’s really cool here, I’m like star struck.” Jake said looking around the studio.
    “So am I.”
    He gave me a confused look, “But you’re one of the actors.”
    I laughed, “I haven’t been here for very long. This is my first acting job, ever.”
    “No wonder why I didn’t recognize you,” he teased.
    I laughed, “So far not many people have.”
    To my dismay the little Panini maker dinged signaling that my sandwich was done. I could also hear the vibration of my phone across the room so I quickly grabbed my sandwich and said goodbye to Jake.
    “Maybe we can talk later…?” Jake asked me.
    My heart fluttered, “Yea, totally. I have an interview in an hour but I’ll be done at two.”
    “Meet me at starbucks..?”
    “Sounds good,” I gushed.
    Not too bad of a Monday after all.
    short sorry :( is anyone reading this....? I got lke two faves on the first chapter. If you are reading.. please fave or comment!!

  4. MyOwnSavior MyOwnSavior
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    save me.
    I don’t understand why I’m here exactly. There are so many unrecognized talented people out there. But they chose me. It’s not that I didn’t want to be chosen. I love acting more than anything in the world. Hollywood life is just a lot different than I imagined it to be.
    It all started two years ago. I was in New York with my family when I saw a sign for a casting call. It was just extra roles in a movie, but I would take what I could get. My older sister, April, and I went to this call and they pulled a few lucky girls out to audition for a small speaking role. I was one of those lucky girls. After reading with one of the actual casting directors they dismissed me and said I wasn’t what they were looking for. I was crushed. My dreams of stardom shot down so quickly. But then something funny happened.
    On the way back to the set to find my sister I was stopped by a man in a suit. He explained he was an acting agent and he’d seen my audition. Even though I wasn’t right for that part he thought I had the potential to be perfect for others. He gave me his number and told him to contact me if I had an interest in a career in acting.
    That night my mother set up a meeting with this mysterious agent. We started working together and my entire family moved out to California to support my dream. After months of auditions I finally got what I was looking for. I was offered a part on a new Tv show on FOX. It was the greatest day of my life. I couldn’t wait to start my life as a famous actress.
    Since then though, things have been…. Not what I thought they would be. Being on Tv requires a lot of meetings with a bunch of stuffy adults in suits, leeches with cameras invading your personal space everywhere you go, and not getting a single second of time to yourself. Another downfall is I don’t have many friends anymore. I have a private tutor, so meeting people at school is out of the question. There’s my costar, Lilly, who’s really nice but having only one person to talk to gets boring after awhile.
    I expected that Monday to be just another typical day on the set. What it turned out to be was so much more. I arrived a little late so I had to hurry into my dressing room. In the little room my usual caramel frappachino was waiting for me on the desk. Shooting started at noon so I had an hour to go say good morning to everybody and drink my coffee before my hair and makeup stylists came in at 11. I slipped into my moccasins and headed for Lilly’s dressing room. She was just stepping outside as I reached her.
    “Hey!” she cried giving me a hug, “Happy Monday!”
    I groaned, “Ugh, how can you be this happy on a Monday.”
    “Because today isn’t a normal Monday. Today is the first Monday of June which means the cute college boy interns start today!”
    I laughed, “Not like we can talk to them though.”
    “No, but we can watch,” she winked back at me.
    Lilly and I made our way around the two halls of dressing rooms, saying hello to the cast and our director who was at the breakfast table. We both grabbed a banana and headed to the lounge where we knew the interns would pass on their tour.
    After waiting for a while we saw the set manager click her heels down the hall, a group of fresh new interns following her.
    “And here we have the lounge. Ah, good morning Lilly and Hallie. These are our two stars of our new sitcom airing next week.” She said waving to us.
    We waved back and the interns all looked pretty star struck. I blushed, I was still getting used to the looks people gave me. Thankfully, I didn’t get many unless I was introduced because my show hadn’t aired yet so no one really knew who I was.
    Among the wide eyed faces there was one that stood out, a gorgeous boy who didn’t look much older than me. His straight dark brown hair was a little messy and wisps fell into his eyes which were also a perfect shade of brown. I was the one who should be feeling star struck in his presence.
    Lilly nudged me, “That cute one with the brown hair is staring at you!”
    I giggled half heartedly with her but didn’t take my eyes of the mysterious boy.
    The interns were let on break and Lilly and I got up to leave. On our way back I bumped into someone.
    “Sorry!” I cried, looking up at who I could see now was the same beautiful boy from before.
    “It’s fine,” he said in a positively perfect tone, “I’m Jake.”


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