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Member Since: 18 Jun 2012 08:42pm

Last Seen: 2 Aug 2013 06:32pm

user id: 309844

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Jenna; 14; Directioner; Cheerleader
  1. MyJENNAration_ MyJENNAration_
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 9:43pm UTC
    Sad Story:
    Hello Operator, does Heaven have a phone number? Mommy went to Heaven, but I need her here today, My tummy hurts and I fell down, I need her right away, Operator can you tell me how to find her in this book. Is heaven in the yellow part, I don't know where to look. I think my daddy needs her too, at night I hear him cry. I hear him call her name sometimes, but I really don't know why. Maybe if I call her, she will hurry home to me. Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea? She's been gone a long, long time she needs to come home now! I really need to reach her, but I simply don't know how. Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven"? I can't read these big big words, I am only seven. I'm sorry operator, I didn't mean to make you cry, Is your tummy hurting too, or is there something in your eye? If I call my church maybe they will know Mommy said when we need help that's where we should go. I found the number to my church tacked up on the wall. Thank you operator, I'll give them a call♥

  2. MyJENNAration_ MyJENNAration_
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 9:25pm UTC
    who try their hardest to be good enough for everyone. Who spend hours scrolling through posts on Tumblr and listening to songs just to find the right one to describe their mood. Who wait online for that one special person to sign on, just to gather up the nerve to say "hello.". Who listen to the same song dozens of times because the lyrics say more than they ever could and with every word, a memory plays in their heads. Who deserve so much more than they receive and are still willing to fight for it. And whose wish upon a shooting star or 11:11 was wasted on someone who will never care. HERE'S TO THE KIDS of this messed up genaration.

  3. MyJENNAration_ MyJENNAration_
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 8:45pm UTC
    Living behind a lie.
    A lie is my smile.
    I don't know why I'm faking it.
    Probably because everyone b e l i e v e s it.
    Living behind a lie.
    A lie is the way I laugh.
    I don't know why Ifake it.
    Probably because it makes everyone h a p p y.
    The way I smile;
    Is so hard to do.
    Because no matter how hard I try,
    I just can't imagin my life w i t h o u t you.
    The way I laugh;
    It sounds so real.
    But no matter how hard It becomes,
    I can't let you know how this makes me f e e l.
    I need you to stay in my life.
    Please don't leave.
    I need you to stay in my life.
    I'm tired of wearing my h e a r t on my sleeve.


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