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  1. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 8:21pm UTC
    Hey I just met you.
    And this is crazy.
    I have Alzheimers.
    Hey I just met you.

  2. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2012 3:49pm UTC
    Okay guys...
    So last night, my family and my friend were in Target in my hometown getting food for the movies the next day.
    All of a sudden the lights went out and these people started going "PARTY ROCK IS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT!"
    Our natural reaction was to laugh at their embarassment.
    When the lights came back on, the people came over to us and were like "Are you guys the party people? Yes? Good. We like you guys. You're cool"
    At the time I didn't want to say anything...
    But as soon as they walked away..
    I turned to my friend and flipped out.
    Because it was none other than KICKING DAISIES.
    My dad told them that we're fans and they came back and talked to us and took pictures with us and even said our names.
    Don't believe me?
    Check my profile.
    The picture is right there.

  3. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2012 4:06pm UTC
    My best friend
    I don't know what I would do without her
    She used to be suicidal.
    I saved her life

    Format by Maddy5423. Leave credit please

  4. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 9:31am UTC
    I'M FINALLY 13!! A WAT WAT!! :)

  5. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 8:36pm UTC
    When I'm at the table on witty and someone says One Direction is ugly
    (╮°-°)╮┳━┳ (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ *flips table*

  6. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    I just have that feeling
    that my whole life was mistake

  7. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 6:25pm UTC
    Steve's opinion of 1D Quotes;
    There is always going to be a popular boy band / singer / actor / athlete. There will always be quotes about that group or person. That's why I created the "celeb of the moment" category.
    Can we all just SHUT UP now??!?!?!
    quote credit: MeeAndYouu

  8. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 6:14pm UTC
    Okay Witty girls, let's play a game ...
    1.) Favourite [♥] this quote (So more people can see).
    2.) Copy this quote, add your username to the list below, and post it.
    3.) Then, look at the person above you and find their profile. Read their description of themselves, possibly follow them, then post a comment on their profile saying something nice about them.
    4.) The next person that adds their name below you should post a compliment on your profile.
    1. SocietyIsScrewingMeUp ♥
    2. JustinBieber2702 <3
    3. Ty1210♥
    4. CiaraKaye01
    5. Bowkes
    6. igorawr15 :)
    7. prettysam.
    8. ShesFullOfHope. ♥
    9. IAmTheOneWhoIsAlwaysThereForYou
    10. lelamilla3721 <3
    11. livelaughandalwayslove
    13. shelbyraewallace ♥
    14. Mrs_Liam_Payne

  9. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 12:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2012 3:51pm UTC
    So for my best friends birthday
    [btw, its in July]
    She usually doesn't do anything because she doesn't
    want to.
    But this year,
    We have an epic day planned...

  11. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2012 5:51pm UTC
    Yes, I do know its a free country.
    Yes, I do know everyone has a freedom of speech.
    Yes, I do hate it when people tell us to STFU about 1D.
    But I IGNORE it.
    Except when I come across comments like:
    "You girls need lifes"
    "You'll never have a chance so shut up"
    "You're annoying, shut the hell up"
    "Get off of witty and stop ruining it"
    "Witty has changed because of you"
    Last time I checked, witty was just the same.
    People still posted quotes about their lives and advice and inspirational quotes to get people to be motivated in this harsh world.
    It never says in the rules "Directioners aren't allowed"
    So I don't see the reason for the hate.
    You make quotes about what you want to.
    And we'll make our quotes.

  12. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    please, ALL HATERS OF 1D, don't buy them and BURN them like some haters did.

  13. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 2:58pm UTC
    I know my chances with Liam are very slim.
    But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up that easily.
    I love him more than you will ever understand.
    And I’ll fight to get him.
    But if I don’t end up with him...
    I want someone like him.
    Someone who cares.
    Someone who loves me.
    Someone who knows how to treat a girl.

  14. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 4:25pm UTC
    Tomorrow at my school is celebrity day.
    No, I am not going as Liam.
    Or Niall.
    Or Zayn.
    Or Harry.
    Or Louis.
    I'm going as Danielle Peazer.
    1. Because shes my idol
    2. I get to say I'm dating Liam for a day(:

  15. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2012 9:33am UTC
    Louis’ Pants in the SNL skit last night
    BOOM! Bye bye ovaries.

  16. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2012 10:06am UTC
    Well, I didn't get the MSG tickets.
    They sold out in 37 seconds.
    I'm so proud of the boys.
    They've done it.
    They've taken over the USA.
    Yes, I am upset I didn't get the tickets.
    But, I know that I'll have my chance one day.
    I just have to wait it out.
    And I'm happy for all of those who got the tickets.
    I hope everyone has a good time.

  17. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    Heyy guys!! I'm on youtube now!! Can you check it out? It would mean a lot(;

  18. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 2:07pm UTC
    It's not YOLO.
    come on guys it LH2BH.
    [only directioners understand]

  19. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 10:41am UTC
    Sorry if this quote gets on anyones nerves, but I just had to post it. So yesterday, One
    Direction announced that they will be performing at MSG at the end of 2012. That's
    absolutely AMAZAYN. The boys have come so far since 2010 and I'm extremely
    proud of what they've done. They do not deserve all the hate they are getting
    when they are 5 extremely talented boys. I love you guys and I'm so proud you've
    made it so far in a mear 2 years. Never give up boys, never give up<3
    btw, iim going to that concert. or i hope i am.

  20. Mrs_Liam_Payne Mrs_Liam_Payne
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    My friend Rachel: Let me see a picture of all of the boys
    **I scroll and find a picture**
    Rachel: Okay, lemme find my favorite boy..
    **i stare at the screen**
    Rachel: That one, what's his name?
    Me: Liam.
    Rachel: Oh yeah he's my favorite.
    **i give her the death stare**
    Ariana: Hi....
    Danielle: Don't mind her, I'm just keeping her in a headlock until she likes One Direction
    i love my friends<3


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