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Member Since: 19 Dec 2010 04:43pm

Last Seen: 28 Oct 2011 09:40pm

user id: 140667

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hello there :)
I'm a high schooler, and I love Witty Profiles!

  1. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2011 5:43pm UTC
    How much do you stalk your crush?
    [x] you know what month his birthday is in
    [x] you know the day (number) of his birthday
    [x] you know what year he was born in
    [x] you know his last name, and how to spell it correctly
    [x] you know his middle initial(s) (or if he doesn't have a middle name, then you know that)
    [x] you know his middle name(s) (or if he doesn't have a middle name, then you know that)
    [x] you know of at least one of his brothers/sisters (or if he's an only child, then you know that)
    [] you know his mother's name
    [x] you know his father's name
    [x] you can name at least three of his closest friends
    [x] you have him as a friend on Facebook
    [x] you check his profile at least once a week
    [x] you check his profile at least once a day
    [x] you've went through all of his Facebook pictures
    [x] you've tagged him in a photo on Facebook
    [] you have the phone number for his house
    [] you have his cell phone number
    [x] you know what color his cell phone is
    [x] you know what type of cell phone he has
    [x] you know what cell phone carrier he uses (AT&T, Verizon, etc.)
    [] you know what his ringtone sounds like
    [x] you know what elementary school he went to
    [] you can name at least one of the teachers he had in elementary school
    [x] you know what middle school he went to/goes to/will probably go to
    [x] you know what high school he went to/goes to/will probably go to
    [x] you know what college he goes to/wants to go to
    [x] you know what job he wants to have when he's older
    [] you know where he works (if he doesn't have a job then leave this blank)
    [x] you know what city he lives in
    [] you know what street he lives on
    [] you know his complete address
    [x] you know at least half of the classes he's taking right now
    [x] you know his complete class schedule
    [x] ...in order
    [x] you know what teachers he has
    [x] you know where his classes are
    [x] you can name at least two extracurricular activities he's involved in
    [] you've seen his school picture for this year
    [x] you've seen his school picture from last year
    [x] you've seen at least one picture of him from elementary school
    [] you've seen at least one picture of him as a baby
    [x] you know what color eyes he has
    [x] you can correctly describe at least three outfits you've seen him wear before
    [x] you can correctly describe at least one pair of shoes you've seen him wear
    [] you know anything, at all, about his girlfriend
    [x] you can name at least one of his favorite songs
    [] you can name at least one of his favorite TV shows
    [x] you can name at least one of his favorite movies
    [] you can name at least one of his favorite books
    [x] you can name at least one of his favorite video games
    [] you know a big secret about him
    0-9: do you even know him?
    10-19: you barely know him
    20-29: you're normal :D
    30-35: it's getting a little weird
    36-40: obsessive
    41-51: stalker!
    37... I guess I'm obsessive then :P

  2. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2011 5:34pm UTC
    The Crush Quiz!
    ;P Quiz made by liveitupkeeplaughing
    5 likes----About his appearance
    • his eyes
    • his hair
    • his smile
    • the way he dresses?
    • his face lol
    4 things----You admire about his personality
    • he's EXTREMELY intelligent and dedicated to what he loves to do
    • he's generous - does a lot of volunteer work and donates to charity
    • he's kind of awkward in this adorable sort of way
    • he cares a lot about his family and about those closest to him
    3 things----Of his you wish were yours </3
    • this one plaid shirt he owns... I'm practically obsessed with it :P
    • um... I guess a hoodie or something
    • his heart?
    2 things----You wish you had the opportunity to say
    to him
    • ...
    • ...okay I don't even know what to say here
    • I guess I'm expected to say that I love him under this bullet, but I wouldn't say that I "love" him just yet. But I really, really like him :3

  3. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 5:37pm UTC
    Check off the ones that apply to your crush!
    [x] likes Harry Potter
    [] likes country music
    [x] loves The Beatles
    [] calls you sweetie
    [x] has curly hair
    [] has a blog
    [] has braces
    [x] has had braces, but doesn't anymore
    [x] is weird
    [x] in marching band
    [] gives you surprise hugs
    [] has brown eyes
    [x] is awkwardly cute
    [] has a piercing (or multiple piercings)
    [] plays volleyball
    [x] plays the piano
    [] smokes
    [x] listens to dubstep
    [] asks you for advice
    [] is Asian
    [] is short
    [] has a Spanish accent
    [x] can speak another language
    [x] has a fairly good sense of style
    [x] is a cute dork
    [] runs track
    [] has blue eyes
    [x] respects his parents
    [] is a vegetarian
    [] skates
    [] plays soccer
    [] plays football
    [x] doesn't do drugs
    [] buys you ice cream
    [] texts you first
    [] walks you to class
    [] is African-American
    [x] is intelligent
    [x] is witty and clever
    [] holds your books for you
    [x] has a pet (or multiple pets)
    [] likes rap and/or hip-hop
    [x] has green eyes
    [] has hazel eyes
    [x] is really tall
    [] has straight, flippy hair
    [] has gauges
    [x] has an amazing smile
    [] wears glasses and/or contacts
    [] is Hispanic
    [] is on the math team
    (Inspired by boyswho.tumblr.com)

  4. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2011 4:53pm UTC
    How crazy are you about him?
    [x] You have spent an entire class period thinking about him
    [] You have doodled hearts on your paper in a refrence to him
    [] You have written his name over and over on paper (and/or with hearts around it)
    [] You have written your first name with his last
    [x] You have drawn a doodle of him
    [x] You have drawn a doodle of the two of you together
    [] You have worked on a group project with him
    [] You have dropped something just to see if he'd pick it up for you
    [x] You are in an after-school club/sport with him
    [x] At least one teacher knows that you like him
    [x] You have written a story with him in it/with a character based on him
    [] You have written an essay about him
    [] You have written a poem about him
    [x] You have talked about him in a text message
    [x] You have inside jokes that are somehow based on him
    [x] You have made up a secret nickname for him
    [x] You have talked about him for over an hour straight
    [] A friend has said that the two of you would look cute together - WITHOUT you asking for her opinion
    [x] You have joked around about marrying him
    [x] You have shown someone his picture, so that they could see what he looks like
    [] You have at least one inside joke
    [x] You have made him smile with something that you said
    [] You have spent time together outside of school
    [] You have his phone number
    [] You text regularly
    [] You have spoken with him on the phone
    [] You regularly speak on Facebook Chat
    [] He has written something meaningful on your Facebook wall
    [] You have been to his house
    [x] You have imagined at least some aspect of your wedding
    [x] You have tried to imagine what your children would look like
    [x] You have fallen asleep thinking about him
    [x] You have fallen asleep listening to a song that makes you think of him
    [x] You have had a dream about him
    [x] His friends generally don't like you
    [x] You like him, but he DOES NOT like you back the same way
    Now add it up!
    0-5: Do you even know this kid?
    6-12: You like him
    13-18: You're crazy about him
    19-28: You're psycho!
    29-36: You're a stalker :P
    20. Apparently I'm psycho

  5. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2011 10:56pm UTC
    Instructions on how to be an amazing boy ♥

  6. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2011 7:29pm UTC
    The Powerpuff Girls Survey
    [] your favorite color is pink
    [] you have red hair
    [x] you like to wear bows/clips/headbands in your hair
    [x] you actually like school
    [x] you're book smart
    [x] you have strong leadership skills
    [x] you believe in "brains over brawns"
    [x] you consider yourself to be a girly girl
    [] your favorite color is blue
    [] you have blonde hair
    [x] you have a "bubbly" personality
    [x] you're nice to everyone
    [x] you love animals
    [] you can speak more than one language
    [x] you hate fighting
    [] you sometimes wear glasses
    [] your favorite color is green
    [] you have black hair
    [] you consider yourself to be tough
    [] you try to hide your "soft side"
    [] you believe in "brawns over brains"
    [] you love watching fights
    [] you get into a lot of fights
    [] you consider yourself to be a tomboy

  7. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2011 7:14pm UTC
    Check off all the characteristics that apply to the guy you like!
    [] brown eyes
    [] blue eyes
    [] hazel eyes
    [x] green eyes
    [] his eye color isn't listed here
    [x] brown hair
    [] blonde hair
    [] red hair
    [] black hair
    [] his hair color isn't listed here
    [] flippy hair
    [x] curly hair
    [] buzzcut
    [] spiky hair
    [] his hair style isn't listed here
    [x] he's taller than me
    [] he's shorter than me
    [] he's about my height
    [x] he's older than me
    [] he's younger than me
    [x] he's in a higher grade than me
    [] he's in the same grade as me
    [] he's in a lower grade than me
    [x] he goes to my school
    [] he doesn't go to my school
    [] he plays at least one athletic sport
    [] I'd consider him to be "athletic"
    [x] he plays at least one musical instrument
    [x] I'd consider him to be "musical"
    [x] he's book smart
    [] he loves "emo/goth" clothing
    [] he's "preppy"
    [] he's a "skater boy"
    [] he's "geeky"
    [x] he doesn't really fit into a stereotype
    [] he's friendly
    [x] he tries not to be mean
    [] he's outgoing
    [x somewhat?] he's shy
    [] he's quiet
    [] he talks a lot
    [] he seems confident
    [] he seems insecure
    [] he seems to be friends with almost everyone
    [x] he has a tight group of friends
    [] I'm his friend
    [x] we're not really friends
    [] we hang out often at school
    [] we hang out often outside of school
    [] I think/know he likes me back in a friendly way
    [] I think/know he likes me back in more than just a friendly way
    [x] I don't think/know that he likes me back
    [] I think/know that he hates me
    [] his friends seem to like me
    [x] his friends don't seem to like me
    [] his friends seem to hate me
    [] I think he likes it when I'm around him
    [x] I don't think he wants me around
    [] I think his friends like it when I'm around
    [x] I don't think his friends like it when I'm around
    [] I think his friends support the idea of us being together
    [x] I don't think his friends support the idea of us being together
    [x] I think/know that he thinks I'm smart
    [] I think/know that he thinks I'm stupid
    [x] I think/know that he thinks I'm weird
    [x] I think he's weird
    [x] I think/know that his friends think I'm smart
    [] I think/know that his friends think I'm stupid
    [x] I think/know that his friends think I'm weird
    [x] I think his friends are weird
    [x] I think his friends are smart
    [] he knows when my birthday is
    [x] I know when his birthday is
    [x] I've known him for less than a year
    [] I've known him for over a year
    [] I know his full name (including middle names, if any)
    [] he knows my full name (including middle names, if any)
    [] I've been to his house
    [] he's been to my house
    [x] my parents know about him
    [] my parents have met him
    [] I think there's a high chance of us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend in the near future
    [x] I don't think there's a high chance of us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend in the near future

  8. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2011 6:52pm UTC
    the guy survey!
    Do you like a guy right now?
    If the answer is no, don't bother with this
    What color hair does he have:
    Hair style:
    Eye color:
    Tall or short:
    Cute smile:
    Do you know his middle name:
    What grade is he in:
    What grade are you in:
    How do you know him:
    How long have you known him:
    How long have you liked him:
    Do any songs remind you of him:
    If that song/those songs randomly came on the radio, how would you feel/react:
    Name three things you like about him that are NOT related to looks/physical appearance:
    Are you friends with him:
    Do you think he likes you back:
    Do you think he hates you:
    Do you think he cares about you:
    Do you think his friends approve of you:
    Does this guy make you happy more often than he makes you unhappy:
    When's the last time you spoke to him:
    Do you think he knows you like him:
    Any additional comments:
    With all of this said, do you think it's worth it to keep liking him:
    (I left it blank so YOU could fill it out!)

  9. MissPinkBlueCandy MissPinkBlueCandy
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2010 3:23pm UTC
    Which TV show character are you the most like?
    Carly Shay (iCarly)
    [x] You don't live with your parents.
    [x] You get good grades in school.
    [] You have a webshow/your own videos on YouTube.
    [] You live in the Seattle area.
    [x] You have brown hair.
    [] You own an Apple computer.
    [] You think/know that your best guy friend has a crush on you.
    [x] At least one of your best friends is a lot like Sam.
    Total: 4
    Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place)
    [x] You love shopping and/or fashion.
    [] You live in/near New York City.
    [] You are a middle child.
    [] You have low grades in school.
    [] You're Hispanic or part Hispanic.
    [x] You're Italian or part Italian.
    [] You're a daddy's girl.
    [x] You love Converse sneakers.
    Total: 3
    Miley Stewart (Hannah Montana)
    [] You live in/near Los Angeles.
    [] You LOVE to sing.
    [x] You have a lot of clothes.
    [] You have a lot of aunts, uncles, and/or cousins.
    [] You have an annoying brother (or brothers).
    [] You know how to play the guitar.
    [] You have a Southern accent.
    [] You get average grades.
    Total: 1
    Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
    [x] You have a huge crush on someone.
    [] You're almost certain/know that your crush likes you back.
    [] You have red hair.
    [x] You always have your cell phone with you.
    [x] You're close with your mom.
    [] You blame things on your sibilings.
    [] Your parents think you're insane.
    [] You freak out easily.
    Total: 2
    Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
    [x] You're in high school.
    [] You're involved with gymnastics and/or cheerleading.
    [] Your best friend is a guy.
    [x] Your parents have really high expectations of you.
    [x] You like Mexican food.
    [x] You are good with persuading people to give you what you want.
    [] You've been outside of your home country.
    [] You're very competitive.
    Total: 4


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