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  1. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2013 12:13am UTC
    Health tips i need to keep, ignore it please unless you want this too ♥
    My grandma always told me to do one more, no matter how tired or bored you are. Always go one more.
    Want a flat tummy? Try eating more oatmeal, broccoli, peanut butter, berries, nuts and whole grains.
    Cut soda out of your diet once and for all. You'll see a major difference in your mood, teeth whiteness and weight.
    An awesome reason to exercise: It can help clear up your skin! People who work out regularly tend not to break out as much, as physical activity helps circulate nutrients and oxygen to your skin.
    New to running? Challenge yourself to jog for an entire song from your iPod next time you hit the track. Then walk for a song for a break. Easy!
    Need some quick cardio? Running up and down your stairs is awesome.
    Spice up your every-day run with intervals. Warm up for 5 minutes, and then do 10 sets of this combo: two minutes of a steady jog, one minute of a run/sprint. Do a 5 minute cool-down and ta-da! your new jazzed up workout.
    Finding it hard to keep up the motivation to exercise?Create a tip jar for yourself and add to it every time you workout. Set a goal so you can treat yourself for all your hard work! A self-defense class is a great way to de-stress, stay fit and keep safe at the same time! Look up local classes and recruit a friend or family member to join.
    People who write out exercise goals have a greater success rate, so put up healthy motivators on your mirror, computer and other places you’ll be sure to see them.
    Did you know that laughing actually burns calories?
    Make a point to work on your posture. Standing and sitting up straight is way better for your back and abs.
    Handy new fact: Tidying up your room can burn up to 130 calories per hour! (this makes me want to take everything out of my room, organize it, and put it back together. possible 4 hours, i hope?)
    Lying on the floor right after school and doing plank pose for 30 seconds is great way to tone those abs and give you a boost before homework.
    Turn your fitness routine into a game with a deck of cards.Assign a different target area, like legs, abs, arms and butt, to each suite. Shuffle and see what you'll flip over next.
    Try calf raises on the stairs to strengthen your gams. Let your heels hang off the edge and raise up on tip-toe, then lower back down. Aim for 30 reps! Try some wall pushups. Stand two feet from the wall, lean with your hands on the wall, slowly push yourself back until your arms are fully extended before returning to your original position. Start a 30-Day Challenge!Vow to pick an exercise routine and stick with it for a full 30 days. Trust us, you’ll love the emotional and physical results. Can’t do sit-ups without someone to hold your feet down? Find a piece of furniture you can slide your toes under to keep ‘em from poppin’ up. Then you can get better abs even when you’re solo. Commercials aren’t the only time to exercise during TV shows – try doing squats during the program. You’ll still be facing forward, and the show will distract you from the fact that you’re even exercising! We promise--working out just once makes you eager to do it again. Get started! Lifting weights isn't just for the boys! Grab a dumbbell and try some resistance work for a totally tough workout. Know yourself. If push-ups are the hardest for you, get them out of the way first. If you wait 'til your workout is almost over, you might skip them. We’re the first to admit it: home workouts can be tough to get into. Motivate yourself to get started by first just sitting on the floor and stretching. Then, warm up with a few easy crunches and push-ups. Soon, you’ll be pumped to start your routine. Next time you’re exercising, add an extra five minutes to your workout. You can do anything from adding five minutes to your jog to doing sit-ups and push-ups during those extra seconds. Increasing the length of your regular regime is a great way to keep your heart healthy and not get stuck in a workout rut. Whole grain vs. whole wheat? Whole grain is better for you because it doesn’t go through a refining process that strips it of nutritional goodies.
    Warm up by eating spicier foods, which are satisfying and can help stimulate digestion at the same time.
    Don’t avoid that sweet craving today. If you restrict yourself now, you might end up eating way too much at your next meal.
    Slow down while you eat.Studies have shown that eating slower helps you to avoid overeating and improves digestion.

  2. Jahyvie Jahyvie
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 6:02pm UTC
    And I know
    You love Shrek
    because youve watched
    it 12 times
    but maybe you're hoping
    for a fairytale to.

  3. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 8:01pm UTC
    "I love One Direction!"
    Mike eat a snickers. You are gay when you're hungry.

  4. Olisbabe * Olisbabe *
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 4:03pm UTC
    me: ugh why am i so lonely
    friend: hey do u wanna go out tonight
    me: no

  5. Ayden Ayden
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 2:17pm UTC
    Teacher: I hope I don't see you copying another student's test.
    Me: Yeah, I hope you don't see that either.

  6. Forever_Alone602 Forever_Alone602
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 5:16pm UTC
    i wish i had a six pack
    of chocolate bars.

  7. blondie316 blondie316
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    Son: Dad I got a girlfriend!
    Dad: *loads shotgun*
    Daughter: Dad I got a boyfriend!
    Dad: Great job!
    Wait what?

  8. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 8:12pm UTC
    high school problems:
    me: hey, wanna hear a joke?
    friend: sure.
    me: sleep.
    friend: i don't get it.
    me: neither do i!

  9. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 7:52pm UTC
    so you got 15 minutes of homework done?
    better reward yourself with 6 hours of aimless web surfing.

  10. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 2:10pm UTC
    If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
    Niall: i'd eat every kind of food

  11. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 7:29pm UTC
    what if cats have their own internet
    and it's full of pictures of us?

  12. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 7:25pm UTC
    harry potter: why don't you have a nose?
    he who must not be named:
    harry potter:
    he who must not be named:
    dumbledore: oh my god harry, you can't just ask people why they have no nose.

  13. love's a wild thing ♔* love's a wild thing ♔*
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 10:51pm UTC
    Dad: I'm going to get rid of your Netflix
    Me: fine, I'll just use Naomi's
    Dad: That's going to be hard to do with no laptop
    Me: I'll just move in with her then
    Dad: It's going to be hard to get there with no legs
    that's my dad you guys ;D

  14. ericaXD_303 ericaXD_303
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 5:30pm UTC
    On your way to a restaraunt;
    At the restaraunt;
    Waitor; Hi, I'm very attractive.
    Queen Elizabeth III;
    Your mom;
    A Muffin;
    Me; On second thought, I'll have a salad...

  15. Iamgoingtomarryharrystyleseventually Iamgoingtomarryharrystyleseventually
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 2:28pm UTC
    Dear Noah,
    we couldve sworn you said the boat left at five,
    us unicorns.

  16. bubblylife13 bubblylife13
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 3:56pm UTC
    8 Year Old Kids Have An
    IPhone, An IPod, An
    IPad And A MacBook. When
    I Was 8 I Felt Cool With
    My New Markers.

  17. wittyquotesgurl wittyquotesgurl
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    "Refuse to lose.
    Refuse to be defeated.
    Refuse to have regrets."
    -Nicki Minaj

  18. JerseyGurrl JerseyGurrl
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 1:52pm UTC
    a man who
    treats his woman
    like a princess is
    proof that he
    has been raised
    by a queen.

  19. awesomenessandahalf awesomenessandahalf
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    Guys, he paused
    a videogame to text me.
    you're all invited to the wedding.♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  20. loserbitch* loserbitch*
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 5:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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