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Member Since: 8 Jun 2009 05:44pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 78846

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My life is very diffrent from others  my life is hard and confusing my friends get my throw it! u may think that ur life is awesome and cool but  mine may be hard but so awesome!! my bffl's are the best

Bestie's are




and others........

  1. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2009 7:45pm UTC
    Both of my best friends are in love; their lovers love them back
    on the other hand i don't really
    like anyone, that does not mean
    i cam't hang out w/ them-does it?
    I once had a crush but....
    it ened like some do..
    a crushed heart. ....
    i just hope luv does not get between our friend ship! <3
    luv you

  2. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 1:44pm UTC
    When you feel guilty for standing up your friend
    for the guy you have a major crush on
    You almost loose your friends ship because of a guy
    He wont always there
    you wont always be with him
    he wont give you advice when you need it most
    friends are always there
    you will always be with them
    friends will always be there with advice when you need it the most

  3. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 2:48pm UTC
    My friend is in love
    she comes to me in advice
    should she call him or not?
    how should i now
    i told her....
    call him
    i hate when friends are mushy mushy all over a guy leaving me in the dust!!
    will it ever change

  4. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 2:48pm UTC
    My friend is in love
    she comes to me in advice
    should she call him or not?
    how should i now
    i told her....
    call him
    i hate when friends are mushy mushy all over a guy leaving me in the dust!!
    will it ever change

  5. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2009 10:11pm UTC
    Friends are always there for you
    guys are just there for the moment
    you can trust your friends always
    you can never trust guys
    you cant just me your self with friends
    with guys u always put on an act
    to make a gud impression
    freinds are better then love

  6. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2009 10:06pm UTC
    You annoy me
    You make me smile
    you dont know how i
    I don't know how you
    i think that we should tlk
    Mabye once a pon a time there could be an
    for now it is friends
    nothing more
    But i truley do love you

  7. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2009 9:56pm UTC
    I trusted him with my heart
    I gave him my world
    2 weeks later my life comes falling
    I gave him every thing
    in return he gave me a broken heart
    He gave me memories
    He gave me presents
    He gave some one to lean on
    Then he truned it all around
    and let me hit the ground!
    I had a new world then it all came crashing down
    of a sad story

  8. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2009 9:48pm UTC
    You think you found true love
    But really all you found is a ...
    A guy that does not love u
    as much as you love him :(
    He makes you laugh
    He makes you smile
    But in the end he makes u
    Heart Broken :(
    Is love really worth it?

  9. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2009 5:45pm UTC
    Dear Stanta,
    This yr 4 christmas i would like ....
    new phone
    a boy friend that does not cheat or lieand like to move to florida
    and mabye just mabye...
    wold peace
    like that is every going to happin! :(

  10. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2009 11:58am UTC
    I've loved you sense for ever, i told how i feeel y waont you just do the same for me

  11. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2009 11:49am UTC
    some people act and others r 4 real some act for friends others act for family y not just be ur self?

  12. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2009 11:46am UTC
    why do peopel lie? all it does is get them into trouble, why not just be honest, not just with friends and family but also your self. stop kidding your self when you know you did some thing bad or know some thing that happined , that was bad- speak up and tell the truth, nothing good ever came out of lieing

  13. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2009 8:52am UTC
    remember in kindergarten
    when the most drama is
    when some one stoll your crayon
    And would not give it back
    how sad you would be!

  14. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2009 3:11pm UTC
    Boring Boring Broing
    What ever
    School sucks
    every thing i need
    to know i
    In Pre-School

  15. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2009 3:00pm UTC
    life is like a river ,
    what happens when a fork in the river appears?
    I say the best way to choice is to Follow ur heart!

  16. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2009 8:32pm UTC
    Boring Boring Broing
    What ever
    School sucks
    every thing i need
    to know i
    In Pre-School

  17. MickeyMinini MickeyMinini
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2009 5:57pm UTC
    what is so good about
    all u see is a buch of little twerps
    running around like idiot looking
    dumb plastic colorfull eggs??


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