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Wheels4evr · 1 decade ago
your so pretty :)

azbaby97 · 1 decade ago
im not saying that that women shouldnt get to make their own choice and i was "going off on you" or anything i was just telling you why im pro life and hoping you would reconciter being pro choice. the pillow thing was just an example of why im prochoice. i personally think that abortion is wrong but there is this thing called freedom of speech so im not saying tht you cant express your opininos, but im just doing the same thing. expressing MY opinion. just....think about it.

SydneyIsTheName · 1 decade ago
Check this out and like it +& I'll Follow you-Comment your page-+& fave 5 of your quotes!


Neen_Babes · 1 decade ago
Last time, adoption.


miss_jonesy · 1 decade ago
Wellll I was giving my opinion. Why ask for mixed opinions if they aren't actually wanted?
If I was in the position to give a home to a child I would. But considering the fact I am 20 and a student, I don't think your question was suitable.
And just a point, the majority of people wanting to adopt or foster a child want a baby, that is why there are lots of children in foster homes, because they are older, therefore more likely to bring with them more problems than a baby, as well as the fact a baby will not know who their real parents are while older children would. Soooo giving up a baby as a baby would mean they are more likely to be adopted.

Neen_Babes · 1 decade ago
Because every child deserves a chance.

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
hahahahah yes that works xD

gymnasticsgurl3 · 1 decade ago
samee! (: lol and after x-mas then the shool year is almost over:D lol

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
yeah were still friends but i didn't want it until it was already gone . If i had it i wasn't about to keep it i would of gave it to my aunt stacy she can't have kids anymore but she wanted one but her husband past before she could get pregnant . I don't like the fact of choosing someone Else's life . I'm sorry about your baby brother but if he was already gone that was abortion that was a miscarriage .

gymnasticsgurl3 · 1 decade ago
samee! im also exited to put my chrtistmas tree up afterwards:D ahah

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
Because at first i didn't want it . i couldn't handle the responsibly but after i saw it floating there i knew that was the wrong way it was my fault i feel into the peer pressure i had and instead of taking responsibility for my actions i killed an innocent life . or not your baby is your baby. killing it isn't the way out of it , there are other ways out of it . give it to an aunt or find someone who actually wants it . Don't kill it because you can't handle it .

gymnasticsgurl3 · 1 decade ago
sounds funn:P lol you excited for thanksgiving tomorrowW?

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
No but i was peer pressed into having at 14 i did i got pregnate i told my friend tessa she punched me in the stomach everytime she saw me i told her not too i was about 4 months my baby had a heart beat but tessa hit me so hard in the stomach that day i lost it . i didn't want it but i wasn't about to kill it. that baby had a heart beat and i didn't yell at her to stop hitting me so i killed my kid . i was sitting on my couch and i was home alone and my stomach started hurt i got worried i stood up and blood ran down my leg i pretty much crawled to the bathroom and it fell out fetus and all everything i was staring at my dead baby floating in the toilet i had to flush my baby down the toilet becasue i never stopped her from hitting me . i would have a baby in my arms right now but no i let her punch me in the stomach like a now its somewhere between my toilet and the ocean . thats why i'm against it . thats why i can't stand the fact of abortion .

gymnasticsgurl3 · 1 decade ago
nothing reallyy.. ugh im so boredd:/ wbuuu!

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
no its not murder its an accident when someone intentionally kills someone that's murder so you sound dumb as because a miscarriage unless some dumb punches you in the stomach . i would know so just shut the up i know I'm right as soon as that baby is gone you regret it weather its your fault or not .

gymnasticsgurl3 · 1 decade ago
noproblemm(: and awhh thanksyouu(:

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
Man , women , dosn't matter abortion is MURDER only god has the power to take people out , say you were walking down the street someone shot you . your dead . MURDER taking an unborn child out of its mother ...MURDER its the SAME THING i'm close minded thats cool your a murder . so its all good at least i don't take Innocent lives or even support the fact .

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
I didn't call you a i called you an immature self centered heartless b*tch . don't like it shouldn't of commented on my profile . i NEVER asked for your opinion so why the would you put it on my wall and why don't you just shut the up and rip babies outs and kill em .

read that maybe it'll change your mind by the way babies are alive in there and they can feel . how would you feel if your mom got an abortion ? you wouldn't be here . so shut the up .

Ashleigh_joy · 1 decade ago
google it there is 6,840,507,000 people world wide don't try and argue with me theres only 2.9 million children in orphanages sorry but theres more people in the world then in an orphanage . so yes therefore putting a kid in a home instead of killing it is better and not alive ? not human ? thats funny becasue they have heart beats your just a self centered you rather think of yourself. the only reason why you wouldn't wanna care for a baby is becasue you don't want the responsibly because your an immature self centered heartless .

dinorawrr23 · 1 decade ago
it doesnt matter if the child is going to an orphenage or something, we hove no right to stop a life. I promise any life is better than none. oh and by the way, a lot of people who are pro-life have had abortions, regret it, and are now pro-life trying to help other women from making the same mistake


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