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Member Since: 4 Aug 2008 04:32pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 53169

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The name is Megan Marie. I make some quotes when i am bored ( so some of the might not make that much sense). I L o v e to play soccer. It's almost my life. I have a Boyfriend - Brandon K. We have been together for almost 8 months now. If you need to know more message me on AIM - xxomeganmariexxo .
  1. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2009 6:28pm UTC
    *_.:about me:._*
    megan • october 10 • 13 yrs
    very funsized • 4' 11½
    naugatuck highschool • freshman
    people love me • people hate me
    independent • works alone
    taken by brandon • 9/5/08
    no idols • makes her own goals
    loves music • anything good
    • ¿ w a n n a c h a t ? •
    xxomeganmariexxo • message
    facebook-megan purcaro

  2. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2009 8:01pm UTC
    *_.:about me:._*
    megan • october 10 • 13 yrs
    very funsized • 4' 11½
    naugatuck highschool • freshman
    people love me • people hate me
    independent • works alone
    taken by brandon • 9/5/08
    no idols • makes her own goals
    loves music • anything good
    • ¿ w a n n a c h a t ? •
    xxomeganmariexxo • message

  3. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2009 10:46am UTC
    well to start, the name you'll hear everyone say is megan.10/10/95 is the date that you have to remember. i have many people who love me and who hate me. my closest friends are all i need. i am very independent so i tend to work alone. i will be attending nauguatuck highschool in the fall as an incoming freshman. as right now, i am taken by brandon on 9/5/08. i listen to all kinds of music. i stand 5' so i have to look up to most people, even though i have no idols. i am a soccer player and love my team. i am guessing that is pretty much everything you should need to know.need to know more then my aim-xxomeganmariexxo/message me.

  4. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2009 11:06am UTC
    she thinks about you nonstop and
    you're all she talks about. when she
    talks to you she always has that goofy
    smile and she truly looks happy. with
    one hug you make her melt and you
    always leave her with butterflies. but
    at the same time, when she's upset
    its usually because of you, but she
    refuses to see any bad in you. and no
    matter how many people try to tell her
    different, she believes you're perfect for
    her and worth every second of the wait.
    but she's too scared to tell you any of
    this because she doesn't want to screw
    anything up and doesn't want to end up hurt.
    ---->no credit, i found this on photobucket and i wanted to color itt. <----

  5. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2009 11:19am UTC

    * _ ; megan marie ;_ *
    something about myself: i blow the candles out on october 10, 1995. so i am 13 years young. i am a soon to be freshman at naugatuck highschool. what i do in my spare time is play soccer (sweeper). i have some of the most amazing people you would ever know as my friends. i can call them my family. some people hate me, and some people love me; either way no one can break me. the haters keep me going. i love listening to music and photography. i listen to whatever sounds good. summer is the season for me so the summer of '09 is going to me great. i am currently taken by brandon. everyone says im short with me being 5' tall. if you get to know me you'll never have a boring time. when you first meet me i come off as quiet and shy, but then i turn out to be the complete opposite. what i want to do in life is to travel and go to europe and see italy and spain. i think thats all you need to know about my young and short lived life
    ¿wanna chat?
    brandon, you made me believe in true love on september 5, 2008. i absolutely think your the only one for me without a doubt in my mind. you always find a way to make me smile or laugh. when im with you its like nothing else matters in the world. we are going to make it through whatever life has to throw at us. this seems almost like it isn't reality. you are the only reason why i wake up in the morning. everytime i see you i get butterflies in my stomach, so i know this is love.
    you are everything that i would want to call my man.
    i love you so much always &+ forever babe

  6. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2009 8:08pm UTC
    alittle bout myself- the day everyone had to put up with me was on october 10, 1995, leaving me to be thirteen years young. i am a soon to be freshman attending naugatuck highschool. my friends are all i really need. i don't deal with any bullshit. i am 5' tall and lovin' it. bring on summer of '09, which is going to be amazing. i am currently [ ]single [x] taken by brandon. i play soccer and i love my team. its going to be really hard leaving all you this year. they've grown to be now what i call my family. i never give people second chances so just don't screw with me. i absolutely love music & photography.
    i think thats all you need to know about my young lived life
    ¿want to chat?
    brandon, the day that you made me believe in true love was on 9/5/08. you are the only thing i need in my life. i know that we'll make it through whatever happens. you're on my mind all the time. you can always make me smile or laugh if no one else can. i can tell you anything and know that you won't judge how i am. if you weren't with me my life wouldn't have a true meaning. you would leave me searching for someone who can't ever replace you. the feeling that i have for you can't be described. i love to look in your eyes and know that you are looking right back. it almost feels like this is unreal.
    you are everything and more that i'd want to call my man.
    Love you so much &+ forever babe.

  7. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2009 6:39pm UTC
    megan marie- the day everyone had to put up with me was on october 10, 1995, leaving me to be thirteen years young. i am a soon to be freshman attending naugatuck highschool. my friends are all i really need. i don't deal with any bullshit. i am 5' tall and lovin' it. bring on summer of '09, which is going to be amazing. i am currently [ ]single [x]taken by brandon. i play soccer and i love my team. its going to be really hard leaving all you this year. they've grown to be now what i call my family. i never give people second chances so just don't screw with me. i absolutely love music & photography. it's a way i express myself.
    i think thats all you need to know about my young lived life
    ¿want to chat?
    brandon, the day that you made me believe in true love was on 9/5/08. you are the only thing i need in my life. i know that we'll make it through whatever happens. you're on my mind all the time. you can always make me smile or laugh if no one else can. i can tell you anything and know that you won't judge how i am. if you weren't with me my life wouldn't have a true meaning. you would leave me searching for someone who can't ever replace you. the feeling that i have for you can't be described. i love to look in your eyes and know that you are looking right back. it almost feels like this is unreal. we'll last more that forever.
    you are everything and more that i'd want to call my man.
    Love you so much &+ forever babe.

  8. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2009 8:35pm UTC
    Everyone just watches her
    her walking by them
    with her life going bye
    not realizing how fast it goes
    missing out on memories
    everyone just looks
    and only sees the outside
    but they don't think to look deeper
    the girl you see is no more than an image
    that can be easily copied
    just stop and think
    "do you think everyones life is perfect"
    even the people who you think are flawless
    have the days when they can't take it
    living up to that expectation
    taking the pressure from being in the picture
    couldn't imagine being different
    our lives go up and down
    just one rollar coaster
    that doesn't seem to stop.

  9. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 8:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2009 10:43am UTC
    soccer soccer soccer soccer[Reasons why i play soccer]ccer soccer soccer soccer soccer s
    soccer♥ I live for the feeling that i get when i send the ball up the field soccer soccer s
    soccer♥ When the ref's are blowing the whistle, but us just arguing about the callr s
    soccer♥ Practicing 3 days a week with running the numerous miles r soccer soccer s
    soccer♥ Talking to my teamate about the game we beat so badly occer soccer soccer s
    soccer♥Having the coach tell us that were going to be in the next tournament ccer s
    soccer♥getting injuries from just plan out being the best soccer soccer soccer soccer s
    soccer♥Finding out that you've made the highschool team ccer soccer soccer soccer s
    ^ this is all i live, eat, and breathe for :]^
    ♥Spring Season Is Starting, start making your quotes for soccer♥

  11. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2009 11:44am UTC
    As long as you love someone, it never gets old.
    Words from my boyfriend to me :]<3

  12. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2009 11:28am UTC
    Im just a [black & white] photo, waiting for you to color my world

  13. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2009 5:18pm UTC
    bf: ok i love u so much
    gf: i love you so much too. your the world to me. bye
    bf: bye. i want 2 be with u forever
    gf: im going to be with you forever. ik that. everytime u say stuff like that u make me smile.
    bf: i love the way u look at me wen im talking 2 u. that like little look
    gf: what do u mean? i give you a look?
    bf: like a little flirtish glair
    gf: oh lol. well i mean ur so taller then me =)
    bf: it makes u look so hot
    me: well oh thank you. ya and i love that when u smile and when u notice it you stop lol its cute. love you
    bf: forever
    gf: yupp, always, nothing can change that
    bf: yup
    gf: forever?
    bf: ya
    gf: i cant wait til after highschool
    bf: me 2
    gf: its gonna be a long time thoughh
    bf: as long as u love something it never gets old
    gf: yeahh. i dont think i can ever stop loving you. it just wouldnt be real with anyone else. everyone says that they want love like that starts in school but i already got that
    ^ These are the cute conversations that me and my boyfriend have =]...comment back and tell me what you thinkk

  14. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 7:19pm UTC
    .:If you [look inside] a girl:.
    You see someone who always is laughing,
    she'll always have a smile on her face,
    and seem so care-free.
    But the truth is, girls are just good at covering up.
    We can hide all our emotions just from one stupid boy,
    who just ruined your whole school year.
    Girls can (cry) themselves to sleep and have bags under our eyes,
    but go to school the next day looking like nothing happened.
    Thats why we just put on alot the makeup and have our hair perfect so no one notices.
    Being a girl in our teenage years is tough,
    But lets face it, god only gives strong people challenges.

  15. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2009 7:42pm UTC
    He was her friend, someone she knew she could tell anything to.
    The years past from Elementry, to Intermediate, to Middle, to Highschool.
    Collage strolled by and they were sitting in their tree, gazing out at the sunset.
    She just kept talking about what love would be like.
    He replied,
    do you want to find out?
    She said,
    I dont have anyone to fall in love with, besides i am not worth it.
    He was puzzled and questioned,
    what do you mean?
    she replied,
    i can never look as pretty as the other girls,
    i always have my hair the wrong way,
    my clothes never match,
    my make-up always smudges,
    i dont have the perfect smile or the perfect body,
    i say whatever i need to get my point across...
    there are just so many things wrong with me.
    He turned and stared in her eyes and said,
    every day i see you, you look amazing,
    your hair beautiful no matter how you wear it,
    what ever you wear it looks stunning on you,
    you dont even need that make-up, you're stunning without it,
    your smile is what keeps me going,
    your body is like an angel's,
    whatever is on your mind is always important to me no matter what.
    You could never be left alone.
    She looked back and said,
    why is it me that you want,
    we've been friends since i can remember?
    He said,
    because since the first day i met you,
    i knew that you would be the one I share my first kiss with,
    we would go to prom together,
    we would graduate together,
    we would go out and party,
    we'll get married,
    we'll get a house and have a wonder family.
    Dont you see, we were ment for each other.
    She just looked back in amazement,
    i never knew you felt that way about me.
    To tell you the truth, all those things, i want them too.
    He then realized that this was his chance to make a choice.
    He hopped from the tree, grabbed her by her waist and gently placed to the floor.
    He had gotten on one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket and said,
    "Will you marry me?"
    Her eyes started to water as she looked back.
    All the thoughts were rushing through her head of her past.
    She doesn't know if she would give up her life and friendship.
    But she knew that this is what she has always wanted.
    Finally, she could finally speak and said,
    "Yes, i will marry you."
    His eyes filled up with enjoyment as he stood up and grabbed her and picked her up.
    He then said,
    "I'll love you til i cant breath,
    you'll be my princess in our fairly tale,
    no matter what anyone says, i'll be here for you whenever you need me,
    you'll never leave my mind,
    whenever we aren't together, i'll go and find you,
    we'll share those late night kiss's under the moon and make everyone jealous"
    She then realized that this is the fairly-tale that everyone wanted.
    Should she really take this and run?
    She then decided this is what she wanted in her life,
    A man who actually cares about his woman,
    wont take advantage or disrespect,
    this is what everyone was saying they wish they had.
    Later that year, they gotten married, bought a house, and had a family.
    He lived by everything he said he would.

  16. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2009 7:40pm UTC
    Dear [Himm]
    I just wanted to say my last goodbye.
    Just to tell you my feelings before i leave this place.
    I know that you never really cared about me.
    But whenever I would see you my heart would just fall into place.
    Even if its just observing you from a distance you made me smile.
    Whenever i hear a love song i just burst into tears.
    Because thats the love i'll never have with you.
    You were the world to me, and too bad i never got a chance to actually tell you.
    So today, as im writting this letter, i take this knife and pierce it threw my skin.
    I shead away all the pain and tears.
    Just because you didnt understand.
    Now the blood drips from both my wrists and i start feeling faint.
    I am just picturing what you look like from heaven.
    I'll be waiting for you there, we'll be together forever there.
    Love you til the end,

  17. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2009 7:07pm UTC
    As i hang up the phone,
    Did he have a heart of stone?
    A tear falls down my chin,
    But he stands there with a grin.
    He knows how much he was my life,
    There he stands with a knife.
    The one he pierced threw my heart,
    Now my life is falling apart.
    But now today as I die inside,
    Who will be by my side?
    Not him, but someone new,
    Someone who wont say, " We're Through "
    Thats not what i wanted.
    I just wanted you </3

  18. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2009 12:04pm UTC
    What's Teenage Love ?
    Teenage love is the late night phone calls.
    Its everytime you see each other, he gives
    you that hug that you keep all class.
    Cheering him on at his games and waiting
    for him after just to say he did good. It's
    wearing his hoodie just because it has his
    scent on it. Teenage love is when can't stop
    thinking about them. They are your first
    thought in the morning and in you dreams.
    It's when you can't stop smiling because they
    are always on your mind. When you are at
    dances and the only person u see in the room
    is him. It's when you day-dream about each
    other in school and have no idea whats going on.
    When you each trust each other with your secrets.
    It's when you each say " i love you more " just to see
    where the conversation will end up. When you
    both just lay down and count the stars together.
    It can be when you each get into silly arguements,
    but in the end you each end up saying
    " i'm sorry, i love you"
    You each mean the world to each other,
    and n o t h i n g can break that.
    ^ this is what i already got =] ^

  19. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2009 6:39pm UTC
    Dont All Girls...
    Worry if he loves you the [same] you love him?<3

  20. Meganmarie6606 Meganmarie6606
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2009 11:14am UTC
    Lets just forget its meaning for a minute.
    It isn't all about [falling] head over heals for a boy or girl.
    It can be all the fights you had.
    Every single disagreement.
    Love is also what you both hate about *each other*,
    but there is something ~irresistible~ about them that you cant let go.
    It's when you get into each others face's and scream on the top of your lungs,
    just because you know you'll win.
    When you guys argue about the some :silliest things: that you feel bad for saying.
    It can be when you boyfriend and you get in a fight,
    and the next day he is at ur front door with flowers saying " I'm sorry ".
    Love isn't about all the good times you each have,
    but its about how much you are both a pain you are to each other but you can't say goodbye.
    Everyone thinks love is such a nice word and its something people might not have,
    but every single person here has some form of it.


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