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Member Since: 1 Dec 2010 07:45pm

Last Seen: 2 Apr 2012 04:14pm

user id: 137314

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Okay so my name is amanda, but mostly all my friends call me mandy:)
i am a freshman in high school,
i love to hang out wif my friends and family, and perferably my bestie:)
i love to be around kids i babysit alot...
loves to sleep in, or sleep in general.
well that is all so,

  1. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2012 10:50am UTC
    what should i do my boyfriend might be getting sent away... ughhhh

  2. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2011 2:43pm UTC
    It’s like a storm
    That cuts a path
    It’s breaks your will
    It feels like that
    You think your lost
    But your not lost on your own
    Your not alone
    I will stand by you
    I will help you through
    When you’ve done all you can do
    If you can’t cope
    I will dry your eyes
    I will fight your fight
    I will hold you tight
    And I wont let go
    It hurts my heart
    To see you cry
    I know it’s dark
    This part of life
    Oh it finds us all
    And we’re too small
    To stop the rain
    Oh but when it rains
    I will stand by you
    I will help you through
    When you’ve done all you can do
    And you can’t cope
    I will dry your eyes
    I will fight your fight
    I will hold you tight
    And I wont let you fall
    Don’t be afraid to fall
    I’m right here to catch you
    I wont let you down
    It wont get you down
    Your gonna make it
    Yea I know you can make it
    Cause I will stand by you
    I will help you through
    When you’ve done all you can do
    And you can’t cope
    And I will dry your eyes
    I will fight your fight
    I will hold you tight
    And I wont let go
    Oh I’m gonna hold you
    And I wont let go
    Wont let you go
    No I wont
    Rascal Flatts – I Won’t Let Go Lyricsvm=c

  3. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2011 2:26pm UTC
    you don't know what you have until it is gone..... and then you think wow i really did need them. And then you miss them more then you ever did in your lifetime.......

  4. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 10:03am UTC
    so my dad moved to a new town last April over the whole summer i met this guy and hung out wif him had a good time we laughed and such more he found out i like him a couple days before i left to go back to my moms house which is 2 hours away.... well my sister goes to the same school as him and he told her that he kinda likes me.... wat do i do i need some advice from anyone....

  5. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 9:42am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2010 9:54am UTC
    1. male friend: Brian<3
    2. female friend: Treyanna
    3. Vacation: lasst summerr(:
    4. age: 14
    5. memory: thee day he told me he lovedd me<3
    1. Time of day: morrning
    2. Day of the week: sunddaay.
    3. Food: broccoli
    4. Memory: hiim flirting wiith herr.
    5. Subject: Genaeral Science
    1. Person you saw: Heather:)
    2. Talk on the phone:Mommy
    3. Hugged: Brian<3
    1. Kiss: havent had on yett
    2. Car: uhhm....dont haave one?
    3. First school: Ben Franklin elementary
    4. Job: 14!?!?!?!
    1. What are you doing now: in school:)
    2. Tonight: maybe be wif friends
    3. Wearing: Blue jeans 2 shirts and a zip up sweatshirt
    4. what did you eat for lunch: diidnt haave lunnch yett haha
    5: Better than yesterday: NOT sooo faar.
    1. Is: uhhmwendsday
    2. Got any plans:maybe hang out wif brian:)
    3. Goal: be wiof him
    4. Dislikes about tomorrow: board
    5. Do you have work: nope
    1. Number:16
    2 Song: 2012- jay sean
    3. Colors: Hot Pink and Lime Green
    4.Season: Winter unfortunatly:(
    5. State:Texas

  7. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2010 10:08am UTC
    143.. i la la la la love you <3

  8. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2010 9:52am UTC
    it seems like when you get your heart broken,
    all you do is think of them all the time,
    they are on your mind 24/7,
    you talk to them more,
    you guys fight more.
    but in the end you think why did this have to happen, i want him back <3

  9. Mandyfaye123 Mandyfaye123
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 11:39am UTC
    if you want the rainbow , you have to go through the rain first.


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