Witty Profiles

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  1. unkn0wn unkn0wn
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 8:49pm UTC
    It was pitch black out that night, the kind of darkness that could easily scare a person, except for Ashley.
    "Come on Emma!" she squealed, tugging on my arm lightly.
    "What do you want?" I moaned, rubbing my eyes.
    I looked at my clock, sighing heavily.
    "Ashley, it's two in the morning."
    "no sh/t sherlock." She teased, ripping the blankets off of me.
    "We're sneaking out tonight."
    I had snuck out before, but tonight felt different.
    "I'm tired." I complained, burying my head farther under a pillow.
    "Stop being a baby and man up." She spat, yanking me out of bed.
    "Get your bikini on, we're going night swimming."
    I reluctantly did what Ashley wanted, sneaking out of her house and walking to the lake nearbye.
    The water felt warm but at the same time, uninviting.
    I dipped my toes in, letting my feet sink into the soft sand as Ashley dived into the water smoothly without a care.
    "Come on, let's go to the dock!" She yelled as she began moving her arms and legs briskly through the soft waves.
    I envied the way she could make just about anything look graceful.
    I scrunched my nose up, moving into the water slowly until my waist was completely in, translucent and milky white under the moonlight.
    I paddled my body lightly until I was at the dock, and sat next to Ashley, drying off.
    She looked so pretty under the light of the moon, her tropical blue orbs sparkling brighter than they usually did.
    "I'm glad your my best friend." I whispered, leaning my head onto her shoulder.
    "I know." She said, before jumping in.
    A wave of crystal like water splashed me, and I giggled, jumping in after her.
    "Race you back!" She spluttered, spitting out water as she began swimming back.
    I started swimming quickly, increasing my speed until I was much farther past her, moving at an incredible pace.
    "Looks like I won!" I laughed, reaching the shore line.
    That's when I heard her scream.
    I turned, hearing Ashley struggle and call my name but I couldn't see where she was.
    "Ashley?" I asked, feeling a sharp chill running up my spine.
    "Ashley, are you okay?"
    The sounds of struggle turned to silence, and there was nothing except for the wind blowing lightly, making my blonde locks fly around my face in a distorted fashion.
    I would never see my best friend again.
    She was gone.
    hey guys, I hope you liked my story so far(:
    I've been brainstorming for a while now and I finally came up with a pretty good story line.
    100+ faves for chapter 1.

  2. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 5:27pm UTC
    C H A P T E R F I V E
    "Noah" I screamed, biting down painfully hard on my lower lip. I was sitting against the toilet seat, my hands covering my stomach as I lay my head against the cool tiled floor.
    "Are you okay Len?" He asked, as he made his way into the girls bathroom, ignoring the glares and squeals around him. I weakly pushed the stall open, calling his name again. Before he could reach me, I heaved, pulling my head over the toilet as a waterfall of blood and vomit escaped my lips. I could feel his hands pulling up my hair, rubbing my back, trying to comfort me in anyway that he could. When I was finally finished, I grabbed onto his wrists, a chill going through my spine. "This is the third time this week that you've gotten sick for no apparent reason." He said, scratching the back of his head. "Maybe you should go to the doctors, school is starting in a couple of days you know."
    "I'm sorry." I quivered, feeling embarressed. "I don't know what came over me."
    "Well you obivusoly can't help your bodily functions." He teased, helping me up. "Do you want to go home?" I walked over to the sink, washing myself off before turning back to face him.
    "Actually, I feel fine now." I admitted, patting my stomach. "Must have been food poisoning."
    "Ah yeah, the mall must be trying to kill you with it's poinsonus smoothies." He said, giving me a crooked smile.
    " I'm glad that you're my best friend." I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder. "I know." He breathed.
    "Drink another!" Matt yelled, handing me a small cup filled with strong alcohol. "One, Two, Three!" I poured the liquid down my throat in a quick movement, ignoring the burning feeling. "Another one?" Josh asked, hopeful to take advantage of me.
    "Nice try Joshy Woshy." I laughed, giving him a small peck on the cheek. Mostly everyone had left the party, it was just Matt, Josh, Hunter, Lexii, and I. Matt turned his ipod onto a slow song, turning the volume down a little bit and grabbing Lexii. She smiled, wrapping her hands around his neck. I envied the way that they danced, like they were the only two people in the room. "Now there's some real love." I muttered, turning away. Josh had left and Hunter sat on the couch, looking through his phone. I licked my lips, fixing my hair as I made my way over to him. "Hey Hunter." I smiled, playing with the ends of his wavy hair. He looked up at me uneasily, grabbing my hands. "Come on, dance with me!" I laughed, falling ontop of him as I did so. He pushed me off harshly so that my body was flailed on the couch next to him.
    "what the f//ck are you doing?" He asked, moving farther away from me. "You know I have a girlfriend."
    "Charlie dosen't have to know." I whispered, trailing my nails up and down his arm.
    "You know, I used to think you were pretty cool." He mumbled, sitting up. "Now your just a sl//t."
    "Thanks" I grimaced, although his words felt like knifes. "That was nice of you to say." He shook his head, walking away before I could think of a better comeback.
    shankss for reading darlingss(: I never thought that my stories would get more than like 3 faves, this is really a dream come true. I love each and everyone of you, and thank you for inspiring me.

  4. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 7:52pm UTC
    C H A P T E R F O U R
    Summer went by in a blur and it wasn't long before it was already August. Maddi had gone away to a summer camp for the rest of the month and my other friends had stopped trying to make plans with me all together. I didn't really care though to be honest, not like I really wanted to hang out with them anyways.
    "Hey B//tch, come here." Noah called to me from the bedroom. I put down my ipod, sighing heavily. Me and Eila were supposed to be hanging out today, but she had some family emergency, so I was stuck hanging out with the man wh//re for the day. "Lenox, seriosuly come here!" He yelled again.
    "What do you want Noah?" I asked, walking into his bedroom. To my surprise, it was really neat, with only a small pile of clutter on the floor.
    "I just missed you." He said, biting his lip to hold in a smile.
    "Seriously?" I laughed, giving him a sharp push so that he landed on his bed. "I was literally sitting a room away from you." He chuckled, pulling me ontop of him so that my forhead was touching his.
    "I remember when you were just a nobody." He breathed. "And then you just, changed." I closed my eyes, smelling his strong cologne. "Remember that?" He questioned. "Remember when you were so innocent?" I furrowed my brow, breathing in heavily.
    "That girl is gone." I murmered, playing with the ends of his hair. "She's so gone." Before I could think about what I was doing, I reached for his shirt, trying to pry it off. He grabbed my wrists, forcing me to stare at him.
    "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked nervously, looking up towards the ceiling.
    "Well, I don't not want to." I challenged, pressing my body tighter to his. I picked up where I had left off, removing his shirt, exposing his stomach and chest. Before he could respond to my sudden urgenecy, my lips were touching his ear. "No more innocent girl." I whispered, before shutting the door closed.
    hope you liked this chapter darlings(: please Fave/Comment/Follow! Comment if you want me to notify you when the next chapter is up(: Thankss for readinggg.

  5. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2012 8:46pm UTC
    C H A R E C T O R S
    Lenox in the beginning:http://weheartit.com/entry/27288542
    Lenox later on:http://weheartit.com/entry/14075237
    Charlie(hunter's gf):http://weheartit.com/entry/16950298
    Matt(left) Josh(right):http://weheartit.com/entry/30496526
    Random picture:http://weheartit.com/entry/10930365
    ^ Isn't it f//cking adorable?(:
    Please show a little love and click the fave button darlings, shankss(;

  6. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2012 8:37pm UTC
    C H A P T E R T H R E E
    I became obsessed. Not with just my hair, or my makeup, or my clothing style, but with the idea of renewing myself. Every ounce of money that I had saved since I was a little girl was blown down the drain for pointless things like hair straighteners, serums and mac makeup. Every inch of my closet was filled with neon pinks, short dresses and skirts along with high heels and wedges. All of my boyish t-shirts and flimsey basketball shorts were thrown into the garbage and my porclein skin was dyed with tanning lotion. I started spending all of my extra free time in the gym, giving myself a model like body and on the weekends I went to the salon for manicures and pedicures. Noah and I became great friends, or more like friends with benefits. I wasn't really attracted to him, I just admired the way he carried himself, and he was, after all, the one who told me to change myself in the first place. If it weren't for him, I would still be that invisible girl who wasn't acknowledged. I felt different when I was around him, confident and seductive and everything that I never was before and I liked it. We spent most of our time kissing and flirting, and I became really good at it. I started getting texts from 'the popular crew' and it wasn't long until I was hanging out with all of them. Nothing mattered to me anymore, I was completely blinded. Maddi and all of my other 'uncool' friends were not priority anymore and I hardly contacted them for the rest of the summer, ignoring their texts or making lame excuses. I know you probably are thinking "wow, what a b//tch." And I know, I know it's true, but I didn't know it back then. I was addicted, and I wanted to be at the top, and I was going to get there no matter what.
    Sorry for the shortness! nothing really happened in this chapter but I had to get it out of the way. I needed to tell you guys how Lenox was feeling and how she was beginning to change, but I promise my darlings, there will be more action in the next chapter! don't forget to click the heart button and follow me. Comments are always good too! love you alll(:

  7. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2012 5:59pm UTC
    C H A P T E R T W O
    The party was lame, as most of the 'cool kid' parties were. To make matters worse, I had nobody to hang out with since all of my "uncool" friends weren't invited and Hunter was busy eating face with his girlfriend on the couch. I walked over to a pile of refreshments, pushing past the alcoholic beverages until I found a can of coke. I snapped it open, taking a quick sip when someone tapped me from behind. I turned to see Eila who stood a distance away, as if I had some sort of contagious disease or something. "Hey, do you want to come play spin the bottle with us?" She asked me, gesturing to a group of her friends over in the corner of the room.
    "I..I don't play that game." I stammered, looking down.
    "Oh come on, you'll have fun!" She said, pulling lightly on my shirt. I could tell by her tone of voice that she felt bad for me, so I relucnantly agreed, making my way over to the group of kids that sat in a circle on the carpet floor, a glass beer bottle in the middle. "Why don't you go first?" Eila suggested to me. I shook my head quickly, my face heating up. I had never had my first kiss and I didn't plan on having it infront of any of these people. She shrugged, and spun the bottle herself, smiling when it landed on Matt. She stood up, sitting on his lap and wrapping her manicured nails around his neck, kissing him gently. The game continued on and kiss after kiss was given until it was Noah's turn. He turned the bottle lightly but with great force and it spun many times before stopping derictly on me. I sulked back, trying to leave the game but not before Eila could grab me.
    "Rules are rules." She stated, giving me a shove in Noah's deriction.
    "Now pucker up!" Noah wrinkled his nose, making a disgusted look on his face.
    "Wait, hold on." He declared, moving from his slouchy position. He grabbed my hair tye and pulled out my loose pony tail, long blonde locks falling around my face in a messy fashion. "There, now you look hot." He said, giving me a smile. He leaned in closer and before I could protest, his lips were locked on mine, his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. After a couple of seconds, he released his grip on me and I fell backwards, gasping for air. "She's a good kisser." He admitted to everyone as he helped me up. I looked around, finding shocked expressions. "You know what?" Noah whispered to me, as we continued playing.
    "What?" I asked, still a little shocked about the kiss.
    "I think you could be the hottest girl in school if you just change the way you dress." He suggested. "Maybe put on a little makeup, make an impression." He sounded cocky, although very sincere and I couldn't help but smile at him. Maybe, just maybe he was right.
    Thanks for reading my darlings(: If you have any ideas or questions, feel free to comment and don't forget to click the heart button, and follow me! The next chapter should be on in the next night or two!
    Do you want to have me post pictures of what the charectors look like or what the outfits look like? comment if you want that!!!

  8. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 7:16pm UTC
    C H A P T E R O N E
    The last bell sounded and I rose from my seat quickly, grabbing my floral shoulder bag and wrapping it around my neck. I could hear people cheering around me as everyone made their way out of the classroom, leaving just me and Hunter alone. He sat behind me, taking his time, folding his papers and placing them in his small star patterned backpack before looking up at me.
    "Hey Lenox." He said casually, grabbing his bag by his finger tip, rising from his desk. He was much taller than me, kind of intimidating. His seafoam green eyes lingered on me a moment longer before darting towards his iphone which he held in his other hand. "Are you going to Eila's 'end of school' party tonight?" He asked. I could feel my face burning with embarresment and I sulked back a little, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. Why was he even talking to me?
    "I wasn't invited." I muttered, playing with the colorful bracelet on my wrist that my bestfriend Maddi had made me.
    "Well, Eila told me that I could invite anyone I want." He said, clearing his throat. "So, you can come if you want." The way he talked to me made me feel small and weak, like I wasn't cool enough to be having this conversation with him, which I knew I wasn't.
    "Your...your inviting me?" I asked, shock hanging on the edge of my voice.
    "Yeah, I guess." He responded. "Here give me your hand." Before I could respond, he had his hands acround my arm, tugging me closer to him. He pulled a blue sharpie out of his pocket and the strong marker smell hit my nose as he wrote up my arm, stopping at the tip of my shoulder.
    "That's the party address." He stated, gesturing to my ink stained arm. He realeased his grip on me, adjusting his wavy brown hair. "I hope to see you there." He smiled, giving me a wink, before walking out of the classroom.
    Thanks for reading! The series get way better, I promise! Please favorite this and dont forget to follow! (oh and I would like to give this format credit to IntoMyMind. I absolutely loved it and just had to use it for my stories!) Thank you so much for reading my darlings(:

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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  12. writerrsblock writerrsblock
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 7:19pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    There he was.
    The most flawless individual I had ever encountered in my life was just inches from me.
    I furrowed my brow when I realised I was laying on the ground, and he was not the only one there.
    About 5 or 6 other kids were surrounding me, pointing there fingers in my deriction, covering there mouths.
    Some were even crying.
    I gasped, trying to figure out what was happening.
    Was I dreaming?
    I didn't really care at the moment.
    I stopped thinking, focusing my attention back to him, Brody.
    He looked right at me, his eyes filled with agony.
    He was yelling something out, but he was talking too quickly for me to understand.
    I almost fainted, watching as his hand touched my cheek, his eyes burning into mine.
    They were a darkish brown color, like a pool of melted chocolate that blended in with his tanned skin and blonde locks of hair.
    He shouted something else out and then began to pick me up.
    I squirmed around when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, but I held in my screech, biting my tongue.
    I didn't want to ruin this moment.
    He began running, and the cold breeze of the wind only increased the pain, causing tears to roll down my face.
    Even through all of this torture, I still managed to stay happy.
    I was so....mesmorized.
    "You're okay." I heard him whisper to me.
    "Don't worry, you're going to be just fine."
    I wanted to respond, to tell him that I already knew I was fine, and that it was very unnessisary for him to be carrying me, but things began to get dizzy, almost blurry, and I soon found myself drifitng to sleep.
    Like this story?

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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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  17. Lovelywriterxxo Lovelywriterxxo
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2012 5:43pm UTC
    And Then You Die.
    *Chapter 2*
    I live in a small town.
    The kind of town where everyone knows eachother and there are no secrets.
    At least not that I know of.
    Our town consists of mostly small farms and family owned buisnesses.
    It's a quiet and uneventful place that's oddly peaceful.
    Some might think this town would be impossible to live in, and far too boring.
    But I like it here.
    It's my home.
    I walk down the sidewalk, the bright sun beaming down on me.
    Just a week until school will be over, finally.
    I pull my wavy brown hair into a loose pony tail and swifty glide down the road, in a rush to make it to school on time.
    "Hello Keely!" Mrs. Lillan calls from her yard.
    She holds a large bag and a weed cutter, probably tending to her prized vegtable garden.
    She wears a large hat that blocks the sun, as small beads of sweat form on the edge of her forehead.
    "I'm good Mrs. Lillan!" I call back in a friendly gesture.
    "Tell Missy that I said hello!"
    Missy is Mrs. Lillans daughter, about my sisters age.
    She has just graduated our school and is leaving for college out in the big city soon.
    "Will do!" Mrs. Lillan responds, holding her gloved hand out over her face.
    I wave and continue walking down the street, passing Mr.Walker who is driving his large truck down the road at a slow pace.
    Just as I am nearing the school, I pass Mr. Tucker, a strongly built man, heading into the woods.
    "Hello there Mr. Tucker!" I yell.
    He turns, fidgiting with his hands.
    "Ahh yes, Keely, how are you?" he asks.
    "I'm fine" I call back.
    "You have a good day!"
    He dosen't answer, just nods his head and continues into the woods.
    I walk into school, expecting to see Trinity waiting for me at the door like she usually does.
    I furrow my brow, forming a tight frown when I see she isin't there.
    The day goes by quickly and as the very last bell rings, I rise from my seat in a hurry only to be informed to sit back down.
    Our principal walks into our small class room, sitting down in our teacher's chair.
    She clears her throat, tapping her nails against the top of the desk.
    "It's come to our attention that a girl has not come to school today that was supposed to be here." She speaks informatively.
    "If you don't know who that girl is, we are talking about Trinity Curtain."
    She stops talking, narrowing her eyes towards me, and I sink down in my seat in fear.
    Her eyes burn into me, making me feel like some sort of criminal.
    "So if you know anything about this, speak up imediately." She adds.
    She pauses, tapping her foot against the tiled ground as she continues to stare me down.
    After what seems like hours, she sighs and rises from her position.
    "That's all, you may leave." She says.
    As I walk out of the classroom, the same thought keeps running through my head.
    Where is she?
    Thankyou for reading ♥
    Fave&Follow if you want.
    C Comments?

  18. Jadaarcher65 Jadaarcher65
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2012 5:16pm UTC
    http://www.youtube.com/user/jadaarcher4?feature=mhee PLEASE, IF YOU TAKE THE TIME I WOULD REALLY APPERICATE IT. THIS IS ME SINGING... (You wonnt regret it - Hopefull)

  19. dancingpurplebunny dancingpurplebunny
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2012 5:34pm UTC
    They call us the technology age
    And complain that we always are texting and on computers
    But it is thier generation who invented it all

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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