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Member Since: 21 Nov 2009 10:17am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 94091

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Other Shittt
My Girls: Lindsey, Marisa, Merri, Jackie, Tawni, Jessica, Kasey and Tracey<3
My Guys: Jack, Jake, Johnny, Mike, Andrew, Pat, Jason, and Ryan<3

Follow Me and I will Follow You

Jock my Quotes and I will Make your Life a Living Nightmare

RanDoM** THouGhtS**
As you will find out as you get to no me I am probably the most random person you will ever meet. I could think of anything like what I am having for dinner tomarrow night while we are talking about yesterday at the mall. But anyway I will just let my random thoughts take over and just tell you some things about me that probably aren't neccesary :)

1. I am random!
2. I swear when it is not neccesary
3. I yell at people when the swear at me
4. I don't respect my teachers
5. I am can be an ass if you are a bitch
6. I run for miles alone, on a trail in the woods, during the fall because I feel like nothing can touch me.
7. I am terrified of clowns
8. I can not stand people who don't shut-up
9. I sleep for a minimum of 9 1/2 hours
12. Don't talk to me before 10 in the morning-you won't get much back
13. ^^I just completely skipped 10 and 11
14. I have a C in every class but spanish which I have an A in
15. I was suspended my freshman year for 2 weeks due to "inappropriate behavior" at  my homecoming dance
16. I would rather be single then be in a relationship
17. I have a severe addiction to icecream
18. I have oranges
19. I drink only at parties
20. I have had more boyfriends that are 2 grades older than me, then ones who are the same age as me
22. I love PINK
23. I hate yellow
24. If i could be anywhere in the world right now I would pick Maine
25. I have never been on a train before.
26. Once I start talking I can't stop
27. I never had braces and I never will
28. I think I'm perfect but, I'm not
29. I hate people who say they are ugly.
^They just want you to say they are pretty^
30. I hate people who try to get attention
31. I miss my dad and cry at least twice a weak because of it
32. I work at a child care center as a volunteer
33. I want to work at a daycare center with children when I grow up
34. My record for running is 5 miles without stopping.
35. No I am not fast, I take my time with EVERYTHING that I do
36. Don't rush me. Tell me I am slow and I will make your life a living night mare.
37. I get annoyed easily
38. I love my family and will do anything to protect them
39. I want to get this list too 100!
40. I have a dog name Lily<3
41. I tend to fall for players and have been cheated on 6 times.
42. I made the worst mistake of my life 2 months ago. I lost my virginity to a guy who ended up cheating on me.
43. I love to makeout
44. I was pressed with charges when I was 15 for threatning a 17 year old boy who called my sister a slut.
45. I am running out of random thoughts.
46. They show make it or break it explains my life except as a cheerleader
47. I like bright colors
48. I am in love with UGGs but I hate Converse
49. I am in love with ripped jeans but I hate Skinny jeans
50. I am accident prone
51. I have broken/sprained 14 different bones, 17 in all.
52. I have gotton a concustion twice and the first time I was in the hospital for almost a month.
53. When I was 8 I was landed on while stunting and was on a breathing machine for 1 week in the hospital :(
54. Ask me whatever you want, I don't mind talking about my life no matter how personal the situation is. It makes me feel better
55. I rarely spell things wrong while typing (wat, wile, idk, nm, fml and all that shitts)
56. I LOVE texting and IMing<Not online much thoughh
57. I love when guys ask me to do stuff with them even though more then half the time I don't do it. 
58. I had legit 112 people over on Thanksgiving. INSANEEE!
59. I love adding stuff to my profile so check it constantly...there will ALWAYS be something new.
60. I drink....ALOT.
61. I love Secret Life of the American Teenager<3
^Learn It, Live It, Love It.^

My name would be Brittney if you have not noticed! I am 16 years old as of April 29th and a sophmore in High School. Not too bad! I absolutly love to fricken cheer. It's my drug addiction ;) I have been doing it sence I was 4 years old and have been flipping ever since. I would die without it or if I couldn't do it anymore. When I was 11, I was dropped by my stunt group and rushed to the hospital with a concustion. After staying there for two weeks I went home but quickley got back into cheering 2 months later. I am currently on my High-School team and an All-Star team. Proud Captain of both. I have my double full :) I live with all girls which pretty much makes things around the house go smooth. I live with my mom, sisters: Jackie (10), Erica (13), Jasmin (14 almost 15) and my niece Lexa (2 turning 3 in December). My sister Jamie had Lexa when she was 12 and was planning on putting her up for adoption but, couldn't. It is definatly a blessing having her around though. I babysit her all the time and would never leave her. My sisters and I are so close you wouldn't believe it. We bearly fight! I love taking them all out for just a girls day especially if my mom has things to do. My dad died 2 years after Jaclyn was born of a heart-attack. Ever since it has just beem us. He left us all the money he had though which made us insainly rich but, I don't like to brag. A few days before I turned 13 my great-grandfather and grandmother died also leaving us money. We now life the life of any star. Big house, 4 cars, indoor and outdoor pool. Whatev haha. No I don't have a boyfriend. We broke up 2 weeks ago and I have been heartbroken ever sence. People say I am a slut but I'm not. Call me what you want it won't hurt me. I love my friends, family and life so I won't change for anyone. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm amazingly hot. lol. I got a car. It would be called an escalade. Black. Ah-mazing. I don't work at the momentt<3 I luv it. Anywayyy, I right alot. Let me no if you read all this kay? I love UGGS! SOOO OBBSESSED WITH 
THEM! I have 6 pairs. I probably have more shoes then anything else. I LOVE SHOES. I have Jimmy Choo too. About 5 pairs I think? They are too exspencive to have anymore. My last pair cost 900 dollers ;) They were a gift for my 16th birthday though. Uhmmm....I am thinking about getting another dog<3 Not sure what type thoughhh. I do......DRINK. Not a good thing but, don't hate on me because of it. I chose to do it once and now I can't stop. You making hate comments won't make things betterrr. I live my life with no regrets. Well that's about it. Any questions? Ask!


Right Now You Ask?!
Status? [x]Online [ ]Offline
Mood? Tired...INSANLY
Listening To? Lexa crying.
With? Jackie
What Am I doing? Waiting for Tomarrow. Having legit 112 people over, my hole entire family since we have the biggest house.

My Current Favorite Quote
 The most unfair things     
       about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of
your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a
bonus? ((I think the life cycle is all backwards.)) You should die
first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get
kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work.
You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.
You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You
go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no
, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you
spend your last nine months floating inside a tummy
  ...and you finish off as an orgasm.

LOL! BY: _keepthat_Beat_On_Repeat

Love.It- Makeup, Jewery, guys, short-shorts, short-skirts, tangtops, summer, fall, Christmas, My Family, My Friends, Hollister, A&F, my doggy<3, Him, txtng,
 Swimming, CHEER, running, my niece<3, watching movies, talking, loving you, meeting new people, EYELINER, hair straightener, MASCARA, drawing hearts, PINK.

  1. LoveToLoveCheer LoveToLoveCheer
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2009 6:20pm UTC
    I u s e t o b e l o v e
    but, now I'm
    [ H U N G O V E R ]
    I love you forever, Forever is

  2. LoveToLoveCheer LoveToLoveCheer
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2009 2:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. LoveToLoveCheer LoveToLoveCheer
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2009 4:04pm UTC
    TO TALK<3

  4. LoveToLoveCheer LoveToLoveCheer
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2009 2:19pm UTC
    Hey it's Brittney and I'm new on witty.
    I need someone to tell me how this site works
    and all that shitt
    so leave me a comment...PLEASE. lol
    Also can someone tell me where to get
    all these cool layouts people have?!


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