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Member Since: 2 Apr 2012 12:42pm

Last Seen: 11 Dec 2012 06:14am

user id: 288665

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 Hey guys! My name is 
Clarice Hatwell and I'm a 13 year old girl that loves alot of things, so, I guess, because you are still reading my profile, you wanna find out about me.... so...
My favourite colour is Purple at the moment
My favourite band is All Time Low
My favourite Candy is the brain hahahaha (Brady Szuhaj >.<)
My favourite thing in the world is my cat :) His name is Bear
My favourite TV show is Supernatural, I am absolutley in love with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i think thats enough of what i love.............

Wow! Your beautiful, really you are and do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise, beacause then... they will win and they will have you thinking a mouthful of lies, just always be yourself and NEVER give up your dreams.... EVER!!
  I guess I forgot something I love.... My friends. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Friends are:
Heather Paterson
Jessica Mason
Josh Woolley
Kayleigh Wilson
Amy Dawson
Jamie Graham
Sophie Prior
Katie Owens
Chloe Church
Kelly Taylor
Scott Finlayson
Katie Fussell
Lewis French
Rosina Rennie
Brendan Ashman
Jordan Ashman
Charlee Lloyd
Lydia Wilkins
Becky Murtagh
Bethany Madlin

errrr, I cant think of anymore right now!
 Last thing I wanna say is
If You Have A Problem 
Just email me
My Email Address is :
I definately will reply and I will do as much as i can to help :)
or If you have any questions, just leave a comment down at the bottom, but Ima go now and I hope you enjoy all this pictures! :L


Flashing Black and White Flashing Word Bubbledancing stick people

  1. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 2:14pm UTC
    Tell Me What Your
    Best Friend Knows
    That I Dont Know,
    Tell Me Why You Talk
    Me Down, Wherever
    You Go.......
    format by

  2. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2012 5:09am UTC
    Where'd You Go?
    Where's Your Home?
    As You End Up All Alone,
    can You Hear Me
    Hear Me Now?
    Format by twilightgirl995

  3. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 7:59am UTC
    I DONT hate myself
    I DONT think I'm useless
    I DONT think I'm ugly
    lets help girls change this

  4. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 7:11am UTC
    I hate my life sometimes, it sometimes seems like no one cares, well,
    except one friend, she knows my general feelings, even by the way I text,
    she is a true friend, she stays with through everything, but normally she makes
    me feel better, by hugging me and helping me, but she has moved away, I still
    keep in touch with her, but if I'm upset, I cant hug her, I cant talk face to face, I
    can skyper her, but its not the same, and it really made me realise that you dont
    know how good your friends are to you, untill they leave or you let them go,
    I havent let her go, and I never will, she is so special to me, and she knows who she
    is, and if she reads this, I want her to know that she is sospecial to me and if she ever
    forgets about me, I dont know what I would do, if I didnt have anyone like her to comfort
    me or to help me through the tough times, but I just wanted to say, best friends are the
    best kind of treatment you can have, so we should love them and keep them close,
    incase we lose them forever........
    I Love My Best Friend So Much
    format credit to OneDirection/credit to Jill

  5. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2012 6:45am UTC
    You know I'm angry
    If I put a full stop on the
    end of a text.
    format credit to OneDirection/credit to Jill

  6. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2012 1:51pm UTC
    I love you.
    - Boy:
    Yeah I know everyone does!
    ... ... ... ... ...
    - Boy:
    Yeah...everyone of my friends that are girls tell me that everyday.
    - Girl:
    Oh...but am I only your friend?
    - Boy:
    No...you're my girlfriend...why?
    - Girl:
    So when I say I love you I really do mean it.
    - Boy:
    Yeah I know you do mean it...its just that you dont need to tell me that you love
    anymore cuz I know you love me since the day we been together and i love you more
    each and everyday.
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    So wanna go somewhere tonight for our 7th anniversary?
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    I dont know...maybe movie then dinner?
    - Boy:
    Ill pick you up after I get off and get ready ok?
    - Girl:
    Ok. What time do you get off?
    - Boy:
    In 2 hours and then I gotta go home and yeah get ready which takes about 15-20
    hey...I thought you didnt have work today...
    - Boy:
    One of my co-workers called in sick.
    - Girl:
    Oh okay! So ill see you around 7:30 then?
    - Boy:
    Yeah! and babe?
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    I love you.
    - Girl:
    I love you too!
    - Boy:
    Ok my manager is like looking at me so yeah.... i gotta go.
    - Girl:
    Ok bye.
    - Boy:
    2 hours later...
    The guy drives to his girlfriends house and walks up to the door and rings bell.
    - Girl:
    Hey! (gives a kiss to her boyfriend)
    - Boy:
    Wassup...you ready?
    - Girl:
    Um...wait...let me get my bag and we can go ok?
    - Boy:
    They both watched a movie and ate dinner...once they were done eating they head
    to the car but before she got into the car...
    - Boy:
    Wait! Can I blind fold you?
    - Girl:
    - Boy:
    Its a suprise.
    - Girl:
    What kind of suprise?
    - Boy:
    A big one.
    - Girl:
    Okay but only if you promise me that you will hold my hand while we're driving.
    - Boy:
    I promise.
    - Girl:
    Ok blind fold me...
    So they drove off...........and then they stoped.
    - Boy:
    Ok we're here!
    - Boy:
    Wait let me walk you to the place!
    - Girl:
    What place?
    - Boy:
    Somewhere! (and gives a kiss to her on the lips)
    - Girl:
    The boy walks her to the place.
    - Boy:
    Ok...let me take the blind fold off.
    - Girl:
    Where are we?
    He takes it off her and she opens her eyes and sees the view of the city and at
    same spot...that's where he first asked her to be his girlfriend....
    - Girl:
    Omg...(tears come down)
    - Boy:
    Why are you crying?
    - Girl:
    This is where you first asked me out...
    - Boy:
    What are you doing the rest of your life? (he asked on his knees and after he says
    that...behind him...in the air it says "Will you marry me?" in fireworks)
    - Girl:
    (tears come down faster)
    - Boy:
    I wasnt at work when you called me...I was planning this whole thing!
    - Girl:
    Get up!
    - Boy:
    - Girl:
    (kisses him)
    - Boy:
    Is that a yes or a no?
    - Girl:
    If you don't repost this you will have the loneliest life!
    If you do repost this, you will have a relationship that will last as long as you
    want it to!
    You have 3 mintues to repost this

  7. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2012 1:51pm UTC
    If you've ever been called
    put this as your quote
    [♥]'s it

  8. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2012 12:26pm UTC
    The most beautiful girls
    are the ones that have more to offer
    than just looks.

  9. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 4:39pm UTC
    I cant believe it but my fake smile has fooled everybody fora long time, but i thought you would be different, but no, your not special, your just like everybody else, you just let me sit here, screaming in my head while you might as well be laughing at me, you know my feelings but you wont do anything to change them, I dont even know why...

  10. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 12:32pm UTC
    Where'd you go?
    Where's your home?
    As you end up all alone...
    Can you
    Hear Me Now??
    Hear Me Now!?♥♥

  11. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 12:26pm UTC
    So rip my pictures from your wall
    Tear them down and burn them all
    Light the fire and walk away
    Theres nothing left to say so
    Take the ashes from the floor
    Bury them to just make sure
    That nothing more is left for me
    Bittersweet Memories <3
    Bittersweet Memories - Bullet For My Valentine

  12. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 11:23am UTC
    I bet no guy
    has the guts to write me a paragraph in my comment box on my profile that I will never forget. Girls, pass this on and see who the nicest guy is on Witty. See what guy can actually write a paragraph that will suprise you.
    format by: SmileItLooksGoodOnYou

  13. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 10:59am UTC
    Well its obvious then
    isnt it...
    You lead me on and act like you care about me....
    but then, you just drop me into a pit of emptyness and leave me there
    until the next, only so you can do it again....

  14. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 10:41am UTC
    Wow, you are like A rosebush, if i get close, you dont pick up the signs, you hurt me in too many ways possible instead....

  15. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2012 8:42am UTC
    Bro.. creepy how much this works >_<
    You never know :)
    Now this is freaky...DO NOT CHEAT!! (You'll will kick yourself later) I was a little skeptical trying this, but if you follow the instructions to the end you'll be surprised!!!!
    All of my answers were accurate. Take 1 minute and try this...it will freak you out! BUT NO CHEATING! This game has a funny/spooky outcome.
    Don't read ahead...just do it in order! It takes about 1 minute...it's worth a try
    First..get a pen and paper. When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.
    Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!
    1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.
    2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
    3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of boys if your a girl and the opposite if your a boy.
    4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots.
    5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.
    6. Finally, make a wish.
    And now the key for the game.....
    1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.
    2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.
    3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.
    4. You care most about the person you put in 4
    5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.
    6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
    7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.
    8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.
    9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
    10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life
    NOW...put this on your site within the hour you read this...IF you do..your wish will:come true. If you don't it will become the opposite!!

  16. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 3:03pm UTC
    Dear heather(@RaWwRz)
    I will miss you soo much when you move and i'm scared we will lose touch after a while, you said we could visit each other all the time but we will probably forget or wont want to do that anymore, but anyway, im worried for you aswell, i wont be there for you as much, so, if the snotty kids there bully you, i cant stand up for you and i wont be there to stop you cutting again....
    loads of love from your bestest friend

  17. Living_Life_To_The_Fullest Living_Life_To_The_Fullest
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 2:26pm UTC
    STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! STOP!! now copy and repost this. if you don't you'll have bad relationships for 69 yearsBy12:05pm tonight ,ur 1 true love will realize how much they want u


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