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  1. Live_Your_Life Live_Your_Life
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2010 11:15pm UTC
    Do you remember what you told me?
    You told me you loved me.
    You told me that no matter what happens we would always be friends.
    You told me that i was unique. I was different.
    You told me that you would never hurt me.
    You told me that you couldn't live without me.
    You told me that you would never love someone else.
    You told me that you would never give up on me.
    You told me that i was beautiful just the way i was.
    What happend??
    you lied!!
    You say the same things to every girl. I was just like the others. I fell for your lies.
    The worst part of it all is....
    Your dating my best friend. She believed you. Not me. She hates me now. I guess she wasn't who i thought she was.
    Thanks for everything!!
    Be careful who you pick in your life. Trust me. I would know.

  2. Live_Your_Life Live_Your_Life
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2010 10:20pm UTC
    You dont need to be thin
    to be beautiful.
    You dont need to be good looking
    to be pretty.

  3. Live_Your_Life Live_Your_Life
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2010 9:47pm UTC
    There was this girl and this boy...
    >>>She asked him if he loved her.
    >>>He said “i love you more than anything in this world.”
    >>>She asked him what he would do for her.
    >>>He said “i would give you the world in a heartbeat.”
    >>>Finally, she asked him if he would die for her.
    >>>He said “i would take a bullet for you anyday.”
    >>>After this, she broke up with him.
    >>>Three weeks later, the boy found out that the girl had died from cancer. She didnt tell anything to him about her illness.
    >>>He was devastated.
    >>>But what the boy didnt know was that the girl only asked him those things just to hear him say them one more time, and that she broke up with him only because he wo uld be prepared when her death arrived.
    >>>A day after that, the boy was found dead with a note in one hand and a gun in the other.
    >>>The note said:
    >>>“you died for me just as you said you would do. So i took a bullet for you, just as i said that i would.”
    Live as though today was your last day and love with all your heart. <3

  4. Live_Your_Life Live_Your_Life
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2010 9:26pm UTC
    I am the type of girl who will always look up at you and smile even if I am really not happy. The type of girl who will always be there to brighten your day even though I couldn't brighten my own.

  5. Live_Your_Life Live_Your_Life
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2010 9:17pm UTC
    I am not upset because you lied to me. I am
    upset because now i can't beleive you.

  6. Live_Your_Life Live_Your_Life
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2010 8:59pm UTC
    Friendship is like peeing your pants.
    Everyone can see it.
    But only you can feel it's warmth.


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