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Member Since: 27 Aug 2011 12:24am

Last Seen: 22 Oct 2011 03:06pm

user id: 212275

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Lets get it straight , kay ? my name is JAYDEN . not babe, baby, sexy, or any other name you can think of . My mother gave me a name for a reason .
I am sixteen years old , and just like anyone else I have a lot of issues .
I refuse to take shit from anyone and if i have a problem with you , i promise you'll know it .
I do NOT wanna see your testicles, and you arent seeing my chesticles. I'm straight btdubs. need more , then leave a messssage .



August 26, 2011 - We all took your life for granted, we didn't know how easily you could be taken from us. You were barely eleven weeks, but you already took a huge place in my heart. Nobody knows what life you had a head of you, but god knows it was going to be amazing. If you were going to be anything like bean is, you were no doubt meant to be the most amazing baby in the world. Like everyone always says, everything happens for a reason. Look out for us while you're up there with god, and remember that even though we never met you, we will always love you and you will never be forgotten. </3

  1. LiveForTheNow LiveForTheNow
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 12:44pm UTC
    The Awkward moment when..
    your dad walks into your bedroom.
    Shimmies , and says
    "my body don't lie"

  2. LiveForTheNow LiveForTheNow
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 12:27pm UTC
    If i wanted to call,
    i wouldn't be paying for unlimited texting.

  3. LiveForTheNow LiveForTheNow
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 3:02pm UTC
    That awkward moment when...
    you find out your mom is pimping you out in the babysitting world.

  4. LiveForTheNow LiveForTheNow
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 2:46pm UTC
    I was your cure and you were my disease , I was saving you and you were killing me .

  5. LiveForTheNow LiveForTheNow
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 11:19am UTC
    Hey , I'm sorry . I'm not being rude , but it's just that you don't matter .

  6. LiveForTheNow LiveForTheNow
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 12:32am UTC
    August 27, 2011 - 10:19 p.m.
    I'm not looking for any attention, i just need to vent.
    Today , My mother went to the E.R. She was pregnant. They did an ultrasound and couldn't find the heartbeat anymore. so this is what i have to say to that tiny, unborn baby brother or sister.
    We all took your little life for granted, we didn't know how easily you could be taken from us. You were barely eleven weeks, but you already took a huge place in my heart. Nobody knows what life you had a head of you, but god knows it was going to be amazing. If you were going to be anything like bean is, you were no doubt meant to be the most amazing baby in the world. Like everyone always says, everything happens for a reason. Look out for us while you're up there with god, and remember that even though we never met you, we will always love you and you will never be forgotten.


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