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Member Since: 27 Feb 2009 04:05pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 68804

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Names Lydia. :]
I come from Croatia.Dont know where it is? - Use a map,duh!Okay,so i suck at writing "about me"s.Never know what to type in here.First of all, I have changed. I am so not the person I was a year ago and I am happy with it. I can be really shy among new people but once you get to know me better you cant shut me up.I make the most of my life everyday and don't let chances pass me by. I like being loud and im never afraid to speak my mind, regardless of others opinions. At the moment,im in a stage of my life where everything changes.I have to set my goals about the future and try as hard as i can to fulfill them.My ambition is to go to university somewhere in USA,probably studying psychology,writing or management etc. Im a very positive person and I like to see things that way, although it often leads me to disappointment.I accept people the way they are and dont expect them to change for me. I am a very caring and understanding and these my virtues are often mistaken for love. The fact that I listen to you doesnt mean that I love you. I am just being nice, how does this comes so strange? Tiny as fuck - yeah, get over it already.i dont tell you how to look or what to say, so dont do it either.my life, my choices.I cant describe how I love to socialize & meet new people, especially from other countries..so tell me something different and unexpected that will catch my eye if you want me to respond to you. I am all about: clubbing.mates.summer.kisses.hugs.sushi.shopping.boys.starbucks.drinking.make-up.smiles.

Hadouken!,Enter Shikari,Escape The Fate,The Click Click,Crystal Castles,Does It Offend You, Yeah?,Fall Out Boy,Foals,Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly,Good Night Nurse,Gossip,Head Automatica,The Hallways,Justice,I See Stars,Kill Hannah,Klaxons,The Medic Droid, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, Robots In Disguise,SayAnything, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, You Me At Six, Blink 182, something cooperate, kids in glass houses,A.F.I., all american rejects, the white stripes, avenged sevenfold, hello goodbye, 30 seconds to mars, alexisonfire, Bring me to horizon,hollywood undead, a skylit drive, sky eats airplane, underoath, as i lay dying, dance gavin dance, emarosa, Suicide Silence, A Cutthoat Kiss, Drop Dead Gorgeous, eyes set to kill. :]

  1. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2009 3:44pm UTC
    A small part of you has grown in me.
    So you see, it's you and me together forever,
    and never apart, maybe in distance,
    but never in...
    heart. <3

  2. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2009 3:39pm UTC
    If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand... <3

  3. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2009 1:26pm UTC
    A little Girl Age 15
    Her only friend was Music
    She listened to many different types
    Ethier it be Techno or Rock
    Punk or Pop
    Oldies or Emo
    Her last name is Music and thats what they called her
    Little miss Music
    Her mood was always apathetic
    But who were they to judge such
    Miss Music saw herself as a Superstar
    But others saw her as a mute to the world

  4. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2009 12:43pm UTC
    I need a flame, I need a spark
    Don't be afraid to open my heart
    I need a game, I need a shock
    Don't be afraid my heart is unlocked

  5. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2009 12:00pm UTC
    When a man approaches me
    Mybody starts to shake
    My mind begins to boggle
    Like a self inflicted quake
    Beating uncontrollably
    I think it might explode
    My heart drops to my belly
    I am burdened with a load
    My lungs begin to fail
    As I try to catch my breath
    My body's going bonkers
    And I hide it at my best
    There I stand in silence
    I can't form any words
    I don't have the butterflies
    It's like a flock of birds
    Turn around and walk away
    It echoes in my mind
    Before I do anything
    The courage I must find
    You see I'm not in love
    I'm actually pretty frightened
    For this is my Phobia
    That I am always fighting

  6. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2009 6:18pm UTC
    I want to be a rockstar,
    I want to be a buterfly,
    I want to be a vampire,
    I want to be friends with Hello Kitty,
    I want to be a dolphin
    I want to be near you now <3

  7. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2009 5:41pm UTC
    You are always in your stupid little world
    nothing's like it seems
    you should know that by now
    you need to wake up
    cause this isn't a dream

  8. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2009 5:36pm UTC
    You're a toxic poison choking me down
    Losing sight of reality when I hit the ground
    Others say I did the right thing to let go
    But I think it just sank me down to a new low

  9. Little_Dear Little_Dear
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2009 4:47pm UTC
    Just because she comes off strong
    doesnt mean she didn't fall asleep crying.
    And even though she acts like everything's fine,
    maybe, just maybe, she's really good at lying.


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