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  1. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2009 9:11pm UTC
    Time heals all wounds...

  2. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2009 9:06pm UTC
    As much as I want to cry over this, I won't and I never will
    I may be sad that we had to come to an end
    But I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
    Fate brought you to me
    And I guess it took you away
    If we are meant to be together
    Then fate will bring us back together
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2009 4:15pm UTC
    Boy I hope you know that you changed me
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    Now I am afraid to love anyone ever again
    I can no longer believe in you or trust you
    You've crushed me and hurt me so much
    That know I am numb from all the pain
    I've spent so many hours crying over the
    countless times you've hurt me but you
    always found a way to make up for the pain.
    x But not this time >
    Everyone said you were never good for me
    and that you would just keep hurting
    But I set out to prove them wrong
    Unfortunately they were right...

  4. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2009 7:39pm UTC
    You say you don't belong here
    But you belong here with me...♥

  5. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2009 10:50pm UTC
    I used to hate watching movies
    where two strangers meet & they fall in love
    somehow they get into a fight
    but in the end they find each other
    and live happily ever after...
    Until I met a guy who I fell in love with
    We have had a little fight here and there
    but we got through it together
    but we're never going to have a happy ending
    because real love never ends...

  6. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2009 10:15pm UTC
    I knew I was going to miss you
    but I didn't realize how much I would miss you
    I miss your smile, your face, your laugh,
    your embrace, your touch, and your love.
    The thing I miss most of all is just being with you.

  7. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 3:53pm UTC
    I say {I love you}
    Not because you said it
    Not because it's what you want to hear
    And not because I feel I have to.
    I say it because it's how I really feel
    And I really do mean it when I say:
    I love you so much babe...

  8. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 3:09pm UTC
    You were right, I don't like you...
    I love you!

  9. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 1:41pm UTC
    We've been through it all
    Nights full of energy drinks, marshmallows,
    and pixie stix. Boys, cheaters, dumb whores,
    tears, laughs, fights, hugs, and smiles.
    We can make it through anything
    That's why we are
    Best Friends

  10. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 12:38pm UTC
    The amount of tears I've cried over you
    will NEVER show you how much you hurt me
    You think these little games of yours don't crush me
    I'm not as strong as you think
    Please stop playing with my heart
    I finally made you choose to take it or just break it
    You made your choice

  11. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 8:53am UTC
    Nature's first green is gold
    Her hardest hue to hold
    Her early leaf's a flower
    But only so an hour
    Then leaf subsides to leaf
    So Eden sank to grief
    So dawn goes down to day
    Nothing gold can stay
    ~Robert Frost

  12. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 8:38am UTC
    Whenever we're holding hands
    I always give his hand a squeeze
    Just to make sure I'm not dreaming

  13. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 7:55am UTC
    &&I still get butterflies
    Every time I hear your ringtone

  14. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 7:24am UTC
    The all want us to break up
    The people who:
    Like him and want to take him from me
    Hate him for who they think he is
    Think he's not good enough for me
    Are mad at him for how he's treated me
    And random strangers who agree with the other people
    But what they don't realize is:
    They may like him but I love him
    They hate him but they don't even really know him
    Maybe I'm not good enough for him
    He's treated me bad at times, but he treats me amazingly more times
    They are stupid for joining in with other people who don't know anything

  15. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2009 6:01pm UTC
    I was walking down the hallway in school and I told my friend
    "Being smart was so hard."
    He nodded and replied
    "Yeah I know. Being hard is so smart."
    I stopped walking and just stared at him.
    He looked at me and said
    "What? It's true."

  16. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2009 5:30pm UTC
    Do you think you know what goes on inside my head?
    Think Again...
    Do you not think I'm complicated?
    Think Again...
    Do you have me all figured out?
    Think Again...
    Do you think you know my next move?
    Think Again...
    Do you think all you hear is the truth?
    Think Again...
    Do you think my life is perfect?
    Think Again...
    Do you think you know the real me?
    Think Again...
    Just take all you know and just
    Think Again...
    Made by me

  17. LiLMiss_NothingPersonal LiLMiss_NothingPersonal
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2009 5:11pm UTC
    The distance between us will only make us closer
    The clocks slow ticking will pass faster than ever
    The moments we will be together will last forever
    The nights we spend thinking about eachother
    The missing you will only last the whole summer...
    Mine just thinking


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