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Member Since: 11 Oct 2009 11:28am

Last Seen: 9 Jan 2014 06:37pm

user id: 90973

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Hey, my name's Amy, I'm eighteen and from England. Come follow me on tumblr and twitter? I'm currently studying Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Portsmouth.. I've actually been on witty since March 2009, so quite a few years now. I'm not great at talking about myself, so I'll probably leave it here.. I'm pretty friendly (though slightly awkward), so feel free to talk to me if you want, and thanks for reading this! :)

I went to New York in March of this year, to California oin the summer and at some point in my life I am determined to visit the whole of North America. Sorry for making you read that.. Well, I didn't make you, you chose to, and, urm, if you did.. thank you for showing an interest in all of this :)
                                                           Things I think about.

Sunday 13th January 2013
I can't believe people sometimes. Out kitchen is A MESS. It's disgusting! And no one seems to want to do anything about it. If I wasn't stubborn about it I'd probably clean it, but it would be just as messy within the next 24 hours. I don't even know how it's possible. If the cooker's cleaned within a day it will be covered in dirt. I don't even know how people do it. Right now the counter tops are covered in food, the sink is half full with dirty water, but the plugs out. The plug hole is blocked from food that someone has poured down it. The floor is covered in food. There is bird poo pretty much everywhere as people still don't close the window. There's dirty plates and pans and cutlery everywhere. The bin bag is on the floor spilling it's contents everywhere, and people are just chucking stuff on it. Oh, and people have been using my cutlery. Seriously, if everyone just cleaned up their own mess it would be spotless! I've cleaned up everyone elses mess way too many times, and I'm just not doing it anymore. I don't leave plates in there, my glasses are all in my room, I wash everything as I use it and always make sure that any mess I've made is gone. IT'S NOT THAT HARD. I mean, who takes th bin bag OUT OF THE BIN and leaves it in the middle of the floor?! I just don't understand!

Wednesday 9th January 2013
I don't like this getting older business. It makes me realise just how hard I'm actually going to find life. I've always wanted to move somewhere away from home.. I've actually considered moving to America, or at least maybe doing a masters there after I finish here. But I'm not sure I could cope with being away from my family. They're the only people I really have, and I worry. When it was icy last year I was so worried about my mum slipping and hurting herself, as it's happened before. Today she actually broke her arm. She tripped over. I know it's not a major, major injury, but it's made me sad. Not a great start to the year. I've been trying to keep positive so far this year, instead of letting life get to me, like it has been since september. I guess some things are easier said than done though. I've only been back at uni for 5 days. On the plus side, I somehow managed to find the complete Sherlock Holmes collection for free on my phone to read, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so that's going to be keeping me busy I hope.

Friday 14th December 2012
So I've taken down the rubbish, washed all my plates and all I've got to do now is tidy my room and sort stuff out to take home with me. Oh, and pay the deposit for the house, but I'm going to do that tomorrow.. Ugh, I just want to play on the sims, but I need to tidy my room as my brother and mum are gonna be here tomorrow and urghhh.. I can't even pack what I'm taking home, as my mum's bringing the suitcase down with her tomorrow.

Thursday 13th December 2012
Totally bought a Gangnam style jumper today.. And a Santa jumper.. and another Christmas present for my brother.. I got him this thing we saw advertised on TV in America when we were on holiday in the summer, and it was so hilarious and we had this ongoing joke about it, and he mentioned it when I was home last as well.. And I was in a random shop with my friend, as we thought we'd check it out as we've walked past it loads and never gone in, and it was just there and I had to get it. Ahaha.. it's for ages 4+ and he's 13, but I don't care.. If he doesn't want to keep it I'll just keep it as it's amazing.. Anyway, just got one seminar, a lecture and a workshop left and have to pack and take the rubbish out, and pay the deposit for the house.. But I'm washing my dishes now, already got all the rubbish ready to take down tomorrow, transferred my money from my savings for the house and have already partly started organising the stuff in my room and now I'm going to go have some porridge, And we're putting the Christmas tree up on the weekend, and I'm just looking forward to decent food.. Especially Christmassy food as I've had some here, but it's not the same as having it at home. I actually went into the shop the other day and bought some frozen chicken party thing, a packet of cheese stick things and a massive tub of ice cream.. It basically looked like I was buying food for a party or group, but no-= one had to know it was only for me.. And I've eaten it all as well.. So much for being healthy.

Wednesday 12th December 2012
Okay, so the dinner wasn't bad actually. Everyone was really nice, and it turns out I'm in the same groups as a lot of the people who were there. Anyway, two days until I go home!! Looking forward to it, but not all of the stuff I've got to do beforehand. I've done the fun stuff like watch films, eat icecream, play on the xbox and stuff but now I've still got to pack all my stuff to take back, take out all the rubbish in my room, wash all my plates and stuff (dreading this, there's mouldy meat down the sink and just walking near it makes me gag as it stinks, so bad), pay for the microwave, pay the deposit for the house, tidy my room and buy Chritmas cards. In two days. Plus seminars and lectures. CANNOT WAIT TO GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS.

Tuesday 11th December 2012
Oh wow, I'm so nervous.. I'm going to this Christmas meal in about an hour and a half and I only know about three people there. I mean, it's actually for a class meal, and I'm not in the class, but I know the person who organised it and she invited me and two others who aren't actually in the group, but other people know that they are going and no-one knows that I'm going who I am, and I don't cope well with people, so this is terrifying. And I still don't even know what I'm gonna wear, as most of my clothes are dirty and I've lost the top I would wear with the skirt I was gonna wear, but then it's too cold for wearing a skirt as it's like -4 degrees C outside and we have to walk a mile to get there and ughh, why did I even agree to this? I'm scared we'll end up arriving late and everyone will already be there as well. And I can't even not go, as I've already ordered my food as for group bookings you had to order the food from the Christmas menu. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, suppose its just this left and then I can finally relax and look forward to going home on Saturday. After I've paid the fee for the microwave and made a decision about the house for next year. I hate getting older.

Friday 7th December 2012
Oh wow. I can't even believe it.. I got 68% in the presentation 70% is a first so 68% is a high 2:1, and it was higher than the other people I talked to who are all much more confident than I am so I was just seriously shocked. And happy, but mostly shocked. I don't do presentations so I'm just gonna be trying to figure out what actually happened.. aha.. Now I'm feeling the pressure to do these other essays up to the same or a higher standard, especially as I've now had feedback from my first essay. Anyway, I go home for Christmas next week! So looking forward to it. And when everyone else is out partying in the courtyard on Thursday night I'm gonna be sitting in my room packing stuff to take home for Christmas, because I'm just that fun and don't have any friends. i would love to go down there, but it's certain that EVERY girl down there will be slutted up and I just don't feel comfortable with that and all the guys trying to get with everyone. Which is a typical student stereotype, but it rings so true. I just want to meet some people who are up for going our, but not getting completely smashed and getting with anything that moves, or maybe even just people who would rather hang around in halls or a house (that aren't total prats. Oh dear, I'm so judgemental, but it's so true. The only people I know like that I actually want to murder. One being in the room next to me who plays obnoxiously loud music 24/7 and the other his friend who spent last night stood in the corridor outside my room having an extremely loud conversation and singing for hours and hours.. and hours). I mean it's not like going to a club classes as 'socialising' all you do is stand near to people and dance as it's so loud it's pointless even trying to talk..

Thursday 6th December 2012
The first semester at uni has gone so quickly. I finish a week tomorrow for three weeks.. It's crazy. Currently procrastinating so that I don't have to make a presentation, but it's not gonna work as I need to present it tomorrow D: I hate giving presentations. I did a group one last week and when it came to be my turn I froze, stared at my notes, stared at all the people looking at me and all I could say was 'um, um... um.. urm..', so hopefully it will go better than that this week. It's just the fact that right now it looks so boring.. I mean I'm doing my presenation on parents that kill their children.. How the hell am I supposed to add images to that?! Oh dear, I'll have to find something I guess., maybe a video or link to a news page or something like that. Oh, and it seems as though I got a 2:1 in my first assessment, which is pretty awesome actually! Especially as it was the first thing I've ever had to hand in at uni. Now I've just got two more to do this weekend, and I can relax and hopefully do the LOTR marathon I've planned for Sunday.

Tuesday 20th November 2012
Wow, it's nearly December now :/ That's just a tiny bit scary.. I've already got my advent calender up though :). Had a weird evening yesterday.. I went over to one of the people I'm working with to take a seminar's flat, which was pretty cool.. It was really cosy actually.. She's a mature student, hence the living in a flat, and her daughter was still up when I arrived and she was really cute.. Then the other girl we're working with arrived and we did some of the work, and ate chinese and after just talked for ages about random stuff. It was literally so weird, like every time I've socialised with people in the evening so far it's invilved going out to clubs or getting really drunk, so this was really nice, even if I was the youngest there. The person who's flat we were at left school the year after I was born, but when you're just sat around talking you don't really think about it like that.. Ooooh, and I'm going to London on Saturday for a photo hunt with loads of other universities photo societies, which will hopefully be really cool, especially as we get put in random groups with random people from random universities. And I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday as well.. I think I'm gonna get a full fringe cut in again, if I don't chicken out.

Tuesday 30th October 2012
wow. So it's Halloween tomorrow... I'm actually excited this year, as Jess is having a house party and we're pretty much spending the entire day tomorrow carving pumpkins, shopping for halloween decorations and alcohol and decorating her house. Oh, and Jess and Emma are coming down for the party as well! Which will hopefully be pretty cool, then I'm going home this weekend as it's Jess' birthday. On a not so great note, the stupid people here at halls at my university have decided to charge all of the people in my kitchen £23 for the microwave that we had to have replaced because it 'wasn't included in our inventory' and apparently we must have done it. That makes perfect sense, it's just everyday that we melt and make the top and back of the microwave chip and bubble away purposely.Oh, and we totally made it spark, explode, smoke and almost set on fire purposely as well! All in about 2 weeks of being here! They obviously hadn't checked the inside roof of the microwave before we moved in in the exact same way we didn't think to do it when filling in the inventory. So clever. Anyway, we may go down as a group and try to appeal against it tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

Monday 22nd October 2012
Wow, this is going crazy fast.. It's the 6th week that I've actually been here for! I've had a load of hassle in halls as the halls people obviously didn't clean out our floor very well, seeing as loads of people's rooms are infested with bed bugs, mine being one of them.. yay.. So I'm currently in a room on the floor below as a temporary measure. But it's made me realise just how much I miss all the people in my kitchen.. I mean, I haven't written anything here for ages, but I have been out other times apart from the first few days.. Some of the photos up there are from a 'barbie vs action man' night at Liquid the other week.. Shamaine and I hung round in Josh and Ben's room within the first two weeks, we've just gone out generally and I've also been over to Ed's friends house, which is massive, there's just more rooms through every door! It's weird how people are in their own houses and stuff though.. I mean Jess is in hers, and it's like an actual house, and only her and her two housemates living there.. they're having a halloween party as well, so hopefully that should be good.. Last night our kitchen actually had a bit of bonding time, as we all sat down and ate together then completely tidied the kitchen. And it was so good that we even discussed it becoming a regular thing. We had a joke about it being like Come Dine With Me, but a few of us aren't that great at cooking.. The guys are actually all better I think. Anyway, Jake cooked this week and Ed volunteered to cook next week, so hopefully that will happen.

Wednesday 19th September 2012
So being at uni's pretty strange. I mean back home I'm not exactly one of the 'popular' people, I mean I have 5 friends. Meeting new people is always hard because they're so judgemental of everyone. But now I'm here it's just like, I've gone out with a different group of people each night and keep running into people I know. I mean, I don't even have any guy friends back home, whereas here there are three guys in my kitchen, so we've all just naturally started talking. I mean last night I went out with another kitchenmate, some on our course, my kitchenmate's boyfriend and people that people they know, know. Then when we got inside we ran into someone else from our kitchen, then literally a minute later another guy from our kitchen with some of the girls from next door. Then I saw our 'unofficial' kitchen member and another girl from next door, then we saw another person from our kitchen. Then we went back and there was a fire alarm and we were all outside and I was in my pajamas and was freezing, then I sat in the kitchen with three other kitchenmates for, like, half an hour, went to bed at about 4 and got up at 7. Wooooo, sleep deprivation!

Tuesday 18th September 2012
So, I'm at uni now... It's pretty crazy, I've only been here since Saturday and it feels like aaaaaaaages. Went out on Saturday night with one of my kitchenmates, some girls and a guy from the kitchen next to us, a guy staying in some other halls and another guy who doesn't even live in halls.. But he might as well, I don't even think he's been home since Saturday. Funny story, I posted some photos from going out up on tumblr, and got a message from a girl I follow and who follows me back who met the guy in the room opposite me in Tenerife in the summer. It's crazy, like internet blarggghhghhg. I went out with a different kitchenmate on Sunday, then last night we stayed in, and I had my friend over and another kitchenmate, Ed, had some of his over, then some random people joined and we all drank so much :L Anyway, I've got another introductory thing to go to in 40 mins and it's absolutely pouring down outside. I mean, yesterday it was boiling hot and now it's raining. Typical british weather!

Sunday 24th June 2012
Just as I thought the last month has gone extremely fast.. It doesn't seem that long ago it was the last day of school and we were out celebrating Emma's birthday, literally all night. Or sitting in the pub with my parents and some others for the Queen's diamond jubilee.. Or eating chinese in the park.. But now all of my exams are over and I can truthfully say that I am now 'free'.. But I guess all that means is that I'm now pretty much responsible for myself as a person as I'm exposed to the world. We celebrated anyway, going out on Friday night and getting completely smashed. It's nights like that I love.. Starting off in some sort of structured routine, such as just sitting in the pub, then progressing into slightly different territory and moving to another pub to meet up with Jack and Harry, then, somehow, a few hours later, finding ourselves at a house party of a guy that we barely know, mingling with band members and many other extremely good looking guys. And trying to play the didgeridoo. I'm guessing none of you care about that, but it was pretty cool. It's sad that I know the rest of the summer's gonna go just as fast though, and before I know it I'll (hopefully) be off to uni :o

Wednesday 30th May 2012
Only 1 day of lessons left.. Then on friday we have an assembly in the morning and that's it, school's over.. Nice to know I'm going to be seeing out 7 years at the same school dressed as superman though! My costume is entirely sorted, and my friends are going as wonder woman, batman and robin. So yesterday was my last english lit lesson and everyone brought in food.. 3 of us made cakes, our teacher brought a cake, there was a shop bought cake, a tub of cookies, two tubs of doughnuts and chocolate things. And about 10 cups of tea. Living up to the english expectations.. So I ate 5 slices of cake yesterday. And then had cake in biology today. Not just any cake today, though.. Nathan's cake. His mum's job is cake baking and she makes the largest, tastiest chocolate cakes that I have ever tasted in my entire life. I have to admit I'm gonna really, really miss my english class though.. I finally got the photo from last year when we all dressed up for the open evening to show 'love through the ages' in literature. There's the Mad hatter, Sherlock Holmes, a knight, Shakepeare, Antony and Cleopatra (I was Cleopatra) and the evenings hosts... Ah man, everyone's awesome.

Saturday 12th May 2012
It's finally sunny here in Bassett, and it's making want summer to be now! I only have 19 days left until I finish school, 1 month until all my exams are done and 2 months until I go on holiday. Something tells me that's all gonna go by pretty fast. I went shopping with my mum today and found a dress for validictory, so that's one thing sorted. I also got my bra size measured, which I've been putting off forever and found out I've been wearing the right size bras anyway. I also found out that it's near impossible to find a strapless bra in my size. that's one thing I don't get - girls saying that they want bigger . Really? Think about it. Bigger mean you can't wear strappy tops, bikinis, nice dresses. Not to mention the fact that bras are more expensive. How ridiculous is it that just because I've grown large I have to spend more on clothing and bras?! Everyone underestimates it - my friends included. I haven't even told them my real bra size, because they, and many others, associate my bra size with the bras that old women with sagging wear. They've even laughed about seeing the bras in shops. Anyway, that was my vent for the day..

Sunday 6th May 2012
This is crazy.. I switched to this account from my old one two years ago, just before school finished for year 11 and we got the choice of whether to stay or go. Right now I only have 19 school days left until I finish school for absolute ever. It's funny, two years ago the teachers said it would be sad, that we would never see each other again, but they were wrong. No-one left, no-one moved, they just didn't turn up for school anymore. They still lived within walking distance and we could hang out whenever. THIS year it's sad. Come september I'm going to be leaving, and a number of others, to go to university. It's not possible to just walk over to your friends, hang out, go to town when you're in a completely different city, miles and miles apart from your best friends. This is real, this is scary and its actually going to happen.

Have some photos... Newest are at the top and the oldest at the bottom :)

Me and Shamaine, Beauty and the Geek carnage, November 2012

Me and Jason, Beauty and the Geek Carnage, November 2012

Group of us at Halloween, October 2012

Ed and me at our kitchen dinner, October 2012

Shanti, Shamaine, Ed, Ben, Jake and me at our kitchen dinner, October 2012

Me and Shamaine, October 2012

Lauren, me, Shamaine, Mica and Josh at Liquid, October 2012

Josh. Alex, Lauren, me, Shamaine and Mica at Barbie Vs Action Man night at Liquid, October 2012

1st night in Portsmouth, September 2012

On the steps at Guildhall, 1st night in Portsmouth, September 2012

In a club on 1st night in Portsmouth, September 2012

1st night in Portsmouth with Donald Duck, September 2012

Emma, Stuart, Jess, Jess and me in town, Results day, August 2012

Me and Emma at validictory, July 2012

Me, Emma, Jess and Jess before validictory, July 2012

Harry, Jesw and Jess at the pub celebrating no more exams, June 2012

Emma, me and Jess on last day of school/Emma's bday, June 2012

Becky, Emma, Jess, Jess and me on he last day of school, May 2012

Last ever English lit lesson, May 2012

Group photo in Times Square, April 2012

Yasmin, Abby, Zoe, Ben and me on top of the Empire State building, April 2012

Emma, me and Jess at Amber's 18th birthday party, February 2012

Me and Jess at the pub for her 18th, February 2012

Jess and I at the pub fo my 18th, January 2012

My English lit class dressed up for open evening, November 2011

Emma, Jess, Jess and me for halloween 2011

Jo and I in Holland, August 2011

Me and Dannielle on the bumpe cars at the fair, May 2011

Emma and I at the crossdressing social, May 2011

Me and Jess on the way to the 'crossdressing social', May 2011

Emma, me and Jess in Covent Garden in London in November 2010

Me, Jess and Abbie at the park by Amber's house, 2010.

  1. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2010 4:35pm UTC
    And I'm just like
    [([ 'cause he sees ])]
    x__ right through me __

  2. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2010 1:59pm UTC
    this is my life .
    xXx___________ Something g o o d happens ,
    then something bad comes along and ruins it all.
    then a n o t h e r good thing appears and __x
    makes e v e r y t h i n g alright all over again.
    then some o t h e r bad thing will turn up, and
    crash down everything that happened before,
    like one giant, vicious circle .

  3. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2010 5:29am UTC
    there's only one thing [ guaranteed ] in life . . . .

  4. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2010 5:21am UTC
    We lock eyes for a minute
    And my stomach [ f l i p s ]
    Then he smiles ( t h a t s m i l e )
    _.·´¯`·» and my whole world tips
    What he thinks, I really cant see
    But I [ know ] that what's
    meant to be will be________xXx

  5. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 1:55pm UTC
    Just seeing his smile for [ one second ]
    Can make her smile for
    A whole day

  6. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 1:43pm UTC
    Now your head is spinnin'
    Broken hearts will [ m e n d ]
    This is our beginning ___________ xXx
    _.·´¯`·» Coming to an end <3

  7. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 1:25pm UTC
    And boy, can't you see?
    Can't you see that girl, the one with her friends,
    Laughing [extra loud] constantly looking over at you.
    The one who sits there all lessons [drawing hearts]
    The one who always ' s e e m s ' to bump into you?
    Yeah?________x Well, she's completely and totally
    _.·´¯`·» in love with you________________ xXx

  8. Lemonnn Lemonnn
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 12:33pm UTC
    And I can remember
    The first time I met him so clearly.
    He came round with us because his best friends did.
    That was one of the funnest lunches I remember ,
    We were standing on Skittles and screaming
    _.·´¯`·» “ T a s t e t h e r a i n b o w n o w ! ”
    And boy, since that day, I haven’t [ stopped ]
    X _________ thinking about you ___________ .


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