Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. paigeygurl paigeygurl
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 11:11am UTC
    && who else was devistated when Mr. Fitz and Aria broke up??
    I was. </3

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. Barbiex3 Barbiex3
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 11:21am UTC
    Crying on the inside , smiling on the out <|3

  6. mistory mistory
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 11:21am UTC
    '' what ever i did i didn't do it ''

  7. thequeenofthefun thequeenofthefun
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2011 11:25am UTC

    that awkward moment
    when you make a beautiful background for a quote but don't know what to write on it...
    all mine babeh ;]

  8. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 5:53pm UTC
    I wrote your name on my
    so everybody would know
    you're the last thing that went through my head.

  9. XxangiexX XxangiexX
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    i need advice so witty girls can you please help me.? there is this guy i really like but hes two years older then me and we talk a little bit on facebook but i feel like i annoy him. how do i get him to notice me more. please help

  10. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 8:10pm UTC
    Every time I get hurt.
    Fall in love.
    Get let down.
    My tears fall.
    My heart breaks.
    Get back up and try again.
    I cry.
    Pick myself up.
    As I fall to tiny pieces.
    But, the process restarts over and over again.
    Every time I fall down my heart breaks again and I pick up tiny pieces over and over.

  11. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 7:54pm UTC
    It's like no matter what I do.
    I just can't get over you.
    I try to hide, I try to run.
    But it's no use, too much damage has been done.
    Because every night I rain.
    Every morning I feel the pain.
    This isn't what I wanted.
    And now my thoughts are haunted.
    Do I really deserve to feel this way?
    Do I deserve this misery I live everyday?
    I only have one life.
    I've faced the power of the knife.
    And I want to let you go.
    But, how, I do not know.
    I guess I'll have to learn.
    To live forever, with this pain I didn't earn.
    It looks like I'm on my own.
    Forever, all alone.
    I guess I will never know.
    How, to let you go.
    You will never know how you crushed my hopes.
    You took the chair from beneath my body, hanging from the ropes.
    From this day on, forever and now.
    I will always remain the girl, who will never, ever, know how.
    By: Kelly Roth

  12. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 7:09pm UTC
    But my best friend once told me:
    Your looking in a river when you should be looking in an ocean.
    A river can run dry.
    But the ocean surrounds us.
    My river is dry but my ocean keeps on growing.

  13. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:57pm UTC
    In the story of my life...
    I erased the period at the end of the sentence, because no ones life should have an expiration date.

  14. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:47pm UTC
    Sometimes it's hard not to trust the people close to you.
    But most of the time it's the people who are close to that betray your trust.

  15. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:38pm UTC
    The River
    Hand in hand we walk on by
    Strolling down the riverside
    Ice cold water on my feet
    In the sunlight we slowly stride.
    Splashing water joyfully
    Soaking wet, in skinny jeans
    Beautiful weather and warm spring air
    Holds the future of two young teens.
    So much to say
    But nothing heard
    So much love expressed,
    Without a word.
    This is you
    And this is me
    The love between us
    Everyone can see.
    By: Kelly Roth

  16. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 6:32pm UTC
    Never Again
    She will never love you the way I do.
    And if you can't see that, then I'm done with you!
    And she will never be anything like me.
    I'm unique, but that's something you can't see.
    What ever happened to lasting forever?
    That girl ruined us, and now we are never.
    You used to love me more than anything.
    But I guess I'm replaceable, I can feel the sting.
    You love her now, and I'm a no one.
    Now our love is over and done.
    How about you pretend I'm dead.
    Let's pretend that our love... Never existed.
    By: Kelly Roth

  17. greenotter7 greenotter7
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 5:31pm UTC
    That nice flowing hair that swings to the side,
    I wish he knew how I felt about him inside,
    Those bright blue eyes, deep like the sea,
    But behind those eyes was a life without me...

  18. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 4:33pm UTC
    Walking down these roads alone.
    I can't stop looking at my phone.
    Wishing you would text or call.
    If only you were here to stop my fall.
    I'm afraid to love ever again.
    This hurt you caused me remains within.
    Everything I see reminds me of you.
    I miss your smile, your eyes, everything you do.
    Imagine my heart as a tree in autumn.
    I'm losing all my leaves, and then some.
    Sometime I feel like I'm trapped in a box.
    Suffocating, dying slowly, but I can't seem to break the locks.
    I look at my hand wishing you were holding it.
    I just can't resist you, I can't seem to forget.
    Imagine me as a shaken bottle of wine.
    I can't hold it in, it's like the end of the line.
    But like a sponge I absorb all the hurt.
    As I now lay here, paralyzed, dying, alone in the dirt.
    When my heart stops beating.
    My soul will quit bleeding.
    My tears will stop falling.
    And the Heavens will start calling.
    And the part that will tear you apart.
    Is what remains for you in the dirt, the pieces of my broken heart.
    By: Kelly Roth

  19. you_know_you_love_me you_know_you_love_me
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 4:00pm UTC
    Dear eyelashes, wishbones, dandelions, pennies, shooting stars, 11:11, and birthday candles.
    Do your job.

  20. KellyrothYAY KellyrothYAY
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 3:56pm UTC
    I Try To Live
    These cuts I feel.
    This pain is real.
    My tears that fall.
    I give my all.
    Yet here I lay alone.
    And I can't do this on my own.
    CHORUS:[ Why can't you understand?
    This pain I feel inside.
    I try to fight the tears.
    But the dark side always wins.
    And I can't take this anymore.
    But my heart tells me to stay strong.
    So once again... I try, to live.]
    My cuts are fake.
    Yet pieces break.
    I want to die.
    But still I try.
    To keep a smile upon my face.
    While my heart loses the will to race.
    CHORUS:[ Why can't you understand?
    This pain I feel inside.
    I try to fight the tears.
    But the dark side always wins.
    And I can't take this anymore.
    But my heart tells me to stay strong.
    So once again... I try, to live.]
    BRIDGE:{ I want to cut deep into my skin.
    I want to feel my blood run thin.
    I want to feel myself take my last breath...
    But... I... Won't...}
    Why can't you understand?
    This pain I feel inside.
    I try to fight my tears.
    But the dark side always wins.
    No I can't take this anymore.
    But my heart says to stay strong.
    So once again... I try, to live.
    Once again... I'll try, to live.
    By: Kelly Roth


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