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  1. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:37pm UTC
    Imperfect Society
    Why does this happen?
    Why can’t we control it?
    That little green monster named,
    Her two best friends,
    And stupidity.
    When it is us,
    We do not care,
    When the tables are turned,
    We stop and stare.
    Who are they to judge me?
    And what do they see?
    Life has a theme of its own,
    Taking advantage,
    Of peoples imperfections.
    Why must this world be so cruel?
    Cruel enough that we must make names for it?

  2. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:35pm UTC
    The Truth
    You know I know,
    You know its true.
    Trying to get as far away
    From the past,
    As you can do.
    If you try to live again,
    That’s when you will
    See the truth.
    It sucks to grow up!
    Having fun is not so bad,
    Don’t you miss that too?
    Just being you?
    People may stare,
    But who really cares?
    Being immature is worth it.
    Act grown up when you need to be,
    But after that,
    Set yourself free!

  3. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:34pm UTC
    My Hero
    My hero is no super star,
    She is a shining star.
    There are no flashing lights.
    Cause shes the brightest light around.
    Although not many know her name.
    She is a hero all the same.
    She is more amazing,
    Than I could ever say.
    Its something you need to see.
    She can take the place of anything,
    But there isn’t anything,
    That could do the same.
    She has been there, always.
    What else can I say?
    She is the true super woman.
    This is my hero,
    I call her mom.

  4. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:33pm UTC
    Watching Cars Go By
    I lost you,
    Or maybe you lost me?
    I wish I was clueless once more,
    So I could believe.
    Believe what you once told me.
    But I know better now,
    Its never gunna happen.
    And I cant wait forever,
    By this gate,
    Just watching cars go by.

  5. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:31pm UTC
    Painful Splinters
    People you know,
    Become people you knew.
    These things pass right by,
    But you go on with your life.
    Don’t look with eyes of hate.
    Just remember the happy days,
    Go your separate ways,
    And hope your paths will cross again,

  6. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:30pm UTC
    As you grow,
    A song does to.
    Every year a new song grows with you,
    A song called “Memories”
    With its unique sorta toon.
    So near the end you’ll get,
    A soundtrack of your life.
    A soundtrack so light,
    Yet it brings back heavy feelings,
    When you’ve almost forgotten them all.

  7. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:29pm UTC
    A Butterfly Clip
    Every time I see,
    A pretty little butterfly,
    I look up past the sky.
    You’ll never really be gone,
    But always be missed.
    You knew the time would come,
    But you were brave,
    And you stayed strong.
    You never stopped,
    Till you were gone.
    Even then your light shone on.
    Open arms,
    And a butterfly clip.
    But you are my butterfly,
    Although you learned to fly,
    You will always be home.
    Forever in my heart,
    And in the eyes of every butterfly,
    I see your smile as it passes by.
    Then when it fly’s away,
    I will keep going with my day,
    Give my butterfly a reason,
    A reason to keep on smiling.

  8. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    What Do I See?
    As I walk through the park at night,
    Dull rainbows throughout the sky.
    I am surrounded by life tonight,
    In a place that’s screaming for light.
    A place so forgotten,
    With winding paths.
    Which one to chose?
    I feel confused.
    Yet I get a bit of hope in a place like this.
    I feel as if tonight is the night I have to chose,
    So I can get on with life,
    And not be just another beautiful,
    Forgotten memory.
    This is what I see.

  9. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    The Moon
    In the darkness I shine,
    With a light that is not my own.
    Although I am not unknown,
    I wish I shone with a light of my own.
    On that star light star bright,
    But for me,
    There is never only one star out at night.
    In the middle of the midnight sky,
    In the middle of the darkness is where you’ll find me.
    I’m just like the moon you see,
    Out shone by a billions of little stars,
    With a light of their own.
    Then there is me,
    Big, bold, and on my own.
    Just a big misfit.
    Although I used to try to fit in,
    Be just another star.
    Till one day,
    Someone came along,
    They told me I belong.
    They said,
    “Their lights hide what they keep inside.
    The suns light,
    Is just right,
    To show off your beauty.
    You’re just like the moon,
    You see,
    Your creators are deep,
    To show what lye’s beneath.
    And you don’t shine with your own light,
    Cause if you did,
    Then no one could sleep.
    So, you see,
    You are truly unique.”

  10. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:27pm UTC
    All ships tend to sink,
    Time and time again.
    Some are losses,
    Some are gains.
    Some can be repaired,
    Some not so well,
    And some not at all.
    They are fun while they last,
    But good things pass.
    They all have their ups,
    And their downs,
    Like waves in the ocean;
    Storms at sea.
    Sometimes it’s a still,
    Smooth ride.
    Life is that way to,
    So my next question is,
    Why don’t they call it lifeship?

  11. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:27pm UTC
    Half way there
    ♫I’m dreaming, I’m believing, so why do I feel like this, like half of me is missing? I’m running free, taking my chances. Trying to find my place in this, crazy life. Somebody help me please, I cant seem to find the rest of me. I’m sittin’ here, dreaming of a better tomorrow. Where all my dreams come true, but I’ve gotta keep tryin’,
    So, buckle up your seat belt baby, we’re goin’ for a ride. It will be our never ending fairytale, soon we will arrive.
    Some people think we’re goin’ no were, or maybe just down the street. Some say we’ll just crash and burn but we gotta keep taking our chances; maybe we will open up their eyes. Show them those things so hard to see, beneath these cloudy skies.
    So, buckle up your seat belt baby, we’re goin’ for a ride. You’re gunna see things you’ve never dreamed, just open up your mind. It’s too late just to try, don’t quit on me now. This will be our never ending fairytale, and soon we will arrive.
    But you’ve gotta keep dreaming, and believe in yourself. It may seem like half of you is missing, but really your half way there. Just keep drivin’ and,
    Buckle up your seat belt baby, we’re goin’ for a ride, I don’t know how long it will take, or if we’ll ever get there. Just come a little closer, squeeze a little tighter, and never let go. This rides not over its just barely begun. The end will get here soon enough. For now just, buckle up your seat belt baby, we’re still half way there.♫

  12. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:26pm UTC
    Starry Night
    It is,
    Swirls, motion, sky.
    Twinkling stares above the town.
    Strength, adventure, and peace took over.
    Thick navy blue lines curve throughout the sky.
    Not just a big sky over a small town,
    But a wild sky over a peaceful town.
    I feel loneliness.
    I hear the cricket’s chirping.
    I see a dark lifeless town.
    Van Gogh’s, Starry Night.

  13. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:25pm UTC
    No poet’s pen,
    Painter’s brush,
    Or singer’s voice is great enough to spell your name.
    You're the lamp that gives me the light to write on this page.
    A light so bright it can only be seen by some,
    Because your love is brighter than the sun.
    You are a poem I will never be able to write,
    Although everything I write is a poem to you.
    You’re the only one I can call Grandma,
    And out of all,
    The grandmas in the world,
    I'm so glad the one I got is you!

  14. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:24pm UTC
    The world is really darker than it seems.
    In our thoughts and in our dreams.
    Darker than we can understand.
    Nothing ever goes as planned,
    But when the sky turns gray,
    And there doesn't seem to be and end in sight,
    They held on so very, very tight.
    Some to just watch it all slip away.
    Some to yell,
    "Hip-hip Hooray!"
    The ones who died,
    Whispering in their hidden songs.
    The ones who lived hurt in ways no one understands.
    There is more behind the eyes of a soldier,
    The eyes of a tragedy,
    The tragedy of war.
    War is a place of anger, Hate and fear.
    Those kinds of things the world does not need.
    Those kinds of things we should never see.
    Now, I believe that everyone has wings.
    Wings they can't see.
    Now its time to remember those who found their wings,
    And flew!
    Flew to a better place.
    A place with no anger hate or fear.
    A palace in the sky.
    Now their job is to look over people.
    People like you and me.
    Help us live our lives day to day,
    And to know it could always be worse.
    Then when its time for us to find our wings and fly,
    We will be ready.
    Thank You!

  15. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:24pm UTC
    Some people say it will be better,
    Others say it’s a new start to yesterday.
    "It’s always coming, but it never arrives."
    Tomorrow is always on its way,
    But before it starts it turns to today,
    And today turns to yesterday.
    I didn't think tomorrow was real.
    I thought it would never come,
    But when I looked in your eyes,
    It did!
    For the very first time,
    I believed in everything,
    And I knew for that second,
    Anything could happen.
    Maybe stuffed animals talk,
    There just a little shy?
    Tomorrow came,
    And now anything can happen.

  16. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:23pm UTC
    Like A Butterfly
    ♫You are like a butterfly, spread your wings and learn to fly. Will you be my beautiful butterfly? We can fly away, to a better place. Our hearts will become one, underneath the setting sun.
    Lets set our friendship on fire, cause your my one and only desire. There is nothing in this world that compares to you, lets start something new!
    So, break out of that cocoon, and dry your wings off, my beautiful butterfly. Will you be mine, forever, for now and for always?
    Your wings glistening in the moonlight, your eyes shinein' bright. I can’t seem to look away, guess I'm here to stay.
    Lets set our friendship on fire cause your my one and only desire.
    We're all part of a chain, you're the predator and I'm the prey. I surrender to your kiss; I'm weak to your touch. Your love is killing me, but I let it.
    Lets set our friendship on fire, cause your my one and only desire. Take my hand and fly away with me, my beautiful butterfly. ♫

  17. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:22pm UTC
    Lost Forever
    Breathing got harder,
    Heartbeats got quicker.
    I was week at the knees,
    Chills so bad I could barely stand.
    Sweating palms and shaking hands.
    No, not the flu for that is much easier to withstand.
    So unaware of reality,
    Till it was too late.
    Then suddenly hours turn to minutes,
    Minutes seem like days.
    Everything I knew just slipped away.
    You took a chance,
    Then I was forced to grow up fast,
    To give it all away for one mistake.
    I can't believe it.
    So close,
    Yet so far away.
    It turned out exactly how everyone promised it would never be.
    Well it's too late now,
    For once its gone its gone forever.
    All fairytales have come to an end,
    And the promise of forever was broken down to a
    The end.

  18. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:21pm UTC
    Chaos Rival
    I know I’m not perfect,
    But no one will ever be.
    The difference is,
    I am free!
    Free from the plastic bubble,
    The bubble I created for me,
    Created out of instinct.
    Taking chances is part of life,
    You lose things to appreciate what you had,
    And you make mistakes to learn from your past.
    If you try,
    You never really lose,
    Cause you get a another chance,
    Then you get to chose,
    Yet again from that same set of paths.
    This is what I choose to do,
    Instead of getting lost forever,
    Forever in a place where nothing ever happens.

  19. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:17pm UTC
    Futures Hour
    Just a kid,
    With everything to give,
    And nothing to lose.
    So young and innocent.
    A kid with a smile,
    A kid with a dream,
    With a life so long,
    And nothing to choose.
    A kid that always gets told what to do,
    A kid that wants to grow up,
    That wants to be like you.
    Mother always said, “Don’t rush it,
    For once you grow up you’ll wish you were here.
    Enjoy what you have and do not fear,
    You’ll get there sooner than you think.”
    Then comes the teen,
    With everything to give,
    But is hesitant to lose.
    Fake smiles,
    Broken dreams.
    Life is so short,
    Or so it seems.
    Not enough time,
    Not the right place.
    So many things to chose,
    What path is right for you?
    A teen that is still told what to do,
    But outside of the home it’s really up to you.
    Told to learn from your mistakes,
    But the biggest one can’t be replaced.
    Though you’re still young,
    You threw away your yesterday,
    Rushed your self to a horrid place.
    But remember tomorrow is just the same,
    So don’t waist your time on yesterday,
    Responsibility bites harder and quicker,
    So cherish every moment that you have,
    And listen to what your mother told you.

  20. KaBuMo KaBuMo
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 10:16pm UTC
    Irony Taught
    No matter how fake the smile,
    Or how true the cry,
    Today is just a day,
    Tomorrow won’t be the same.
    Don’t live for yesterday,
    What you did then made you who you are today.
    Today will just be another yesterday,
    So don’t look back,
    But don’t forget.
    Everything you did will be everything you get,
    Consequences are the reason why.
    Good things come from bad,
    And bad things come from good,
    We never win,
    But never lose.
    We only have to choose,
    To never forget the ones we love,
    And the ones we loved,
    For a friend is a friend,
    Whether or not they last till the end.
    They made a difference in your life,
    So thank them and do not cry.


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