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  1. thel0ve0fy0urlife thel0ve0fy0urlife
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2009 1:11am UTC
    I only wanted;;
    to run far enough
    to make you need me <|3
    & i ran too far.

  2. thel0ve0fy0urlife thel0ve0fy0urlife
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2009 1:13am UTC
    && every little fight,
    was just another crack.
    added to that reflection in the mirror.
    boy you'r breaking me;

  3. tobs0122 tobs0122
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2009 9:37pm UTC
    * * * *
    * * * *
    * * * *
    * i took a chance , i took a shot
    & you might think i'm bulletproof , but i'm not
    you took a swing , i took it hard
    & down here from the ground i see who you are
    * *
    -Tell Me Why by Taylor Swift

  4. ninsterrr ninsterrr
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2009 5:55pm UTC
    If the world ends in 2012
    I've wasted all my life in school........lovely.
    gotta love facebook groups.

  5. kiamcphia kiamcphia
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 7:14pm UTC
    In a world of facebooks,
    Be a (W i t t y P r o f i l e s .)

  6. xox_peace_xo34 xox_peace_xo34
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2009 3:48pm UTC
    Fire + Anything - adult supervision = Fun(:

  7. xChEeRBaBiiox33 xChEeRBaBiiox33
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 7:07pm UTC
    *Girls Have Rules #5 ;
    when we are spilling our heart
    out to you ;
    the last thing we want to
    hear is ,
    "oh , okay" .
    other site .
    continuing the series ?

  8. xChEeRBaBiiox33 xChEeRBaBiiox33
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2009 6:58pm UTC
    *Girls Have Rules #4 ;
    when we say we're cold ,
    you deffinetly don't
    say ,
    "oh that sucks, me too" .
    other site .
    continuing the series ?

  9. XoQueen_of_KingsX3 XoQueen_of_KingsX3
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2009 12:38pm UTC
    Listen, Santa is outside of my house..
    && he keeps yelling "HO HO HO!"
    I keep telling him Your not Here, but he still wont leave;

  10. Risssax09 Risssax09
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 3:52pm UTC
    the fear of loosing the one you love. ♥

  11. NicoleLovesYou NicoleLovesYou
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 11:43am UTC
    it's funny
    how hello is always
    accompanied by goodbye.
    it's funny how good memories
    can start to make you cry.
    it's funny how forever
    never seems to really last.
    it's funny how much you'd lose
    if you forgot about your past.
    it's funny how "friends" can just
    leave when your down.
    it's funny how when you need someone
    they're never around.
    it's funny how people change
    and think they're so much better.
    its funny how many lies
    can be packed in one "love letter".
    it's funny how people forgive
    even though they cant forget.
    it's funny how one night
    can contain so much regret.
    it's funny how ironic life turns out to be,
    but the funniest part of it all,
    is that none of that's funny to me.

  12. liveeeelifeee liveeeelifeee
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 9:36am UTC
    I remember when;
    Me and you always texted or called each other.
    I remember when you hugged and kissed me.
    I remember when you told me you l o v e d m e .
    I remember when you told me i was | beautiful |.
    ( I remember when that girl was me )

  13. kickkit33 kickkit33
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 1:39am UTC
    everytime she laughs, she hopes he
    is watching. . .not so he will see she
    is happy, but so that m a y b e--just
    maybe, he will fall for her smile like
    she fell for his.

  14. sarah_elizabeth13x sarah_elizabeth13x
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 11:23am UTC
    favorite this if...
    --you push those little buttons on the tops of fast food drinks
    --you create scenarios in your head about "what would happen if i..."
    --you get a text... but not the person you wanted it from
    --you have best friends with a major height difference
    --you will go slightly out of your way to step on a runchy looking leaf
    --you hate the 160 charecter texting limit
    --when you were little, you watched raindrops on the window to see which one "won"
    --you can't stand writing with a pen if the paper is just on the desk
    --you hate those little things on the side of your paper when you rip it out of your notebook
    --you've ever had a 100% sarcastic conversation with someone who thinks your serious
    --you've ever looked at someone & just hated them
    --you hate it when your parents try to read texts over your shoulder
    --you hate it when you get texts that say "K."
    --you hate it when your parents ask who your texting
    --you were blown away when you realized the word "OK" was a sideways person
    --you knew a song before it was popular
    --you hate waking up for school
    --you raise your hand for obvious answers, so you don't get called on later
    --you have done things that seemed like a good idea at first... but weren't
    --you say "i know" when someone calls you a jerk
    --when you were little, you connected markers together to make a sword
    --you remember when Josh (from Drake & Josh)was fat
    --you were blew your min to know that Jackson from Hannah Montana is 30
    --you pretend to look for your homework, even though you know you don't have it
    --you delete everything you've typed cause you saw the other person was typing
    --you get paranoid when you see patterns on multiple choice tests
    --when you were younger, you put your face up to the fan to hear your "robot voice"
    --you feel your phone vibrate when it doesn't
    *Facebook Groups. :D

  15. happy_to_be_the_3rd_wheel happy_to_be_the_3rd_wheel
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 11:44am UTC
    thinking about you ♥
    format credit to applejacks10000

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. Wonderland Wonderland
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 1:20am UTC
    Like the rain _ _ _ _ _ ;
    I fell for you
    Like x the x leaves x ;
    I fell for you
    Like the crazy fool I am ;
    I fell for you

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. x_believer x_believer
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 9:45am UTC
    you know somethings [wrong] when...
    your >>mother<< sings along with you to your favorite songs.
    seriess ?
    comment/rate please !

  20. xLoveKillsSlowlyx xLoveKillsSlowlyx
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2009 6:37am UTC
    x | and | even | when | your | hope | is | gone | x
    move along, move along
    --------> j u s t t o m a k e i t t h r o u g h <--------
    -Move Along_*The All-American Rejects


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