Witty Profiles

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  1. marialovesyou marialovesyou
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2012 8:59pm UTC
    It's Almost TWO Months Since God Decided To Take Yuh, So Yuh Could Be With Him.<3
    We're Still Not Over This Marimar.
    So Many People Still Write On Your Wall Telling Yuh How Much They Miss Yuh And Wish Yuh Were Still Here.
    Thing Is YUH ARE STILL HERE. <3
    We're Just Not Able To See Yuh! Every Single Morning When I Go To School I Walk Out My House And Always See The SAME Big Exact Brightest Star At The Same Spot Twinkling Down At Me. <3
    Guess What Beautiful? The Church Is Going On Another Mission Trip To Jamaica !! Yuhr Little Brother Is Going! <3
    I Too Might Be Going. Why? Because Yuh Were My Inspiration. Yuh Being 17 Went On That Mission Trip To Help Others In The Need Of Help. Me Being 14 Want To See How HAPPY Yuh Were Before Yuh Left This World.
    I Try Not Be Sad Anymore But Everytime Yuh Come Up On My Facebook It's Hard To Hold It In . I Burst Out Crying. :'( I Also Burst Out Crying When Someone Brings Up Any Death. I Miss Hearing Yuhr Beautiful Laugh. Yuhr Beautiful Skinny Body Running Around At Church. Yuhr ADORABLE Voice That Yuh Could Hear From MILES Away . I Miss YUH .
    I Know I Shouldn't Be Sad, So I Won't. Just Because I Know What Yuh Are Probably Saying Yuh'd Be Looking Down At Me And Saying "Don't Worry Mooon Be Happy!" :D
    Always In Our Hearts.
    Gone But NEVER Forgotten.
    It's Not A Goodbye It's A See Ya Later Buddy!
    12/27/1994 - 9/8/2012
    Live.Laugh.Love. - Marimar Alvarez
    I'll See Yuh Soon. I Promise. <3
    And I'll Go Try And Visit Yuh Sometime Soon So We Can Chill Beautiful.<3
    I Love Youu! <3

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. UnorthodoxDoll UnorthodoxDoll
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 1:40pm UTC
    We'll all just be stories someday
    But in that moment,
    I swear we were

  4. wanderer* wanderer*
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 10:03pm UTC
    It's weird. When your alive, you're just another face in the crowd. But when you pass, you were unique, wonderful, kind, inspirational and funny. I think of loved ones that passed away and the same thing happened with them. Right now on Witty, I'm just another girl looking for a dream. But if I were to die tomorrow, I'd be the most wonderful girl. People who didn't notice me before, will say how amazing I was.
    But why can't they do that now? Don't notice when I'm gone. Notice now.

  5. lillan122 lillan122
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 12:59pm UTC
    Buh bye, this is the last time I will be on this account, and well acutally I'm leaving forever, I cant go back on lilpoop, so maybe I might make a new account! I will put the account name on my comments! If I do make one!

  6. Vinita* Vinita*
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 2:24am UTC
    Friend:Sing the cheesiest song you know
    Me:I'm all out of love and I'm so lost with out you
    Friend:I found my new ringtone

  7. AnaCastro196 AnaCastro196
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 2:25am UTC

    Dont KEEP CALM

  8. Leondoor Leondoor
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 2:27am UTC
    Explaining classical music
    without the use of
    sophisticated and immense words
    is like describing the beauty of the universe
    but only in black and white.

  9. AnaCastro196 AnaCastro196
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 2:29am UTC
    Life is too short to be serious all the time.
    So if you can't laugh at yourself, call me...
    I'll laugh at you.

  10. JustCallMeLassie JustCallMeLassie
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 2:27am UTC
    We Are Young. Part one.
    I was sitting with them.. With the group of friends I've known since college. We were twenty-five, twenty-six, each one of us either dropped out early or already have quite well careers. This was our table. Only ours, at Ally's Pub that only us sat at, and if it wasn't us sitting at it then it was.. Well, that was impossible. Every second of our free time is spent here, and our free time was the same as anybody elses. Peg, the manager would stand behind the bar and yell at us, ' free insults ', or so he called them, and if we shot one good enough back at him, we got ' free acid '. It was quite the game, I suppose, and it kept from getting the little chit-chat from Steph about the co-worker she slept with last night, loose.
    Suddenly I was alone- besides Jeffrey who, though it was a glistening Friday night, had work tomorrow, and couldn't keep up with the antics my mates played in the bathrooms, getting high, sat on the tile floors with the faucets steaming, them all in hopes of getting the mirrors foggy. My one and only experience in there concluded that you couldn't do such a thing. Only showers worked.
    I grinned, and sat back, sliding an arm along the top edge of the half circle seating, kicking back, trying to pay attention to the slurred, tipsy words of Frey. My eyes flickered from his expression, and I puffed out a laugh to something only he probably thought funny then to the corner of the mediocre sized room. Another table- like ours - was placed without being missed, a group of gentleman with just one or two ladies sat. My eyebrows perked. Amy? Nah, it couldn't be. I sat up, trying to get a better view over the crowd. Being short wasn't an advantage this time.
    " Nathan, " I heard Jeff say pointedly. I heard him sigh- he knew well I wasn't listening to a word he said.
    " Mm? " I barely grunted and shook my head, tearing eyes from the girl. The sight of her depressed me- no, not because of any recent memory, but because she wasn't smiling. Just sitting there glumly while the guy in front of her attempted something cheery. She quirked a quick grimace, trying a grin but failing obviously, her oblivious.
    I look up to see a pair of thin built guys. Must be gays. Or I'd like to think so. I myself sighed, automatically standing up. They had always tried getting these seats just to annoy us. Today, I'll let them have it.
    " Ey, what's with the scar, Reusses. " How they knew my last name? No clue. The taller man pushed my hair back roughly with a palm, laughing heartily at, well the small, unnoticeable scar to people who weren't trying to look. I put my hands up in defense. I didn't want trouble. Not tonight.
    The other one slid down his shades to the tip of his nose to peek through them, snickering.
    Jeffrey rolls his eyes and hops up from his seat, stepping in front of my catty-corner vision to block it from Amy, though I was looking up at him. He gestures with a thumb towards the bar, " I'm just going to get some more wings.. " he trails off. Good for the Lad. Good for him. The amount of grandmothers wearing cheese hats specially made from Wisconsin in this room right now, was the amount of shyt's I gave about him getting food.
    " Okay, " I answered subtly and stands as well as Amy does, as well as the two guys plop down in our booth, as well as Jeffrey meanders up the camouflaged step to the bar that was always a joke to us old comers, the new comers usually tripping on it, sometimes even spilling their drinks though Peg new well not to ever be witnessed giving them their change back.
    She smoked. I knew that well, and that was what she most likely going to do, unless she lived somewhere close to this avenue which would have been crazy. Years ago would I have done something like this. I stumbled, in sobority, over a leg of a chair and take a moment to breath, looking back blankly at a overly large dark skinned guy, completely unaware of what happened to quiet me and shakes head in disappointment at said society of a pub. What were suppose to be my expectations?
    I rub my forehead with the back of my head, swishing my hair to make it look somewhat similar to before, and proceed out the revolving door, a blast of cold New York air hitting my face. It'd just snowed- some more. Great. My little gape at the incoherent man and the encounter with the Brookshire brothers made time pass, and it made me think that she probably did live somewhere close enough. I drooped my shoulders, scanning left, then right. Oh. I catch sight of her and the grin from before appears as I wander to where she is, dipping my head in sort of a respectful way, looking up to her recognizing eyes from the brim of my hair.
    It was her turn to gape- though luckily it wasn't the same way I looked at the bulky guy and she closed her mouth, looking at me in quite some interesting way. " Nate- " She cuts of, huffing out a laugh and I watched the white air from her breath disperse. " Nate! " she rather squeals, quietly, widening her mouth, her teeth showing in a smile, wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug.
    I had my own arms both sprawled on either side, offering the hug to her. When she took it, I took her, squeezing her gently with them draped around her middle.
    " Jesus, how long has it been.. " I murmur in her ear until I finally decide to pull away, her gaze resting on mine. I wanted to stop smiling, not sure why, but I wanted to. I found it awfully hard, though. So I didn't.
    " I.. I don't even know.. " She couldn't stop either, apparently.
    What made us close? Well the ideal of virginity lost sort of does it for us. High school.. Way back when, nine years. Going our seperate ways we've decided to just end it the last day of senior and blah.. blah, place more cheesy Nicholas Sparks words in here, and there you have it. This is the reunion of a lifetime.
    " Quite a while. " I chuckle, my limbs moving without my consult as I lift my fingers to brush back a few strands of her hair. It was of habbit. Some just don't break in 3k plus days. I blink, alarmed, only of which I'd be able to notice and drop my hand back to my side, stepping back. " So the hair.. ? " I question, carrying off as I motion one of my fingers down the side of my head.
    Thanks for reading. I've decided to do a story based off whatever song I'm listening to at that moment, and I may get the meanings wrong but who cares, I'm just doing this for my benefit of practicing my writing since it's a well quality everyone should try conquering. - Ellee xx

  11. beaniebaby beaniebaby
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 11:48pm UTC
    what happened to witty? Its like everyone has just left.. There used to be thousands of people on here and now everyones gone. I've had witty since 2011 and i feel like the only one left who still uses it..

  12. PirateChic97 PirateChic97
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 11:48pm UTC
    Rest in peace Talia & everybody that cancer has taken.
    Including my dad. <3 miss you like crazy <3

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. kristalorrainee5 kristalorrainee5
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 11:51pm UTC

  15. karsonblake karsonblake
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 11:51pm UTC
    That moment when
    you realize that you're in love
    with the person who just walked

  16. iluvyousomuch iluvyousomuch
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2013 7:30pm UTC
    My summer is already half over...
    where did all the time go?

  17. iluvyousomuch iluvyousomuch
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 7:33pm UTC
    You are beautiful ♥
    You are pretty ♥
    You are gorgeous ♥
    You are talented ♥
    You are intelligent ♥
    You are halarious ♥
    You are charming ♥
    You are sweet ♥
    You are kindhearted ♥
    You are genuinely nice ♥
    You are magical
    You are crazy ♥
    You are unique ♥
    You are special ♥
    You are loved ♥
    You are perfect ♥
    You are you, and you are unlike anyone else in the world. Don`t let anyone dull your sparkle. Ever. ♥

  18. lifewillbelife lifewillbelife
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 4:32am UTC
    Too all 3 that died in the bombings
    you will be remembered
    And too the 100 or so that were injured
    i wish a swift recovery for you


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