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Member Since: 28 Jul 2013 10:38pm

Last Seen: 28 Aug 2013 12:59pm

Gender: F

user id: 367612

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Hello, My name is Jenna. I am 15 years old and I am a cheerleader from my school. No, I am NOT a stereotypical cheerleader who judges everyone, I am NOT a size zero, I am NOT drop dead gorgeous, I AM an athelete who competes for her team. I've never once met a cheerleader that matches that stereotype so please don't assume I'm a bitch without feelings :)











  1. Jennaa_Smiith Jennaa_Smiith
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 10:36pm UTC
    She just sat there,
    no smile,
    no sparkle iin her eyes,
    She wasn't happy,
    but she wasn;t sad either.
    She was numb.
    You see,
    when you've been hurt enough times,
    that's all there is left.
    As if you're physically there,
    but your soul was just watching.
    You can't say anything.
    You can't do anything.
    You're just, t h e r e.
    I guess you can't really understand until
    it hapens to you,
    and that's the worst part.
    No one truley understands.
    You're basically numb,
    until you're in bed at night,
    middle of the night,
    just laying there,
    still numb,
    and your mind starts to wander..
    all the things you've messed up on,
    every mistake,
    every time someone's called you a name,
    the pain is worse than emotional..
    you begin feeling physical pain.
    You don't know what to do to make it stop.
    You lay there clutching your chest,
    tangled up in the blankets,
    your music's hopefully playing louder than your muffled whimpers..
    I guess it all depends how strong you are mentally,
    of what happens next..
    -JLS 8/1/13
    I wrote this. Please don't steal without credit and please let me know if you do. Thankyou, :)

  2. Jennaa_Smiith Jennaa_Smiith
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 8:54pm UTC
    It was a good day.
    She was feeling confident,
    She was getting along with her family,
    She was joking around with her teammates,
    She was even sincerely laughing.
    Eventually her smile dropped,
    and her eyes fell to the ground,
    trying not to look anyone in the face,
    or let any tears fall.
    "What happend?"
    Asked the girl next to her.
    "Nothing, it just always happens like this."
    "It's just, right when I'm feeling perfectly fine,
    someone always has to ruin it,
    has to put me down,
    make me feel worthless.
    As if nothing I do is right,
    and all my hardwork is bullsh*t."
    But there's a twist.
    The girl never asked her what happened,
    She never even noticed she was upset,
    All because she didn't drop her smile,
    let her eyes fall to the ground,
    or hold back any tears..
    All becuase she became all too fimiliar with this feeling.
    She became numb to herself.
    She was hurting,
    but hurting way too much to feel anything.
    She kept that smile on her face,
    and her eyes on her team,
    and her tears back,
    but only until she got home,
    and was locked in her room.
    Only then will she let out her emotions.
    None of this would have happened,
    If only society could look past a few extra pounds,
    or a girl without a thigh gap,
    or a girl who isn't completly caked in makeup,
    for a workout nonetheless.
    She would think she's ugly,
    when in reality,
    It's society that is ugly.
    -JLS 7/30/13
    I wrote this. Please don't steal without credit and please let me know if you do. Thankyou, :)

  3. Jennaa_Smiith Jennaa_Smiith
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 12:47am UTC
    She was lonely
    I could see it in her eyes.
    She was always smiling
    Seemed so happy, didn't she?
    Her laugh was so genuine
    But I knew something was off
    with that "perfect life" she portrayed.
    She was a cheerleader,
    She had pretty hair,
    Her eyes had a certain spark to them,
    Her teeth were straight,
    and her parents got along.
    But there was something about her,
    that threw me off.
    I was quite entrigued I guess you could say.
    I would drive past her on her walk home from school.
    Right when she would turn that corner
    and was out of everyone's view,
    Her smile had faded.
    Her sparkling eyes showed a hidden sadness.
    Her headphones in,
    forgetting the world around her.
    A silent tear trickled down the side of her face,
    leaving a trail of makeup.
    With the flick of a wrist
    And a change of song thorugh her headphones
    It was gone and she checked her surroundings
    making sure she was unseen.
    She looked at me,
    surely noticing i was looking at her,
    with a smile on her face
    and if i didn't know any better
    i would have bought the act she was playing
    like she was perfectly fine.
    She turned back around,
    walking a little faster than before
    And wiped another tear from her face..
    She was running now,
    Probably hoping I wasn't still watching.
    She turned the corner and shewas gone.
    I wonder about that girl,
    If she's okay.
    If she has someone to vent to.
    If she, wonders about me sometimes..
    She had a secret life.
    That the world will never know.
    Not even me.
    -JLS 7/30/13
    I wrote this. Please don't steal without credit and please let me know if you do. Thankyou, :)

  4. Jennaa_Smiith Jennaa_Smiith
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2013 11:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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