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Member Since: 3 Mar 2010 07:19pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 102819

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I like boys, writing, editing, soccer, Justin Bieber, Christian Beadles, Taylor Lautner, music, movies, twilight, books, hanging with friends, tanning, 

bitches, drama, homework, people with big egos, jonas brothers, and much more.

March 3rd, 2010
Yeahh I forgot my password again! but not my fault I got the mac WHOHOO! oh yeah babayy! with my best friend sleepover school with her tomorrow =/
March 4th
In 20 days it will be the day my best friend died. R.I.P. <3. Today was a busy day at school and my ex best guy friend (we liked each other, had a thing now he hates  me) decided it would be fun to go flirt with my best friend. i hate youMarch 7th,Went to the mall with my best friend and two other friends. had a great time. Watching the Oscars!(: school tomorrow =//
March 9th,Yo! Best day of my life so far. Monday night im going to a JUSTIN BIEBER concert and meeting him. i cant wait its gonna be the best day of my life<3
March 10th, 
Hey! Back from school with the deelo !  5 days until I meet Justin Bieber, can not wait. Grrr..I have homework. Imma do that laterr.  
March 11th
hey. bad day. I hate guys and I hate one of my best friends who i am making it ex best friends! Im taking off the apron of our best friendship and other symbolic memories etc... there we arent best friends;;I hate you
March 13th,
Its 4:09 in the morning and I cant fall asleep. 1. because I dont feel good and 2 because Im barely tired so blah.. Im just gonna listen to my ipod and fall asleep as soon as I can I guess. Peace oh two days till I meet Justin!
March 14th
Meeting JB tomorrow<3 pumped!!! wish me luckk that i wont cry ! 
March 17th
So the concert from JB was good up until some girls jumped to the section I was and I hurt my ankle. And I didnt meet JB at the meet and greet cause it wasnt both you got thrown into a picture without even saying a word to him but the good part is when his best friend Ryan Butler saw me he told Justin and Justin felt bad so he hung out with me till I went to the hospital...Im on crutches yay...not.
April 3th 11:00-
fun day;;made sandwiches for poor then hung out with friends! and we were wrong boys do care once they see your witty and realize itEaster tomorrow if Im not on happy Easter to everyone(:
April 5th 3:42-
first day back to school since break. that was something. missed a few homework things since I left them at home but wtf who gives homework over the break thats due the first day! Not feeling 100%! oh well(
:April 10th
Watching Justin Bieber on SNL with my bestie Brianna! haha Justin is so funny and hot! we love him  to death SLEEPOVER
April 11th
You Smile....I smile :)
April 14th,I
HATE PEOPLE. Bad day today cried to my friends on the bus not fun. I had a bad day for multiple reasons and lets just say all those "friends" of mine are annoying and need to stop telling other friends things about me that arent true. thanks.April 21st,For the past 3 days I've been sick): went to the doctors today and I DIDNT LIKE THE DOCTOR. gosh. dont you just love hate when your real doctor is not there? April 22nd,I hate teachers. I 'insulted' a teacher when i asked if there was any work that I missed and then the nurse said I could go do it in supp so I could eat since i havent ate in 3 days since i havent felt good and then LIED about it so of course I got in trouble but the teacher is ok since I did good on what i had to make up. =/
April 26
ew ELA's tomorrow and wednesday. Funn! we had a prep rally on friday to get us pumped. fail. lmao! I really hate this new layout thing for witty. I want the old one back.
May 2nd
did a walk through at Wendys with my friend Brianna. We then decided to pull a prank on ppl so I took my camera and we ran up and said we were doing a school project and needed to know why you picked Wendys over Mcdonalds. after we asked one person we went up to guys but the prank backfired when one said, "Wait your Kristie." turns out it was one of my best friends brother.May 14ththis will be short. Went on a field trip today with my class. from 6 am to 9:30pm. It was fun till the way home...I just wish...nevermind.
May 26th
visiting family, family dying, and so much more. Im not even in my own state but people still hate. I dont go to people anymore. I go to my witty friends. I love you guys(:
July 10th,AT MY BEST FRIENDS SARAHS HOUSE[: summer is here whoop. well its been here for like two weeks but still. life is gooddd. haha. kill em with kindness..went swimming at 2 am with her. made fake us cause we are just bamf like that. DONT FORGET TO YES DANCE
July 14th,
I've been hanging out with my two guy friends yesterday and today but now I don't want to hang out with one cause it turns out he likes me...fml. its awkward..i have to admit. Anyway! do you like my stories? please tell me if you do or not. give me advice what to make better or i can fix.
August  5th,
how is everyone's summer? i hope its going good! mine is. i just got back from vcay and writers block so i gotta catch up with everything! hahaha:)
August 28th
I made a story account with my friend Bella, its called TheStoryBegins. Check it out. Stories will be up soon! Also, I'm going to TWO Bieber concerts on Monday and Tuesday EXCITED.
September 24th, 
Schools started a two weeks ago. Went to a surprise party today. Honestly. I hate guys. Mostly when they lie.
�About this chick.
Heyy hotties! My name is Kristie. Yeah I know I spelt my name wrong in the username. Dont judge. hahaha! I'm 13 year young and this black hair and black (well really deep brown looks black) eyed girl came into this world on December 13th. The girl in the picture yes in deed is me but I don't look like that anymore LOL. that was like months ago but now I have side bangs and look more...mature. haha. I'm in love with Justin drew Bieber and Christian Jacob Beadles. My best friends are a few girls and they are very special to me. Like my stories? well please tell me what i can do to better or what i need to fix. Need to know more? well come talk to me. I don't bite.
Thanks for commenting!
  1. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 4:53pm UTC
    My School Banned The 'I Love Boobie' bracelets.
    We made a deal that if we got 200 people to sign a petition and 200 hundred people that we don't know to some how show that they think is wrong and tell why they will re think it. Please favorite or comment on why you think its wrong!
    Remember: Save A Breast.

  2. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2010 6:02pm UTC
    Why I haven't been posting my story:
    On August 30th and 31st I had my 2nd bieber experience. I met 16 (including justin from a long time ago 17) It was so much fun. The crew is so amazing! AND CHRISTIAN BEADLES IS SO HOT IN PERSON...and Caitlin Beadles is really nice. My video with all the pictures of them with me:
    another reason:
    I have a story account with one of my friends, the account name is TheStoryBegins. So check it out. Its kinda broken at the moment it wont let us post but we are fixing it!

  3. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2010 11:18pm UTC
    New Story account
    TheStoryBegins !
    check it out. I'll still post my stories here though:)

  4. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2010 10:15pm UTC
    It WIll Be Our Secret Forever
    Chapter 3 part 2:
    I pressed my lips against hers. I glanced at what she was wearing; short shorts and a tank top. Hot. I pressed my body to hers. Yeah, I wasn't going to do anything with her. We were only just making out.
    I didn't want to go to home base with Justin. Were only 16 and I have a life full a head of me. I don't need a kid right now. Be a virgin till married is key. I opened my mouth slightly feeling Justin's tongue pushing against my teeth as a hint. Suddenly the door opened and Justin fell off the bed. I giggled but quickly covered my mouth.
    "DUDE!" Chaz covered his eyes.
    "What the hell man?" Justin groaned.
    "Sorry. We didn't know." Ryan quickly apologize knowing not to upset Justin.
    "Whatever" Justin sat back on the bed with me and put his arm around me.
    "But yeah, Pattie says desert is on the table.." Chaz darted out of the room with Ryan behind him. I shrugged and grabbed Justins hand.
    "Come on," I smiled and pecked him one more time leading him out.
    I watched Alex lead the way. She was beautiful, how did I get so damn lucky? We sat down across from Ryan and Chaz and watched them stuff their faces with cake.
    "Pigs," I scoffed.
    "French" Ryan smirked.
    "Kiss" Chaz finished off.
    "Douches." I shot back. Alex sat their quietly nibbling at her cake. I noticed she was quiet today and kept her eyes on her plate when she ate. That was different for her.

  5. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2010 11:29pm UTC
    to all my readers:
    I am going away for three days but get this: Ill write at least five parts to my story and type them on witty as soon as i get home! SO BE READY FOR A MINI MARATHON :) <3

  6. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 3:07am UTC
    30 Days, 30 letters
    Day 23- last person you kissed
    Dear Joe,
    haha you seem to come up here a lot.. but yeah. You aren't my cold lips anymore. Inside jokes fall alway when people don't talk to people anymore. You probably wish we never kissed or however you can make that plural. I understand. When did 'ILY' have two meanings? I always thought it meant 'i love you' but in this case maybe it means 'I'm leaving you'...

  7. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 3:01am UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:38am UTC
    30 days, 30 letters
    Day 22-someone you want to give a second chance to
    Dear everyone i pushed away,
    come back into my life now. i need more friends and people who will stay by my side. I'm sorry<3

  9. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:34am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:32am UTC
    30 days 30 letters,
    Day 20-the one who broke my heart the hardest.
    Dear Joe,
    you were my only thing/boyfriendish person so......thanks for getting me a step closer to my happy ever after and getting me ready for the harder heart brokes.

  11. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:30am UTC
    30 days, 30 letters,
    Day 19- someone who pesters your mind (Good or bad)
    Dear Joe.
    it annoys me a lot how you said you would be here for me when I needed you. Well when i needed help you didn't answer, you ignored the text message saying I needed help and advice, someone to just make me smile instead of crying; its funny how James answered instead.

  12. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:18am UTC
    30 days, 30 letters
    day 18- someone you wish you could be
    Dear her,
    I wish I could be you; you get all the guys and everything. I wish I was as pretty and funny as you. But the one thing I don't wish of you that I could be is how bitchy you are.

  13. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:17am UTC
    30 days, 30 letters
    Day 17- someone from your childhood
    Dear Austin
    Even though we were only 3 I miss doing our pranks on the other kids; pulling down their pants and stuff like that. We were evil little kids. Parents called us the dynamic duo. I hope I run into you one day and we can see how much each other has changed.

  14. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:15am UTC
    30 days, 30 letters
    day 16- someone not in your state/country
    Dear Marissa,
    I MISS YOU GIRL. I miss my old best friend. I have no way of contacting you cause you don't have a facebook or cell phone. Come visit or I'll have to come visit you <33333

  15. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:09am UTC
    30 letters, 30 days.
    Day 15- the person you miss the most
    Dear Gramz,
    I miss you and your smile. For the two years that I knew you we always had a fun time. I loved beating you in Candyland even though I knew you would let me win. I was always the blue and you were the red. I miss sitting on the dock with you having our feet dangle in the water feeding the ducks. (well yours touched the water mine was far from it). I miss our boat rides and me sitting in your lap. Never did I know that one day I would lose you. I remember not letting the nurse come into your bedroom because I was afraid she was going to hurt you. I also remember running into the room shouting "boo!" and thinking I scared you when you were really dead. I just want my Grandma back. I want to be little again and be in your arms.
    I love you so much and miss you lots,
    your lil boo.

  16. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:05am UTC
    30 letters, 30 days
    Day 14-someone you drifted away from
    Dear Lexa,
    we used to be best friends two summers ago. We slept over each other's houses every night and had so many inside jokes. We were always saying "best friends forever! <3" but who am I kidding? I was just another best friend, you get a new one every summer it feels like but now its basically the peanut butters. I feel excluded, and its not only me everyone does. But the truth is....I miss my clubpenguin sister<3.
    Kristie a.k.a. Ulea. (even though i dont go on cp anymore haha)

  17. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2010 2:02am UTC
    30 Letters, 30 Days
    Day 13-Someone you wish could forgive you
    Dear anyone who is mad at me right now,
    I'm really sorry for whatever I did to make you mad. I didn't mean too. I just really hope you could forgive me because the truth is...I need everyone right now because I'm falling apart day...by day.
    Love always,

  18. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2010 11:50pm UTC
    For all my readers reading 'It Will Be Our Secret Forever' I have a question!
    would you guys rather have me get a fanfiction ?

  19. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 7:41pm UTC
    30 letters, 30 days
    Day 12- the person you hate/caused you the pain the most.
    Dear friends,
    every single one of you have done something wrong to me and caused me to be in pain. But it happens to everyone....I guess.

  20. ItsKrisitieLoves ItsKrisitieLoves
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 6:31pm UTC
    It Will Be Our Secret Forever
    Chapter 2; part 10
    "Man we are going to play COD all day long baby!" Chaz punched Justin in the arm playfully.
    "How bout some bball first?" Ryan offered.
    "COD until we get to a place where we can play bball." I walked over to the t.v. and turned on xbox. Ryan and Chaz plopped themselves next to me and we started to play. Ryan and Chaz always knew how to make me to feel better and totally forget what I had coming up.
    I sat behind the guys watching them, sighing from boredom. How did guys find this fun? I questioned myself as I pulled my silky hair back.
    "Justin, I'm going to go take a nap." I lied trying to get away from this.
    "ya, ya. Okay go ahead." he was to busy caught up in his game to even car. I frowned and got up making my way to the bunks. Stupid COD, stupid boys, stupid Justin. He didn't even realize something was wrong with me. WITH ME. I crossed my arms and just laid there for what seemed more then an hour.
    "Alex?" a voice called. I heard the door click close. It was Justin.
    "What?" my voice broke.
    "Come out." he answered. I walked over to him not saying anything just staring him down.
    "What's wrong?" his eyes were filled with worry.
    "What about me, Justin? You totally just shut me down when I tried getting your attention but you were to busy up in COD to even notice, what is it that I don't have?" I cried out obviously annoyed and upset.
    "A mute button," he mumbled.
    "WHAT?" I screamed. I pushed him out and locked the door crying hard.
    "Alex, I didn't mean to say that." Justin knocked on the door five minutes later.
    "Yes, you did."
    "Alex, please." She didn't answer after that. All I heard was her muffled cries and hiccups. Guilt was all over me and I felt horrible. "Alex, babe, please." I called out to her again.
    "Give her some time to be alone, JB" Ryan suggested.
    "I'll be out here when you want to talk," I whispered to the door before heading over to the table. I looked up at Alfredo, Chaz, and Ryan who were frowning and shaking their heads in sync.
    "What?" I growled.
    "Nothing." Alfredo just went back to work on his lap top and I took a sip of water. It was about eleven thirty when Alex finally came out. We looked at each other for a little before she grabbed a water and went to go sit with my mom. I sighed and looked at Chaz and Ryan who were all up in their conversation. I got up and sat down next to my mom. The bus stopped and opened their doors.
    "We have a flat tire." the driver called. "Shouldn't be long."
    "Alex, listen." I saw her glance at my mom who shook her head. I offered my hand and she placed hers in mine. I squeezed it and led her outside. "Alex, babe, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that, not at all. You are so much more then a COD game to me. You should know that, and I just was upset and confused. I was so happy to be hanging with my friends acting like a normal person for once. Then I said that to you and I felt like I was a mean person and I just couldn't do that. I don't know how many times I have to say sorry but please, accept my apology." She crossed her arms staring into my eyes. I grabbed onto her waist pushing her against the bus. She wrapped her arms around my neck.
    "I love you, Justin Drew."
    "I love you more, Alexandra Hope."


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